In The Continuing Defense Of Dana Delaney Loyd Did Judicial & Attorney Misconduct Deny Dana Delaney Loyd A Fair And Impartial Trial? Will Same - Deny Loyd A Fair Violation Of Probation Hearing? |
Updated March 26, 2018 |
VolusiaExposed.Com has been in existence for over eight (8) years now. During that tenure - we have come to understand a hard fact regarding our local criminal justice system. The system's primary goal is to self protect - regardless if this self preservation is in the public's best interest. Police departments will cover for corrupt cops - and the court system will cover for corrupt judges and attorneys - and so on - and so on.... A recent example of this is the 2016 glorification of Brevard County Sheriff Deputy Nick Worthy to Florida's deputy of the year. While both the Brevard Sheriff's Office (BCSO) and the Florida Sheriff's Association were hailing Deputy Worthy as a hero - the BCSO was well aware that Deputy Worthy was in fact nothing more than a zero. BCSO internal records clearly indicate that in 2013 - three years prior to his glorification - the family of Deputy Worthy's girlfriend had reported very disturbing allegations against him. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) are of the OPINION that these allegations were neither properly investigated, nor properly handled by the BCSO. Basically it was a cover-up - plain and simple. Recently (March 2018) - Deputy Worthy proved his zero status - with his arrest under charges VERY similar to those raised by his girlfriend's family in 2013. While the BCSO would prefer the public to believe that they (BCSO) took immediate action against the alleged misconduct of Deputy Worthy - the truth is - BCSO had been covering up for Deputy Worthy for over four (4) years. |
VolusiaExposed's Exposé Series IN THE DEFENSE OF DANA DELANEY LOYD Read How Loyd Is Currently A Political Prisoner Of The Brevard County Justice System Child Advocate / Media Website Editor Serving A Five Year Sentence In Order To Silence Her ![]() DANA DELANEY LOYD |
So - how is any of the Deputy Worthy situation connected to the Dana Loyd prosecution? The answer is simply this. If the BCSO is willing to cover-up the criminal misconduct of one of their deputies - would the BCSO also engage in inventing a criminal case against one of their biggest media critics - Dana Delaney Loyd - who was exposing corruption within the BCSO? |
Dana Loyd was the chief editor of her web publication - BrevardsBestNews.Com. Loyd's publication was HIGHLY critical of Brevard's law enforcement community - to include local police departments, the Brevard Sheriff's Office and the local Courts (including Judge Robin Lemonidis). Upon Loyd's criminal conviction - after a sham trial - the BCSO's official Facebook page lit up with delight. ---> Deputy Jason Brimm had a axe to grind with Loyd - want to known more - then take the time to read the Deputy Barre Taylor BCSO IA report. Once you read this report you will come to understand that Deputy Brimm lost his sergeant stripes for not properly reporting Deputy Taylor's sexual misconduct with a female jail inmate - AND for spreading rumors - to include a "rumor" that a jail supervisor was engaging in a sexual relationship with a subordinate employee. Available evidence (see right of page - >) indicates that Deputy Jason Brimm made a very interesting post to the "Official BCSO" Facebook page - regarding his views on Loyd's criminal conviction. You will note that Deputy Brimm makes issue of Loyd's alleged slanderous behavior towards "the Brevard County Sheriff's Department and neighboring cities and municipal agencies". It's obvious to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) that Deputy Brimm has a full appreciation that Loyd's arrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing had little to nothing to do with an alleged false call to the Florida Abuse Hotline. Rather, it has become clear to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) - that Loyd's arrest, prosecution and sentencing were directly connected to her published criticisms of the Brevard Criminal Justice System. Need to know more - then read our earlier articles . |
Jason Brimm Chimes In ![]() |
Did Judge Lemonidis Have A Judicial Duty To Report Suspected Attorney Misconduct? Did Judge Lemonidis's Failure To Properly Address Suspected Attorney Misconduct Caused Loyd To Suffer Ineffective Counsel During Her Trial? During Dana Loyd's March 2017 criminal trial - she was represented by two attorneys - one being local attorney Paul Bross (not to be confused with local attorney Michael Bross). While Attorney Paul Bross came on in August 2016 as co-counsel - Loyd considered Paul Bross her main attorney - since her other attorney had only approximately one year of experience. |
The attached Loyd trial transcripts (pages surrounding page 21 of transcript) and current Florida Bar records indicated that Attorney Paul Bross was being investigated for what would end up being several allegations of misconduct. The misconduct centered on Mr. Paul Bross not keeping his court dates.
