STATE OF FLORIDA FILES VIOLATION OF PROBATION ON CHILD ACTIVIST DANA LOYD The Inquisition Of Dana Delaney Loyd Continues Brevard Justice System Continues To Silence Their Critics |
January 5, 2018 |
Who is Dana Delaney Loyd? She is known by two small elementary school boys as -"mom". Her retired law enforcement husband knows her as his wife - and life long companion. Many of Brevard's homeless know her as the woman that provided them will a meal every Wednesday at a local church food bank - something she did long before her August 2015 arrest. For years she published the web magazine - BrevardsBestNews.Com - and through that publication many came to know her as a social activist - government critic and political prisoner. The latter is how we (VolusiaExposed.Com) first came to know and fully appreciate the efforts of Dana Delaney Loyd. We became aware of her articles in 2013 - in which she was voicing concerns regarding whether a Brevard County Sheriff Deputy (Ryan Pill) was being sexually inappropriate with young girls. Deputy Pill is the son of former Deputy Barbara Pill who was shot and killed while on duty in March 2012. In 2016 Loyd's BrevardsBestNews.Com focused on whether Brevard County Sheriff Deputy Barre Taylor was engaging in an illegal sexual relationship with a female jail inmate, among other issues plaguing Brevard County residents. |
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It's our opinion that absent Loyd's work through her web magazine in exposing both Deputies Pill and Taylor - that the Brevard County Sheriff's Office would have taken little to no corrective action against the offending deputies.
VolusiaExposed has alleged, and we continue to do so, - that Loyd's arrest had NOTHING to do with an alleged false call to the Florida Abuse Hotline. That her arrest has everything to do with silencing a media critic of the Brevard County Justice system. Shortly after Loyd's conviction - in what can only be described as a kangaroo show trial (read our earlier articles) the Brevard County Sheriff's official Facebook account lit up with excitement over Loyd's conviction. We invite you to read a post from the official BCSO Facebook page - posted apparently by BCSO Deputy Jason Brimm (see right of page) where Brimm states : "aww. such a shame for the "Chief Editor" to a website dedicated to essentially slandering the Brevard County Sheriffs Department and neighboring cities and municipal agencies. This women did nothing for years besides bringing a bad name for herself and her family and disrespecting dozens of others. Good riddance to this disgrace of a "jouralist" hope you enjoy whatever sentence you get you coward". -----------> While Deputy Brimm has a low opinion of Loyd's journalistic abilities - in truth - and as supported by a 2016 BCSO internal affairs report, Loyd's journalistic coverage of the Deputy Barre Taylor's on duty sex scandal with a jail inmate - eventually lead to Deputy Brimm's demotion from sergeant to deputy. Yeah - Deputy Brimm had some involvement in the Deputy Taylor misconduct - we suggest you read the above linked internal affairs investigative report for the particulars. There is a general rule - that good cops don't fear the media - while bad cops must quiet the media in order to continue being bad cops. We question why the Brevard Criminal Justice System is so focused on squashing Dana DeLaney Loyd. Might we suggest that you read our earlier articles - you may just start to understand how corrupt the Brevard County Justice System really is. We have now received word (via the Brevard Clerk's website - BrevardClerk.us) that on December 29, 2017 - Loyd's probation officer filed a notice of probation violation against Loyd. Loyd was released from the Orange Couny jail* on December 5, 2017 @ 1 a.m.. Because her husband Chris was unaware of her early morning release time - he did not pick her up until 6 a.m.. From our interview with Chris - they then drove to the probation office to get Dana's probation in order. However, apparently the probation office had trouble getting the paperwork from the Court - and after waiting five additional hours in the probation office's lobby - Dana was allowed to go to her home. Two days later the probation office was successful in securing the paperwork from the Court - and her probation was then started. *(Loyd had to be housed at the Orange County jail - rather than the Brevard County jail due to safety concerns attached to her exposing corruption within the Brevard County Justice System) While Loyd's sentence only required her to take down her web articles and Facebook posts that mentioned her victim and his daughter - in the abundance of caution she completely took down her web magazine (BrevardsBestNews.Com) and her Facebook sites. She registered as required (within 48 hours) as a convicted felon. However, unfortuately for Loyd she was not able to successfully take down a GO FUND ME page that was