In The Continuing Defense Of Dana Delaney Loyd Circuit Judge Morgan L. Reinman Denies Motions To Recuse Herself Is The Eighteenth Judicial Circuit An On-Going Criminal Enterprise? |
August 12, 2018 |
This article is a long read - into a big problem within Florida's Eighteenth Judicial Circuit.
This publication has been following and reporting on the arrest and criminal prosecution of child advocate Dana Delaney Loyd since her August 2015 arrest by the Brevard County Sheriff's Office. Loyd, the then chief editor of BrevardsBestNews.Com* was arrested on August 28, 2015 under the criminal charge of filing a false report to the Florida Abuse Hotline. *Loyd's web publication was removed from the Internet in order to insure compliance with Judge Lemonidis' sentencing requirements. It's our OPINION that these requirements are illegal and un-American - but hey that's just us - you can read our earlier articles and draw your own conclusions. In our OPINION, the government censorship of Loyd's web publication sets a dangerous precedent - that challenges the very founding and fundamental principles of our country. Sadly, such belittlement of the press in general, and of free expression in the particular** - seems to be our new political vogue. It is indeed a sad day in America - when some of our leaders refer to long respected media outlets as "fake news" - while some of these same individuals tout publications such as the National Enquirer as reliable news sources. **During Loyd's April 2017 sentencing - Judge Robin Lemonidis referred to Loyd's web publication as "fake news". |
As Published On FlCourts18.Org ![]() *** - VolusiaExposed.Com has NO OPINION regarding the veracity of the allegations lodged against the father - whether by the mother of the child, or by Dana Loyd. We DO express the OPINION that the Brevard County Sheriff's Office on at least (3) three separate ocassions failed to properly investigation these allegations - primarily for TWO reasons. One - the initial investigating deputy appears to have a friendship with the subject father - and Two - the initial assigned judge, Judge George Maxwell expressed a rather disturbing (HIGH) tolerance for pedophilia - that we suspect negatively influenced any honest and fair review of the allegations lodged against the subject father. Want to know more .... then read our earlier articles - it's all in there. |
However, far more dangerous to the welfare of our democracy is when our government abuses their law enforcement powers in order to silence a media critic.
Such government abuse and over reach exists in the Loyd case - and it's not just our OPINION - it is well known throughout the Brevard criminal justice system - with at least one Brevard County deputy voicing it on the sheriff's office very own Facebook page. Loyd first came to this publication's attention in or around 2012. Loyd's publication - BrevardsBestNews.Com was actively exposing corruption within the Brevard County justice system. Loyd, through her publication, had exposed several corrupt police officers, some of whom had sexually engaged minors. In December 2013, nearly two years prior to her arrest - this publication published an article that saluted Loyd's efforts of rooting out corruption within Brevard County. With little doubt - Loyd's articles were embarrassing local law enforcement agencies, the State Attorney's office, and the local judiciary. Loyd eventually became the target of these local government officials, over her coverage of a long litigated child custody case - whereas the mother had alleged that her pre-teen daughter reported that her father was sexually engaging her. These matters (allegations) were also reviewed by a North Carolina Sheriff's Office - we challenge you to review the North Carolina report without coming to the realization that your hand is independently reaching for the phone in order to call the abuse hotline***. *** - VolusiaExposed.Com has NO OPINION regarding the veracity of the allegations lodged against the father - whether by the mother of the child, or by Dana Loyd. We DO express the OPINION that the Brevard County Sheriff's Office on at least (3) three separate ocassions failed to properly investigation these allegations - primarily for TWO reasons. One - the initial investigating deputy appears to have a friendship with the subject father - and Two - the initial assigned judge, Judge George Maxwell expressed a rather disturbing (HIGH) tolerance for pedophilia - that we suspect negatively influenced any honest and fair review of the allegations lodged against the subject father. Want to know more .... then read our earlier articles - it's all in there. It is of interest that during Loyd's trial - the prosecutor indicated that the North Carolina investigation was "unfounded". In reality - North Carolina had no jurisdiction regarding alleged sex crimes that transpired in Brevard County, Florida. It would appear that North Carolina only wanted to collect the evidence and forward it to Florida for proper review and investigation. Loyd had concerns, like we do, that Brevard County officials, with particular attention given to the Brevard County Sheriff's Office (BCSO), were failing to honestly and properly investigate the allegations lodged against the subject father. The BCSO's failures appeared to be linked to two things. First, evidence suggested