State Judicial Nominating Commission Forwards Six Judicial Nominees To Governor DeSantis When Justice Becomes Just - Us |
UPDATED May 4, 2022 |
On March 1, 2022 - VolusiaExposed.Com attended the vetting / interview process of Florida's 7th Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC). The 7th JNC is one of twenty-six (26) JNCs within the State Of Florida that send recommendations (nominees) to the governor's office for judicial appointments. (click the above link for a better understanding of HOW and WHEN the JNC is used in the appointment of a judge) |
These Judicial Nominating Commissions gain their authority through Article V of the Florida Constitution AND Chapter 43.291 of Florida Statutes
This particular judicial opening was due to the advancement of County Court Judge Christopher Kelly to the Circuit Court bench. The JNC narrowed the list of seventeen (17) judicial candidates to six (6) judicial nominees. These nominees' names were forwarded to Governor DeSantis for his final selection and appointment. (see upper right of web page) Based on what was heard, and what was discussed during the interview process, these six nominees are qualified to serve on the County Court bench. We invite our readers to review the video interviews and applications of the nominees (see below).
This publication tends to agree with Flaglerlive.Com - that these judicial appointments are heavily biased by partisan political agendas. While many politicians will openly declare that they don't want judges "legislating from the bench" - in reality, that is exactly what they want. Politics being politics. With politics being politics - smart money says that Assistant State Attorney (ASA) Robin Hutcheson will secure this particular County Court appointment. She has the judicial pedigree (her father was a judge within this same judicial circuit) - AND she "plays" well within the local political machine. VolusiaExposed.Com is currently preparing an article that will highlight some apparent, and on-going corruption within the Port Orange Police Department. Apparently - ASA Hutcheson had some involvement "investigating" these alleged acts of corrupt - that have left us wondering - if Hutcheson is more interested in covering for the political machine - than she is about forwarding justice. Our pending article is currently scheduled for release later this month (March 2022). We also invite our readers to review our "article in over-time" section (see below) - for a better understanding of why we are of the OPINION that the Florida JNC process does not best serve the interests of the citizens of Florida.
In addition to being well spoken - Mr. Gosney is well published. In particular, we found Gosney's 2017 paper on "per curiam affirmed" (PCA) rulings (appellate court decisions) to be very informative on how appellants can be effectively denied justice. 'What Are My Chances on Appeal?' Comparing Full Appellate Decisions to Per Curiam Affirmances Steven N. Gosney In short, under an abusive PCA ruling - an appellant presents facts and evidence supporting that the lower trial court erred, but the appellate court decides to "short circuit" the appeal by issuing a PCA ruling (usually a one page / one paragraph ruling). VolusiaExposed.Com is not advocating the ending of ALL PCAs rulings. In our OPINION - PCAs do have a small niche within the appellate court's tool box. However, this "niche" should be reserved to when an appellant has filed an obvious frivolous appeal. These abusive PCA rulings - especially for criminal defendants / appellants are devastating - because absent a written & narrative ruling from the appellate court - the appellant has little chance to forward an appeal of the PCA ruling. Florida's Fifth District Court of Appeal is KNOWN for it's high rate of PCA decisions. PCA rulings are especially devastating to the American concept of justice - when the appellate court issues a PCA in order to provide coverage for a trial judge that engaged in judicial misconduct. It is the OPINION of this publication - that a very good example of this - can be found within the 5th DCA appeal filed by web magazine editor Dana Delaney Loyd. The oral arugment in front of the 5th DCA in the Loyd case was over thirty minutes long - with heavy discussion by the judges. Therefore it should be obvious to all - that Loyd's appeal was NOT a frivolous matter. Judge Robin "Railroad" Lemonidis (Brevard County) presided over Loyd's March 2017 trial. In the OPINION of this publication - Lemonidis routinely engaged in judicial misconduct during (and AFTER) Loyd's trial. So much so - that this judicial misconduct denied Loyd a fair and impartial trial. Judge Lemonidis' misconduct modus operandi included, BUT was never limited to - inappropriate & intemperate behaviors, denying the introduction of exculpatory evidence, routinely threatening defense attorneys with contempt, and making jury biasing statements regarding the criminal defendant. May 15, 2017 The Trial & Sentencing Of Dana Delaney Loyd Click Here To Review The Trial & Sentencing Videos Only
December 23, 2020 Bye Bye To The Bitch Of Brevard County The Dis-Honorable Judge Robin "Railroad" Lemonidis Shortly after her dressing down in front of the Florida Supreme Court - Lemonidis withdrew from her re-election campaign. Bye Bye Biatch - Floridians are much better off with you off the bench. Lastly, we agree with Mr. Gosney's statement that he could successfully run a local Volusia County election campaign for a County Court seat. Especially given (see below media articles) - that local voters apparently have a preference of electing their judges - over having them appointed. In our humble OPINION - Volusia County would be well served having Gosney on the bench. January 5, 2021 For Palm Coast attorney Alicia Washington, persistence earns her a judgeship News-Journalonline.Com July 6, 2016 Volusia Circuit Judge David Hood fails in bid to disqualify election opponent (Kathleen McNeilly goes on to win the election) VolusiaExposed wishes to extend our thanks to all of the 7th JNC