started to raise funds for her defense within the mandated 24 hours deadline - as per Judge Lemonidis' sentencing requirement. In fact due in part to communication difficulties caused by additional probationary restrictions it took Loyd thirteen (13) days to successfully deactivate the GoFundMe page. (see probation report) Is Loyd in technical violation of her probation - you better believe she is - but then again in our opinion - that was Judge Robin Lemonidis' goal from the very get go. Judge Lemonidis knew on the day of sentencing that it would be impossible for Loyd to meet such a short dead line - thus insuring a probation violation. Think about it - IF Judge Lemonidis had legitimate concerns regarding Loyd's victim and those Internet articles - Lemonidis could have ordered Loyd to immediately remove the Internet material - and then report to jail. From our perspective Circuit Court Judge Robin Lemonidis has held judicial biases against Dana Loyd from the very get go. In our (VolusiaExposed.Com) June 28, 2017 article we highlighted many of our concerns regarding Judge Lemonidis' obvious judicial biases against Loyd. With no doubt - Judge Lemonidis should have recused herself - as requested by Loyd's attorney (filed court motion) - especially given Lemonidis' comments during a May 23, 2016 hearing (video of hearing available within June 28, 2017 article). As detailed in our July 1, 2017 article - during a June 29, 2017 hearing - Judge Lemonidis was forced to walk back much of the illegal sentence she imposed on Loyd during her April 6, 2017 sentencing (as detailed in our May 22, 2017 article. We believe that much of Loyd's illegal sentence was driven by Judge Lemonidis' biases and hatred for Loyd and her web magazine. Is it not ironic that it took Judge Lemonidis nearly ninety (90) days to get Loyd's criminal sentence in compliance with Florida law and the U.S. Constitution - and with no ramifications to her honor. But Loyd's probation is set to be revoked solely based on the fact that she could not cleanse her Internet foot print of her victim and his daughter within the twenty-four hours listed in her sentence. Remembering that Loyd spent ten (10) hours of that twenty-four (24) hours in the lobbies of a jail and a probation office. The probation department has made two recommendations to Judge Lemonidis within their probation violation notice. First that Loyd's probation not be revoked - second that she be allowed to report once weekly instead of four times a week (see last page of notice). The probation office seems to be dealing with this situation impartially and fairly - yes there was a technical violation - and they are duty bound to report - but they realize that Loyd should not be re-incarcerated. It's not in the best interest of the State to reincarcerate Loyd - it's surely not in Loyd's best interest - but it surely does serve Judge Lemonidis' hateful agenda against Loyd. |
Official FaceBook Site ![]() Dana Delaney Loyd BCSO Deputy Jason Brimm Chimes In ![]() VolusiaExposed Representative's Post To Deputy Brimm ![]() SHERIFF WAYNE IVEY'S COMMENTS REGARDING LOYD'S CONVICTION SOCIAL MEDIA SITE EDITOR FOUND GUILTY OF FALSE REPORT OF CHILD ABUSE On March 30, 2017, a Brevard County jury found 44-year-old Dana Loyd guilty of the charge of Filing a False Report of Child Abuse, a felony, punishable by up to five years imprisonment in the Florida Department of Corrections. On April 29, 2015, Brevard County Deputies responded to Quest Elementary School regarding a DCF investigation surrounding allegations of sexual abuse between a father and adolescent daughter. According to DCF documents, the allegations were reported by an individual claiming to be a substitute teacher, who identified herself as Theresa Smith and alleged that the victim had confided the abuse to her. The Quest Elementary School staff subsequently verified that the alleged victim did not have a substitute teacher for that date and furthermore, did not have a substitute teacher by that name. On April 30, 2015, the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office initiated an investigation surrounding the possibility of a falsely reported child abuse. As a result of various evidentiary leads, Agents were able to develop a suspect, Dana Loyd, after matching her personal telephone number to the number that was used to report the false allegations to the DCF Hotline. Additional information was also obtained through published articles in an internet site named “brevardsbestnews.” It is widely known that the suspect is the “Chief Editor” of the site that published two articles on April 17th and June 24th, 2015, titled, “Please Help Fight for Justice!!!” and “Blood in the Streets?,” which identified the father of the alleged child abuse victim by name, and in the last article, identified both the father and alleged victim by name. Additionally, it was learned that Loyd was allegedly contacting the