that the subject father and the BCSO investigator were friends. Second, the judge assigned to the custody case had already ruled that the subject father had not sexually engaged his daughter. What police officer wishes to advise a judge that he was wrong, especially involving a case of sexual abuse of a child? Adding insult to injury - the judge assigned to the custody case was Circuit Court Judge George Maxwell. On-line media records from 2001 indicate that Judge Maxwell has a rather high tolerance for pedophilia - so much so, that the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) requested, and received, his removal from child custody cases. By 2004, Judge Maxwell was back hearing child custody case when he was assigned the subject custody case. With little to no doubt - something rotten is going on within the ranks of the Brevard County criminal justice system - and it is tainted in testosterone. Sex scandals abound throughout the local criminal justice system. Whether it is a deputy having sex with a female jail inmate, or a police officer having sex with underage police explorers, or the firing of two deputies for their involvement with a local prostitute, attached to the shooting of another deputy - Brevard County has a sexual perversion problem within it law enforcement agencies. If sex scandals don't peak your interest - then maybe the fact that four (4) Brevard County deputies have been recently arrested for DUI will. Generally, police and judicial corruption are like a insect infestation - if you see three or more cockroaches - you have many more cockroaches crawling around within your walls, and it is time to call the exterminator. However, based on our review - in order to rid Brevard's corruption infestation - it will be necessary to tent and fumigate the entire criminal justice system. In our OPINION, the Penn State / Jerry Sandusky child sex scandal is a fair comparison of what is transpiring within the eighteenth judicial circuit's criminal justice system. Like in the Penn State scandal - many in positions of authority (were) are aware of the sexual perversion - but they knowingly engaged in a cover-up in order to protect the status quo. In the Brevard County model - the football team equates to the law enforcement agencies, and the university equates to the eighteenth judicial circuit as a whole. Some of our past articles have provided the documentation to support that both Judge George "a little pedophilia" Maxwell and Judge Morgan Reinman have at least one thing in common - they appear to support that the subject father did not sexually abuse his daughter***. See attached January 8, 2016 Judicial Order stating - "this court has made prior detailed findings that the former husband did not engage in sexual contact with the minor child" - Judge Reinman within our June 3, 2018 article. They (Maxwell & Reinman) believe in the father's innocence so much - that they placed a gag order on the case, which effectively kept law enforcement officers from interviewing the child, and restricted the mother's visitation rights - until she openly recants that her daughter ever advised her of being sexually abused. The subject mother has so far refused to do so, and even if the mother does recant - the subject child has also advised a well seasoned North Carolina investigator of the very same abuse. However, restricting any law enforcement investigations, and keeping the mother from her child were not enough to insure the status quo - they (Maxwell & Reinman) needed to silence Investigative Reporter, Dana Delaney Loyd. They have effectively accomplished that via Judge Lemonidis' sentencing of Loyd. Loyd's website was removed, and she is gagged by order of the Court. From our stand point - there is absolutely no way for the Court to know conclusively whether the allegations against the father are true or false. This publication has concluded that the Court doesn't care if the allegations have merit or not. In our OPINION - like in the Penn State scandal - the powers that be - need the allegations against the subject father to be ruled as false, regardless if that conclusion is the truth or not the truth. It would be an embarrassment of global portions for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, if it was ever established that the subject father had sexually abused his daughter - especially if it got out that this whole fiasco was initially orchestrated by Judge George "a little pedophilia" Maxwell (more on Maxwell later within this article). Local, state, national and worldwide media outlets would have a field day digitally crucifying the entire Eighteenth Judicial Circuit. Being digitally crucified for failing to properly address child abuse is nothing new within the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit. As addressed in our September 12, 2015 article - a National media outlet published an article that was highly critical of the failures within the Eighteenth's child welfare system. Judge Maxwell has assumed the role of former Penn State Head Coach, Joe Paterno. He (Maxwell) knew, or at the very least should have known that these allegations against the subject father should be honestly and properly investigated. But like Jerry Sandusky, the subject father is well liked within the very law enforcement community that would be charged with holding him accountable***. After all, the subject father was a very well respected athletic coach (feel that irony racing through your blood?) - having access to many of Brevard's children. Who would want to be the responsible party for Brevard's very own Jerry Sandusky?