commissioners (see below list), they were all very approachable, and open with the necessary records that are incorporated within this article. ![]() The Judicial Appointments Of Judge Michelle Naberhaus - Judge Tesha Ballou & Judge Meredith Sasso Recently - in Central Florida, particularly within the JNCs attached to the 18th Judicial Circuit and the 5th District Court of Appeal - have exposed questionable practices regarding their JNC selection process. We invite you to review our below linked articles - which outlines the sordid details attached to the appointments of three local judges (Naberhaus, Ballou & Sasso). Governor DeSantis Requests Additional Judicial Nominees, In His Pending Appointment To Replace Retiring Judge Tonya Rainwater June 5, 2019 Did Local Judicial Nominating Commission Chairman's Email Bias The Governor's Office, Regarding A Pending Judicial Appointment? January 8, 2019 Out Going Governor Rick Scott Appoints His Deputy Chief Counsel To The 5th District Court of Appeal Judge Sasso Barely Meets The Minimum Judicial Qualifications "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." ~ Henry Kissinger, American Statesman Kissinger's justification for backing the overthrow of President Salvador Allende's government by General Augusto Pinochet In the past (see below weblinked articles) this publication has questioned whether political officials have abused the Judicial Nominating Commission process by appointing judges based on their political positions, rather than their knowledge and devotion to the law. GUBERNATORIAL JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS ARE THEY IN THE PUBLIC'S BEST INTEREST? April 22, 2016 JUDICIAL DIRTY DEEDS THE DISENFRANCHISEMENT OF THE LOCAL ELECTORATE December 21, 2015 THE FIX IS IN HOW THE FLORIDA POLITICAL MACHINE CIRCUMVENTS JUDICIAL ELECTIONS May 10, 2019 THE FOLLY OF POLITICAL PATRONAGE IN JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS FlKeysNews.Com November 3, 2017 Constitution Commission proposal: Local judgeships should be appointed, not elected Currently - open county court and circuit county judicial positions can be filled by the JNC / gubernatorial appointment process - ONLY if the judicial opening transpires during a certain time frame from the next pending election cycle - absent that - the judicial opening is filled via the election process. Here is the rub - there are members within the Florida power structure that hold the belief that the voting public can NOT be relied upon to properly select county and circuit court judges. An example of this - is how Volusia County Circuit Judge Joe Will manipulated his 2016 retirement - thus insuring that his seat would be filled by gubernatorial appointment. In our April 22, 2016 article titled - "JUDICIAL DIRTY DEEDS - Done Dirt Cheap !- THE DISENFRANCHISEMENT OF THE LOCAL ELECTORATE we (VolusiaExposed.Com) provided the public with Judge Joe Will's internal email AND resignation letter that plainly documents his "conspiracy" (our OPINION) with the governor's office to retire in a manner that would insure a gubernatorial appointment. Judge Will's April 8, 2016 internal email to his fellow judges clearly states - "Ultimately, I have decided to resign in such a manner that the seat known as Group 8 will be filled by appointment, not election". We (VolusiaExposed.Com) agree with the Daytona Beach News Journal's April 17, 2016 editorial which stated - "You don’t have to read anything into the timing of Circuit Judge Joseph G. Will’s resignation to understand its intent. He has admitted he doesn’t trust voters to choose his replacement, and is willing to game the system to ensure he gets his way".. Apparently, within proposal 58 - the Florida Constitution Revision Commission (FLCRC) was attempting to concrete Judge Will's desire that ALL judicial seats be filled by gubernatorial appointments. The Public Is Not Re-electing Gubernatorial Appointments Locally - there is a recent fly that has spoiled the political ointment of gubernatorial judicial appointments. A number of gubernatorial appointed judges have not been re-elected by the public. Listen to the below judicial interviews - the JNC commissioners mention this re-election trend to each judicial applicant. Maybe - when it comes to judicial selections - we, the citizens of the 7th Judicial Circuit are not as "dumb" as Judge Will - and others - may wish us to be? Judges Within The 18th Judicial Circuit Elected A Disciplined Judge As Their Chief Judge. If all the above is not enough of a stain on the credibilty of the Court - a few months ago (early 2021), all of the judges within the Florida 18th Judicial Circuit (Brevard & Seminole Counties) actually elected Judge Jessica Recksiedler as their "Chief Judge". Problem is - that back in 2015 - the Florida Supreme Court took disciplinary action against Judge Recksiedler regarding her lack of candor during a Judicial Nominating Commission interview (click here to read Supreme Court decision). Judge Recksiedler was desiring a gubernatorial appointment to the Florida 5th District Court of Appeal. According to the Supreme Court's disciplinary action - Judge Recksiedler has a history of violating Florida's traffic laws (speeding) - and then lying about it to the Judicial Nominating Commission (see below video of Recksiedler's JNC interview). Florida 5th DCA Judicial Nominating Commission Hearing Daytona Beach, Florida Judge Jessica Recksiedler And there you have it - the judicial leader of Florida's 18th Judicial Circuit - is a person who has little concern about violating the laws of Florida - and is willing to lie to one of Florida's judicial nominating commissions...... yeah... Recksiedler should blend very well within the 18th circuit's on-going corruption. VolusiaExposed.Com August 16, 2021 BREVARD COURT CONTINUES THEIR PANDERING TO PEDOPHILES VolusiaExposed.Com December 23, 2020 Bye Bye To The Bitch Of Brevard County The Dis-Honorable Judge Robin "Railroad" Lemonidis ............................stand by to stand by, there is certainly more to come of this... |