father’s employment and other organizations where he was volunteering, advising he was a child molester. The investigation determined that the allegations of the reported abuse were unsubstantiated. During the investigation, the agents interviewed Loyd, who confessed that she had in fact called DCF, and that the false allegation and calls to the father’s employer and others, were harassment. An arrest warrant was obtained and Loyd was subsequently arrested. As a result of the arrest, Loyd was convicted by a jury of her peers and will be sentenced in an upcoming court hearing. I am extremely proud of everyone involved in the investigation and subsequent prosecution as the investigation, arrest, and conviction sends a very strong message to anyone who falsely reports crimes in our community. Sheriff Wayne Ivey |
Judge Lemonidis has the ability to sentence Loyd to a sanction under the Court's "alternative sanction program" as detailed in Judicial Administrative Order 17-29-B. We predict that Judge Lemonidis will ignore this alternative sanction program - along with probation's recommendations that Loyd's probation not be revoked. This program, along with the probation department's recommendations would allow Loyd to remain on probation - and in the community - so that she can continue to raise her school age children. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) predict that Judge Lemonidis will revoke Loyd's probation and re-incarcerate her - why - simple - she has an axe to grind against Loyd's web publication. Judge Lemonidis has not - and we believe can not be fair and impartial - when it comes to Loyd. Need proof of this - we submit that proof is easily found within the video of Loyd's April 6, 2017 sentencing (sentencing video attached to the right of this web page). Watch the sentencing for yourself - listen to Judge Lemonidis - and determine for yourself - was Loyd sentenced for an alleged false phone call to the abuse hotline - or for her web articles? Many of these same web articles were VERY critical of Circuit Court Judge Robin Lemonidis herself. |
Further, during sentencing (April 6, 2017 - video is available - right of this web page -->) when asked for a sentencing recommendation by Judge Lemonidis - the State Attorney's office recommended that Loyd be sentenced ONLY to probation - with adjudication being withheld - so that she would NOT be a convicted felon. Judge Lemonidis flatly refused the State Attorney's recommendation and sentenced Loyd to a year in jail - another year of house arrest - followed by three years of standard probation - and adjudicated her guilty. Just listen to the sentence and the hate that is dripping off of Judge Lemonidis' tongue - it can not be missed. In no way was Judge Lemonidis being fair and impartial - whether in the sentencing phrase or during the trial. We invite you to watch the incorporated courtroom video of Loyd's attorney's oral argument to the 5th DCA (12-12-2017) for the particular judicial biases employed by Judge Lemonidis during Loyd's trial.
April 6, 2017 Judge Robin Lemonidis Sentences Dana Loyd |
Again - as you listen to Judge Lemonidis sentencing Loyd - listen very closely - is Loyd being sentenced for making a false phone call to the Florida Abuse Hotline - OR is she being sentenced for her web articles - some of these web articles being very critical of Judge Lemonidis - State Attorney Phil Archer, Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey and the sister-in-law of 5th District Court Judge Kerry I. Evander - more on this later.
Loyd made an April 2015 phone call to the Florida Abuse Hotline - in which she reported the concerns of several other individuals (to include the concerns of experts - out of state law enforcement professionals - and the child's mother) - that a local pre-teen girl was being sexually abused by her father. We hold the opinion - as covered in our August 12, 2017 article - that local Brevard authorities failed to properly investigate those allegations due to the father's connections and friendships within the local law enforcement & judicial communities. We (VolusiaExposed) have no OPINION on the validity of the allegations against the father - our concerns center on our belief that local law enforcement agencies failed to properly investigate those allegations. Loyd's victim (the father) was represented by the Greg Eisenmenger law firm. In our August 29, 2016 article - we incorporated a copy of Court Administrative Order 15-25B signed by then Chief Judge John Harris - that Judge Lemonidis was not to hear any matters involving the Eisenmenger law firm. Records indicated that the law firm was a rather large political supporter of Judge Lemonidis. Knowing this - Judge Lemonidis refused to recuse herself from the Loyd prosecution. |
With little doubt Judge Lemonidis has a problem (bias) with certain media outlets - or what she calls "yellow journalism" (see Loyd's sentencing video).