***. Yeah they (Court, police, state attorney) better hold out for the HOPE that nothing ever comes of the mother's allegations, Loyd's articles (that now have been censored by the Court), OR the Craven Court Sheriff's Office report. Because if these allegations*** EVER pan out to be true - hell will becoming to breakfast in Brevard County, Florida. The Crosley Green scandal will be a fart in a hurricane, when compared to the level of stink that this fiasco will generate. Records indicate that Judge Maxwell retired in December 2016. However, records also support that the Florida Supreme Court granted Judge Maxwell a senior judge status effective February 2017. This publication has received information that Judge George Maxwell's involvement in an on-going child custody case is quickly becoming problematic. More of this particular topic should the situation continue to develop. VolusiaExposed.Com again forwards the theory - supported with documentary and video evidence - that Loyd's arrest was actually in response to her efforts as the chief editor of BrevardsBestNews.Com of exposing the corruption that runs through the Brevard County criminal justice system - and NOT for making an alleged false call to the abuse hotline. VolusiaExposed.Com has posted over thirty (30) articles that challenged the "official law enforcement" rationale for Loyd's arrest. Fortunately - this publication does not stand alone in questioning whether the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit is nothing more than a criminal enterprise of corupt police officers, prosecutors and judges? The local publication BrevardBusinessNews.Com (not affiliated with Loyd's publication - BrevardsBestNews.Com) has also been addressing, and exposing the corruption associated with the Loyd prosecution. Upon the completion of a March 2017 sham trial - Loyd was convicted of making the alleged false call to the abuse hotline. In April 2017 - Judge Lemonidis sentenced Loyd to one year in jail, one year of house arrest, followed by three years of probation. On December 5, 2017 - Loyd was released from the Orange County jail. By December 29, 2017 - the Florida Department of Corrections (DOC) had filed a probation violation of her. In short DOC alleged that Loyd had not totally removed her Internet presence - a special - and we argue illegal condition of her probation. (our OPINION is that of a non-legal & non-attorney nature - and should NOT be taken as legal advice) We also argued within our June 3, 2018 article that members of the DOC falsified their violation of probation (VOP) report. Once again do you feel the irony running within your blood - Loyd is a convicted felon because the State alleges that she filed a false child abuse report - but now it would seem that the State is falsifying a VOP report on Loyd. On March 26, 2018 this publication published an article that explored the Loyd trial transcripts - we presented evidence that suggested that trial Judge Robin Lemonidis colluded with Loyd's two trial attorneys in order to deny Loyd a fair and impartial trial. Three days after the publication of our article - and without providing a reason, Judge Lemonidis recused herself from the Loyd case. Shortly thereafter, Judge Morgan Reinman became the newly assigned judge in the Loyd case. However, as covered in our May 5, 2018 article Judge Reinman was one of many judges that has been assigned to the subject child custody case. In fact during a December 21, 2015 custody hearing - Judge Reinman stated that allegations against the father have resurfaced because of Dana Delaney (Loyd). Reinman further memorialize those comments within a January 8, 2016 order - in which Reinman orders the subject mother to contact Loyd and request that Loyd stop questioning the official findings of the Court, that the subject father was not sexually engaging his pre-teen daughter. Recently, Loyd's attorney filed two Motion(s) For Recusal requesting that Judge Morgan L. Reinman recuse herself from Loyd's criminal case (VOP prosecution). Judge Reinman has promptly denied both motions. This publication is NOT surprised by Judge Reinman's refusal to recuse herself. The Eighteenth Judicial Circuit has a rather long and interesting history of failing to immediately acknowledge judicial bias. Why - because in the OPINION of this publication the entire Eighteenth Judicial Circuit is an on-going criminal enterprise - plain and simple. In July 2017 - almost a year prior to Loyd's trial - Loyd's trial attorney filed a motion requesting that Judge Lemonidis recuse herself from the Loyd case. The motion for recusal alleged that Judge Lemonidis had violated judicial ethics. Judge Lemomidis promptly denied the recusal motion. However, within three days of the publication of our March 26, 2018 article, in which we alleged that Judge Lemonidis colluded with Loyd's trial attorneys - Lemonidis self recuses herself from the Loyd case- without providing an explanation for the recusal. So in the end, it took Judge Lemonidis over a year and half to finally realize that Loyd's defense attorney was correct, that Lemonidis