These misconduct matters were further discussed in our January 5, 2018 article. As per the trial transcript - there is no doubt that Judge Lemonidis (The Court) was aware of Mr. Paul Bross' misconduct - and of his Bar complaint. It is also clear that Judge Lemonidis had spoken to him about his misconduct within her courtroom - but she (Lemonidis) was handling it as a mother correcting a son ("mom talk") - rather than reporting it to the Florida Bar. ----> We invite you to review not only page 21 of the transcripts - but also the pages preceding and following page 21 - in order to gain a full appreciation of Judge Lemonidis' knowledge. |
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VolusiaExposed.Com alleges that Judge Lemonidis had a judicial responsibilty to report Attorney Paul Bross' suspected misconduct to the Florida Bar. It is very evident by her own comments that Judge Lemonidis was experiencing concerns with Mr. Paul Bross' "posture and attention" to his duties - apparently including his duties attached to the Loyd prosecution. Adding insult to injury - we suggest that the Loyd trial transcript supports that Judge Lemonidis allowed Attorney Paul Bross' history of misconduct to infect the prosecution of Loyd - thus denying her a fair and impartial trial. |
VolusiaExposed.Com questions whether judicial "Mom Talk" suffices for "taking appropriate action" as per Judicial Canon 3 of Florida Judicial Canons? --> Once agin - we express our OPINION that Judge Lemonidis had a judicial obligation to report her concerns regarding Attorney Paul Bross to the Florida Bar. |
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However, instead of reporting her concerns to the Florida Bar - Judge Lemonidis assured Loyd's defense team that she would help them "ward off" any ineffective counsel claims (see page 115 of the trial transcripts) - something we (VolusiaExposed) refer to as "The Platter Spatter Conspiracy" (more on that - later within this article). --->
Florida Bar records support that Attorney Paul Bross' alleged misconduct was EVENTUALLY reported to the Bar via other judicial authorities outside Brevard County. Bar records further indicate that earlier this month (March 2018) Attorney Paul Bross was disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court. ![]() |
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Since Dana Loyd's August 2015 arrest - VolusiaExposed.Com has attended and video recorded her court hearings. We attended her March 2017 trial - and her April 2017 sentencing - and incorporated those courtroom videos within our May 15, 2017 article. During Loyd's trial - there were many "sidebar" meetings between the judge - the defense - and the assistant state attorneys. These meetings were held in open court - at the judge's bench - but with the white noise machine on - so few in the courtroom could hear what was being said. While these meetings can be OBSERVED on our courtroom videos - they can not be heard. Fortunately, the court reporter recorded these "sidebar" meetings within the trial transcript. VolusiaExposed.Com was able to obtain a copy of the complete trial transcript - and we allege that our "Platter-Splatter" theory lives within these "sidebar" transcripts. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) allege (OUR OPINION) that within those "sidebar" transcripts - there exist a Quid pro quo conspiracy - orchestrated by Judge Lemonidis to convince Loyd's defense team to deliver Loyd to her (Lemonidis) on a platter - and she would protect them (defense team) from any potential splatter (ineffective counsel claims). Review the trial transcript - read the sidebar meetings - and see if you agree with us.... putting in the search term "sidebar" will assist you in locating all the sidebar transcripts. The Platter Spatter Conspiracy |
In addition to the sidebar transcripts - we offer a copy of Loyd's "special" probation requirements as evidence in support of our Platter-Splatter theory. Per the special probation conditions - it would appear that Loyd can not be in possession of the trial transcripts - and Loyd can only communicate her concerns to her attorney of record, her husband and her doctor. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) question whether this de facto judicial gag order exist for the purpose of protecting the trial attorneys from ineffective counsel claims and Judge Lemonidis from a Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission (JQC) complaint? Ask yourself this - can Loyd file a pro se motion with the Court alleging ineffective counsel without violating these special probation conditions? Can Loyd file a complaint with the JQC without violating these special probation conditions? Is our Platter-Splatter theory possible? We would argue that not only is it possible - but probable - and here is why. Remember - Attorney Paul Bross was facing disbarment - he could not afford yet another misconduct claim - and Loyd's other attorney had less than a year's experience, thus easily opening her to the probability of an ineffective counsel claim. But even with her little experience in the courtroom - this attorney - nearly one year prior to the start of Loyd's trial - saw and experienced Judge Lemonidis' judicial bias against Loyd. In July 2016 this attorney filed a "Motion To Disqualify Judge Due To Bias Or Prejudice". Within that court motion - the attorney alleged violations of judicial ethics against Judge Lemonidis. Judge Lemonidis denied the attorney's motion to recuse herself from the Loyd prosecution. Imagine that ! Given the above - we would ask that you not judge our judicial Platter-Splatter theory too harshly - when we now allege that Judge Lemonidis has a judicial bias towards Loyd, causing a judicial conflict of interest in both the 2017 prosecution of Loyd and her current violation of probation prosecution. Standby to standby...... there is certainly more to come of this........ ![]() |
February 12, 2018 Judge Robin Lemonidis Assigns The Office Of Conflict Counsel To Loyd's VOP Case April 6, 2017 Judge Robin Lemonidis Sentences Dana Loyd (see minutes 9:30 plus regarding Judge Lemonidis alleging that VolusiaExposed.com's camera man is Loyd's camera man) Video Of March 27, 2017 Hearing Judge Robin Lemonidis threatens VolusiaExposed.Com representative with six (6) month jail sentences. More is available on this incident within our May 15, 2017 article |