Actually we (VolusiaExposed.Com) have no problem with everyone assuming that we are "fake news" or "yellow journalists". We should not automatically deserve your respect - it's our duty to earn it. Under this rationale - in all of our articles we don't just mention the existence of a document or a video - we PROVIDE you with those documents and videos - so that you can make an informed decision on whether we are reporting FACTS - in support of our concerns and OPINIONS. We can report with some confidence that Judge Lemonidis is NOT a fan of VolusiaExposed.Com. Shortly before the start of Loyd's March 2017 trial - we had representatives attending the voir dire process of Loyd's jury. As is covered in our May 15, 2017 article Judge Lemonidis threaten our representatives with six month jail sentences for merely taking written notes during the voir dire process of the jury. Judge Lemonidis confiscated our press notes. Judge Lemonidis expressed a concern that we would publish the names of the jury - thus short circuiting the justice system. Ironically - shortly thereafter (prior to the start of trial) the Brevard Clerk of the Court posted to their website the names of the Loyd jury. (see May 15, 2017 article for particulars - the courtroom video of Judge Lemonidis threatening our representatives has only been incorporate to the right of this page). Our questions are : Did the Clerk of the Court short circuit the justice system by publishing the jury names prior to trial? Were any of the jurors approached by anyone - which influenced their decision? We already know for a fact - via our May 15, 2017 article that Judge Lemonidis had a private off the record meeting with the jury - see video incorporated with that article). Now think on that just for a second - we already suspect that Judge Lemonidis has a judicial bias - and then she is allowed to have a private - off the record - meeting with the jury. WTF? |
March 27, 2017 Judge Robin Lemonidis Threatens To Arrest VolusiaExposed.Com Representatives |
Shortly after Loyd was convicted and sentenced (March & April 2017) - a group of sponsors funded her appeal through the Florida 5th District Court of Appeal. Judge Lemonidis refused to allow Loyd to be released on an appeal bond - she was taken into custody and shipped to the Orange County jail for safety concerns (as previous discussed in this article).
Her appellant attorneys (differnet from her trial attorneys) immediately filed with the 5th DCA for an appeal bond. As per our May 28, 2017 article we learned from a confidential source that Loyd's appeal bond was possibly being influenced by yet another judicial conflict of interest coming out of the 5th DCA itself. We invite you to read our May 28, 2017 article for the particulars. |
December 12, 2017 Oral Arguments - 5th DCA Loyd V. State Of Florida |
We suspect that this conflict of interest with 5th DCA Judge Kerry I. Evander and his family (see May 28, 2017 article) - was the direct reason Loyd was not granted her appeal bond. Further we suspect that this conflict of interest influenced the 5th DCA in merely issuing a PCA ruling in Loyd's over all appeal of her conviction.
If you need to understand how a PCA decision cheated Loyd from the justice she deserved - while at the same time protecting the corrupt Brevard County Criminal Justice System - might we suggest reading our December 22, 2017 article. We invite you to watch the December 12, 2017 oral arguments given to the 5th DCA (see right of page). It's very obvious to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) that Loyd's attorney won his case - that Loyd deserved a new trial because of Judge Lemonidis' biases. Listen towards the end - one of the judges even tells Loyd's attorney that his case was well argued. Immediately outside the courtroom the assistant attorney general congratulated Loyd's attorney. Shortly thereafter an unknown man approached the Loyd party and advised them that he attends alot of these appeal hearings and that Loyd should be VERY optimistic - and then a week later the 5th DCA issues a PCA decision. Again - WTF? It's our OPINION that with their PCA decision - the 5th DCA sold their ethical souls - becoming judicial cowards when they were unable to insure Loyd's U.S. Constitutional right to a fair and impartial trial. Here is what the cowards hope for - that you the public will not research what PCAs are - or become aware that they issue more PCAs then written decisions. During the week of Loyd's decision (December 18th) the 5th DCA issued thirty-seven PCAs. How many of these other PCAs - like in the Loyd case - denied citizens their fair and impartial due process of law? |
Here is something else that the local Judicial System would prefer that you (a citizen) not know. Judges like police officers cover for one another.