had a conflict of interest in the Loyd case. Unfortuately, the damage had already been done - Lemonidis was Loyd's trial judge during the March-April 2017 trial and sentencing - and during her December 2017 appeal in front of the 5th District Court of Appeal. How convenient that was for Judge Lemonidis - she wrecked havoc with her judicial bias throughout all of Loyd's pre-trial hearings, her trial, and her sentencing - only to quietly, and without explanation - recuse herself. Then, not much unlike a tag team wrestling match, Judge Lemonidis reaches out and tags Judge Reinman so that she can enter the ring (courtroom) and finish off Loyd with a judicial body slam. Take the time to make a special note of whom Judge Lemonidis sent her recusal notice to - in the lower left hand corner you will note that Judge Reinman received a copy. In our OPINION - the above equates to -----> Tag, Judge Reinman - your it, now finish her off...XOXOX, Judge Lemonidis ! Yet Another Example Of Judicial Bias Within The Eighteenth Judicial Circuit In an recent un-related - but relevant case, 18th Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler initially refused to recuse herself from a death penalty case, whereas she had also refused to grant the defendant a new trial. The request for retrial was based on the following facts. First, someone else had on numerous occasions confessed to the murders. Second, newly discovered DNA evidence tended to clear the defendant - while indicting the confessor. Fortunately for the defendant - the Florida Supreme Court over-ruled Judge Recksiedlder's decision and granted the defendant a new trial. The defendant's defense team provided evidence that Judge Recksiedler was attempting to use her refusal to grant the defendant a new trial - as an argument of why she should be appointed to the 5th District Court of Appeal. In short - Judge Recksiedler appeared to be willing to allow a probable innocent man to be executed - just so she could look tough on crime, thereby gaining the judicial nomination. In our book - that is one cold hearted person, not worthy of wearing judicial robes. But unfortuately, that is accepted practice within the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit (Brevard & Seminole). How does this publication defend it's declaration that the above is accepted practice within the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit - easy - Judge Recksiedler is still on the bench - and no one has apparently filed a Judicial Qualifications Commission (JQC) complaint against her for being willing to throw a man's life away in exchange for a judicial promotion. However, Judge Recksiedler is no JQC virgin -- her judicial cherry got popped in 2014 when she lied to the 5th DCA Judicial Nominating Commission regarding her driving record. This publication was there and video recorded the judicial lie. In fact - when the Florida Supreme Court (FSC) took formal disciplinary action on Recksiedler - they (FSC) mentioned the efforts of this publication (see page 2 - FSC decision). Now think on that a bit - a circuit court judge lies to a formal government body - and then attempts to gain a judicial promotion by refusing a man on death row a new trial - and that judge remains on the bench. Dana Loyd - who is alleged to have lied while making a call to the Florida Abuse Hotline - abuse that officials openly admit they can not investigate due to a judicial gag order (see Loyd's trial transcripts / courtroom video) - was arrested, prosecuted, tried, and sentenced, and now is a convicted felon. one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Yet Another Example Of Judicial Bias Within The Eighteenth Judicial Circuit If you have not already heard enough to convince you that the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit has a credibility deficit - then let us not forget Judge John C. Murphy - who brought international shame to the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit when he engaged an assistant public defender (APD) in a physical confrontation, due to the APD's refusal to waive his clients' U.S. Constitutional right to a speedy trial. Sadly, in our OPINION, Judge Murphy's disregard for judicial & constitutional principles is the norm within the entire Eighteenth Judicial Circuit. Judge Murphy was eventually removed from office by the Florida Supreme Court. However, the Judicial Qualifications Commission (JQC), then chaired by 5th DCA Judge Kerry I. Evander had only recommended a suspension and fine. Judge Evander, prior to his appointment to the 5th Distict Court of Appeal, was a circuit court judge within the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit. Judge Evander's connections with the 5th DCA, the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, and the JQC will become more relevant as this article continues. |
Judge Maxwell Early within this article, this publication stated that Judge Reinman and Judge Maxwell had one thing in common - the belief that the subject father of the child custody case connected to Loyd's criminal prosecution was innocent of the sex abuse allegations. Well, upon additional investigation - this publication has discovered some other disturbing connections between these two judges. However, before we explore these judicial connections - let's get more acquainted with both Judge Morgan L. Reinman & Judge George Maxwell. Appointed or Elected? According to on-line & State records Judge Reinman was APPOINTED to the bench in 2003 by then Governor Jeb. Bush. Ever since being appointed, she has run unopposed in every election cycle. In short, not one single member of the electorate within the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit has EVER cast a vote, during an election, in favor of Judge Reinman's retention as a judge - not one single vote. Now many may say - why does it matter whether she is an appointed judge or an elected judge? Our reply would be - exactly, why does it matter to Judge Reinman? Because, as noted on her official BIO page (see above) - Judge Reinman states that she is an elected judge from 2003 to present. That is just not true. |
This publication has taken the liberty of providing our readers with an entire screenshot of Judge Reinman's BIO page - as it was posted within the Eighteenth Circuit's website as of July 26, 2018. (see upper right of page) We have also posted a screenshot of Judge Reinman's State of Florida Department of Elections (DOE) records. (see upper right of page) These DOE records clearly indicates that while Reinman filed to run in 2004, 2010 & 2016 - she ran unopposed each and every time. As citizens of the State of Florida - there is a hard lesson to be learned here - the government, the status quo - for the most part, prefers that judges be appointed, and not elected. There is an "un-written rule" within all of Florida's judicial circuits --- it is "unacceptable" to run a political campaign against a seated judge. Therefore, it is very unlikely that Judge Reinman will EVER have to face the voters of Brevard County. Therefore, her loyalty is not with the citizens of Brevard County, but rather her loyalty lies with the members of the status quo, the group that provided her with her judicial seat - the very same group of individuals that feel endangered by the likes of Dana Delaney Loyd. In May 2004, the Orlando Sentinel ran a short story that discusses the topic of judicial voter disenfranchisement. This publication (VolusiaExposed.Com) also ran an April 22, 2016 article detailing how Seventh Judicial Circuit Joseph G. Will manipulated his retirement date to ensure that a gubernatorial appointment replaced his seat, over an election by the people - it's a must read. So, we leave it to you - the electorate, to decide if Judge Reinman is being "less than honest" when she states in her BIO that she was elected in 2003 - present? There is more on Judge Reinman - later within this article. |
Judge George Maxwell In addition to Judge Maxwell's 2001 problems concerning his rather high tolerance for pedophilia, Judge Maxwell has had disciplinary action taken against him by the Florida Supreme Court (FSC) (2008). According to the attached FSC decision (see right of page) - Judge Maxwell thought it was appropriate for a judge to help a former law partner's sister avoid some of the legal ramifications of a domestic violence arrest. ..."And liberty and justice for all" - however, there appears to be a little more liberty & a little more justice, if you happen to be the sister of a judge's former law partner. In our OPINION Judge George Maxwell was willing, able, and open to doing "judicial favors" for associates within the legal community. You may ask - so what - what does that have to do with the Loyd prosecution, and with Judge Reinman having a conflict of interest in the Loyd case? |
Excellent question - and the answer is simply "Quid pro quo" - a Latin legal term meaning roughly - you do for me - and I'll do for you. Read on - it will become clear.
Judicial circuits, are like police departments - they are family. And like any family - blood (family) is always thicker than water (justice). When trying to prove judicial or law enforcement collusion - what you know - doesn't alway mean the same as what you can prove. However, this publication forwards the belief and OPINION that the documentation, and video records, we have secured over the last three years of the Dana Loyd prosecution prove that within the Eighteenth Judical Circuit, and sadly drifting into the Fifth District Court of Appeal, that a conspiracy exists within law enforcement and judicial ranks of silencing a media critic - Dana Delaney Loyd. This publication will now explore & EXPOSE the connections between Judge Morgan Reinman, Judge George Maxwell, and 5th DCA Judge Kerry I. Evander. Available public records indicate that in November 2007, then Circuit Court Judge Morgan L. Reinman married William J. Bubbers. ---> According to case # 05-2003-DR-063122, in 2003, Mr. Bubbers filed for divorce from his then spouse, Lois Steele. The filing transpired on Judge Reinman's docket. Records indicate that the 2003 Bubbers' divorce was not finalized. However, records support (case # 05-2005-DR-017530) that in 2005, Steele filed her own divorce petition - once again ending up on Judge Reinman's docket. Judge Reinman recused herself approximately three (3) month after the initial filing. In roughly two (2) years Judge Reinman and Mr. Bubbers would become man and wife. |
Obviously, there is the question of whether Judge Reinman's romantic involvement with Bubbers created an ethical violation? This publication intends to explore that particular matter within it's own independent article.