You see - even though Judge Lemonidis is an 18th Circuit Court judge - routinely she serves as an associate judge with the 5th DCA. Hey - don't believe us - remember assume we are "fake news" - but maybe you should believe you own eyes and ears - as you watch and listen to the attached July 21, 2016 video from the 5th DCA courtroom. There she (Lemonidis) is serving as an associate 5th DCA judge with two of the three judges that issued Loyd's PCA decision. Yet another WTF !? Wow - could that be a conflict of interest? Could Judge Lemonidis' position as an associate 5th DCA judge have improperly influenced (biased) the 5th DCA decision in the Loyd case? |
July 21, 2016 Judge Robin Lemonidis As An Associate Judge With The 5th DCA |
Let's explore that possibility. If the 5th DCA had issued a written opinion in favor of Loyd - ruling that Judge Lemonidis had allowed Williams' rule evidence in the trial - that she had indeed indicated her belief to the jury that Loyd was guilty as charged - basically going rogue - having no fairness or impartility as a judge - what does that say about the 5th DCA - afterall she is one of their associate judges - right?
Could the 5th DCA give Loyd a new trial - with a fair and impartial judge - without calling into question whether Judge Lemonidis' even deserves to be a sitting judge - either on the 18th Judicial Circuit OR as an associate judge on the 5th DCA? We think not ! You see the 5th DCA could not fairly or impartially decide this case - they had a "dog in the fight" or "skin in the game" AND they opted to cover their asses with their cowardly PCA decision. Now Loyd - a woman - a mother - an advocate - a U.S. citizen - who was denied a fair and impartial trial - a violation of her U.S. Constitutional rights - and spending eight (8) months in jail - must now face the same rogue judge for a technical violation of her probation - that this judge knew would be coming - because she set the dominos in place to fall exactly how she desired them to fall. Within this article - and also supported by our earlier articles - we have provided you with the evidence that proves (in our opinion) that Judge Lemonidis was not fair and impartial. That she over sentenced Loyd - as is evidenced by the State Attorney's sentencing recommendation. We have provided you evidence in support of our belief - that the 5th DCA knew that Judge Lemonidis was neither fair or impartial in the Loyd prosecution - but in the end - she is one of their associate judges on the 5th DCA - and she was protected. The State Attorney alleged that Loyd had lied to her jury - this was just not true - and we invite you to review the ENTIRE trial video. By convincing the jurors that they too had been lied to by Loyd - they (State Attorney) made the jury proxy victims of Loyd's alleged crime - thus insuring a conviction. As far as Loyd having effective TRIAL counsel - shortly before and even after the completion of Loyd's trial - Attorney Paul Bross had three Florida Bar Disciplinary cases opened on him. Feel free to read the charges against Attorney Paul Bross. If you have the time to read the entire Loyd trial transcripts - you will see that similar concerns regarding Bross were also present during the Loyd case. Further - if you have the time - we invite you to read page 115 of the official trial transcripts (takes a couple of seconds to download) whereas Judge Lemonidis advises Loyd's trial attorneys that the Court was "going to do anything and everything necessary to ward off" an ineffective counsel claim by Loyd against her attorneys. Just asking - was that a Quid Pro Quo deal between Judge Lemonidis and the two attorneys (Give up your client and I will protect you from a ineffective counsel claim)? Maybe - that better explains why shortly later - neither attorney objected when Judge Lemonidis wanted her private - off the record meeting with the jury? What was said during that private meeting with the jury? We will never know what was said - but for us here at VolusiaExposed.Com - it is definitely yet another WTF moment. Paul Bross #2 Paul Bross #3