The record (see above right) also provides us notice that 5th DCA Judge Kerry I. Evander performed the Bubbers / Reinman 2007 marriage ceremony. How special that must have been for the two newlyweds - not having to settle for a mere assistant Clerk of the Court to perform their wedding ceremony. Does anyone, other than this publication, suspect that there may be a friendship between Judge Evander and at least one of the newlyweds? & Guest Author Denise Coyle Judge Evander was the subject of one of our thirty articles in our "Defense of Dana Delaney Loyd" series. In our May 28, 2017 article, we questioned Judge Evander's involvement in denying Loyd a bond while her conviction appeal processed it's way through the 5th DCA. Did Judge Evander have a judicial conflict of interest due to Loyd publishing an article critical of Judge Evander's sister-in-law? The critical December 2015 guest article was written by Denise Coyle. In the past, Coyle has provided media outlet(s) with a written diatribe on Judge George Maxwell. This publication can NOT verify the accuracy of the allegations within the diatribe. VolusiaExposed.Com's rationale for posting the diatribe is not to present it as factual - but rather as evidentiary that Loyd, and at least one of her guest authors, were not endeared to many within the law enforcement and judicial communities. We also memorialized within our May 28, 2017 article - Judge Evander's October 4, 1999 statement in front of the Brevard County Commission that -"judges cover for each other". On December 12, 2017 - Loyd's appellate attorney made an oral argument in front of the 5th DCA. The video of that oral argument was incorporated within our December 22, 2017 article. We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you take the time to watch the 5th DCA oral argument - so you can decide for yourself whether Loyd's attorney should have prevailed. In the end - the Court made a PCA ruling in favor of the State, which denied Loyd any rationale for the denial AND more importantly any effective appeal rights to the Florida Supreme Court. This publication has suspected that Loyd's appeal to the 5th DCA was judicially sabotaged - our main suspect being 5th DCA Judge Kerry I. Evander. Judge Evander was also the chairperson of the Florida Judicial Qualification Commission in 2017. We have it on good authority that several JQC complaints were filed referencing the Loyd prosecution. That these JQC complaints were ruled to have NO PROBABLE CAUSE and were buried from public inspection using confidentiality rules. However, because of these JQC confidentiality rules, this publication will not go into particular details beyond what we have already published within our November 8, 2017 article, even though the JQC itself acknowledges that these confidentiality rules regarding JQC complaints are unconstitutional. However, because of Judge Kerry I. Evander's attachment to the JQC - we are of the OPINION that Judge Evander's sabotaging efforts also infected the the operations of the JQC. It is unfair for us to suspect Judge Evander in nefarious actions against Loyd? After all, doesn't he meet all three requirements of being a suspect: MOTIVE: Loyd's article critical of his sister-in-law, MEANS & OPPORTUNITY: Evander is on both the 5th DCA and the JQC. |
Within three years of their marriage - the Bubbers' wedding bliss was quickly headed for the rocks.
By May 2010 Judge Reinman had filed for divorce (see case # 05-2010-DR-034033 - brevardclerk.us) - ending up on Judge Maxwell's October 2010 docket. Judge Maxwell provided Judge Reinman with a rocket docket quickie divorce. |
Neil Diamond Love On The Rocks |
Does it appear to you - our readers - that Judge Maxwell was still in 2010, providing members of the judicial status quo with judicial favors - regardless that in 2008 he got his pee pee caught in the screen door for providing a judicial favor to a prior law partner?
Quid Pro Quo - you do for me - and I will do for you. Judge Maxwell, and for that matter, Judge Evander and Brevard County Deputy Jason Brimm can sit back and relax - Judge Reinman will honor her "Quid Pro Quo" commitments - she will insure that vengence, over justice, is dealt against the hated Dana Delaney Loyd. Is it possible, even probable, that the entire Eighteenth Judical Circuit is corrupt? Yeah, why not - the West Virginia House Judiciary Committee recently voted to impeach the entire state's Supreme Court. And let's not forget the November 22, 2014 Orlando Sentinel article, which detailed that Florida's Eighteenth Judicial Circuit had more than its fair share of actionable JQC complaints. So there you have it, Justice is on the rocks in Brevard and Seminole County, Florida. Stand by to stand by .... there is surely more to come of this...... |