In our August 26, 2014 article - we voiced the OPINION that if Brevard County (18th Judicial Circuit) desired to maintain a shread of credibility - that it was absolutely necessary for Judge Murphy to be removed from the bench. In our opinion - Judge Murphy had zero respect for the sixth amendment to the U.S. Constitution - the right to a speedy trial and the right to counsel - and therefore did NOT deserve to serve as a judge. Upon notice of Judge Murphy's permanent removal from the bench - we published our December 19, 2015 article highlighting the Florida Supreme Court's decision to reject the JQC less severe disciplinary recommendations. VolusiaExposed.Com has concerns that Brevard County and the JQC has and is ignoring similar judicial misconduct attached to Judge Lemonidis. We forward the OPINION that Judge Lemonidis violated Loyd's fourth, sixth and fourteen amendments to the U.S. Constitution by not allowing her to have a fair and unbaised trial. We further allege (opinion) that the 5th DCA failed to insure Loyd's U.S. Constitutional rights - due to their obvious conflict on interests attached to Judge Kerry Evander - and the fact that Judge Lemonidis is an associate judge with the 5th DCA. VolusiaExposed.Com also has concerns regarding Judge Lemonidis threatening our representatives with arrest and impounding our press notes - what we perceive to be a violation of our first amendment to the U.S. Constitution. One may wonder whether we (VolusiaExposed.Com) filed a complaint with the JQC regarding Judge Lemonidis' apparent misconduct against our representatives. Sadly - per Article V of the Florida Constitution (no probable cause found by the JQC) - we can not confirm, nor deny whether we filed such a JQC complaint - we will leave that to your imagination. (suggest reading the supportive articles at the bottom of this page for further information regarding the secretive and unconstitutional nature of the JQC) The Florida JQC receive approximately seven hundred (700) judicial complaints a year. However, they (JQC) ONLY find probable cause in about 1% or approximately seven (7) cases a year. Only those (7) seven cases are open to public inspection via Florida's Public Record laws. As a citizen of Florida - as an American citizen - who may have even served in the military and placed your life and limbs on the line - you are NOT trust worthy enough to view those other 693 cases of judicial misconduct. You are expected to trust your government - your JQC - when they tell you that those other 693 cases have no significance to any public interest into the credibility of their judiciary. Is this yet another WTF moment? We (VolusiaExposed) allege that our District Courts are hiding acts of judicial misconduct within PCA rulings. We further allege that the JQC are hiding their fair share of judicial misconduct by simply not finding probable cause - in cases of judicial misconduct that are swimming in probable cause. . Oh by the way - remember 5th DCA Judge Kerry I. Evander - mentioned earlier in this article - he was one of the 5th DCA judges that denied Loyd's appeal bond - in what we suspect was in retaliation to Loyd publishing a critical article on his (Evander's) sister-in-law. Well, Judge Evander is the Chairperson on the JQC - now isn't that special. Yeah - we suspect this is yet another WTF moment - want to know more - might we again suggest reading the two below listed supportive articles These below articles are very interesting - we suspect that you will discover that the JQC holds the opinion that the secrecy aspect of Article V of the Florida Constitution is not in compliance with the U.S. Constitution (unconstitutional) - and they have known this fact for decades - but they still employ this unconstitutional aspect of the Florida State Constitution in order to silence those who have filed judicial complaints to the JQC. The goal being to protect the suspect judges. Stand by to stand by ... maybe someone in the criminal justice system will bring Judge Lemonidis to her senses - absent that - stand by for follow-up articles ....... and keep an eye out for those Brevard County billboards - maybe we can even gain some national media attention to these judicial travesties . For those that are interested - Loyd has a probation violation hearing scheduled for February 12, 2018 @ 9 a.m. - in Titusville, second floor of the Courthouse - Judge Lemonidis' courtroom. If you found this article interesting you may have interest in the below articles. The government would also perfer you to be ignorant of these matters as well. THE FRAUDULENT FLORIDA CONSTITUTION REVISION COMMISSION Ignoring Unconstitutional Provision(s) & The Hiding Of Judicial Misconduct From Public Inspection PROBLEMS WITHIN THE FLORIDA JUDICIAL QUALIFICATIONS COMMISSION Is The JQC Process Too Secretive? Does Corruption Hide Within These Secretive Shadows? |