In The Defense Of Dana DeLaney Loyd - Part 6 The Judicial & Prosecutorial Tag Teaming Of Dana Delaney Loyd |
July 19, 2016 |
Last August 28th (2015), the Brevard County Sheriff Department arrested Loyd, the Chief Editor of BrevardsBestNews.Com. The BCSO charged Loyd with filing a false child abuse report and cyber-stalking. In our early articles (see links in below blue box) - we have expressed our opinion that Mrs. Loyd did not violate Florida criminal statute (F.S. 39.205) - while making her phone call to the Florida Abuse Hotline. We invite you to review our earlier articles for our more detailed rationale. We believe that Loyd reported the alleged sexual abuse of a pre-teen child - by her father - in good faith - lacking any personal, financial or harassing motivators needed to support the criminal charge - as defined in Florida Statutes 39.01(27) - (see below right). |
Rachel Platten - Fight Song Dana - It's time to light that one match and cause that explosion ! ![]() |
Sadly - it is our belief that Loyd is being prosecuted for two reasons.
First - to silence her web publication - BrevardsBestNews.Com - known for it's critical review of law enforcement agencies - including the Brevard County Sheriff Department, the local State Attorney's office, AND apparently the currently assigned judge, Robin Lemonidis (VolusiaExposed is currently reviewing and vetting out an alleged incident - whereas BrevardBestNews.Com was critical of Lemonidis handling of a client's criminal defense - while Lemonidis was still a practicing defense attorney). Second - to provide cover for several members of our criminal justice system that have for years ignored this alleged sexual abuse of this pre-teen girl - by her well heeled and politically connected father. These "protected" criminal justice practitioners include local Circuit Judge George Maxwell - who once went on the record (April 2001) that "a little pedophilia" did not warrant removing a child from that environment. In the case attached to Loyd's arrest - Judge Maxwell was the assigned judge that placed the gag order - effectively putting the child out of the reach of law enforcement interviews. Not only did this gag order effectively hold school officials and law enforcement agencies at bay - it also has attempted to silence the mother of the child from reporting the alleged abuse of her daughter. (More information on how Judge Maxwell's gag order hampered a full BCSO investigation into the Loyd allegations can be found within our November 4, 2015 article - see the arrest affidavit - article is linked below in the blue highlighted box.) If you wish to read more about how criminal justice practitioners are seeking cover for themselves within the criminal prosecution of Loyd - we would suggest that you take the time to read all of our earlier attached articles. In the particular - we suggest that you review the State Attorney's offered plea bargain in Article #3. This proposed plea bargain supports our belief that this prosecution has an agenda of silencing a critic, by implying that she has mental health concerns, thus providing plausible coverage for certain officials, for the years of sexual abuse that they have knowingly ignored. (see below blue box) |
Does Judge Lemonidis Have A Judicial Conflict Of Interest? VolusiaExposed.Com has attended and video recorded most of Loyd's court hearings (see below right box for videos). Judge Robin C. Lemonidis has been assigned to this case since Loyd's arrest. In January (2016) - upon the State Attorney's motion - Judge Lemonidis sealed the entire court file in Loyd's prosecution. It was our (VolusiaExposed.Com) understanding then that the case file was being sealed, in order to protect the pre-teen child's identity and privacy. However, during a May 23, 2016 hearing (see videos at bottom of page) Judge Lemonidis, in our opinion, made some rather disturbing comments - that appear to support that the file was actually sealed, in order to protect Loyd's alleged victim (the pre-teen's father) from alleged harassment. Judge Lemonidis appears to NOW hold the opinion that Loyd, and possibly perhaps her attorney, Jessica Burgess - are harassing the father in a passive aggressive manner. (see below listed May 23, 2016 court room video - around minute 11:00 - video is available at the bottom of this article) |
Florida Statute 39.205(9) (9) A person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect, or who advises another to make a false report, is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Anyone making a report who is acting in good faith is immune from any liability under this subsection. Florida Statute 39.01(27) (27) “False report” means a report of abuse, neglect, or abandonment of a child to the central abuse hotline, which report is maliciously made for the purpose of: (a) Harassing, embarrassing, or harming another person; (b) Personal financial gain for the reporting person; (c) Acquiring custody of a child; or (d) Personal benefit for the reporting person in any other private dispute involving a child. |
We (VolusiaExposed.Com) suspect that any inference from the Court that Attorney Burgess is engaging in "passive aggressive harassment" of the father - is in fact, an ironic passive aggressive attempt by the Court to separate Loyd from her attorney-client relationship with Burgess.
Since "harassment" is one of the criminal elements (as per F.S. 39.01(27) - see above) necessary to support a violation of F.S. 39.205(9) - filing a false child abuse report (also see above) - has Judge Lemonidis memorialized for the record - her belief that Loyd is guilty of harassing the father - therefore - denying Loyd any pre-trial presumption of innocence - a U.S. Constitutional guaranteed right? Sadly, we (VolusiaExposed.Com) strongly believe that Judge Lemonidis has crossed that ethical barrier - and that our May 23, 2016 court room video memorializes the penetration of that ethical barrier. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) invite you - our readers - to view the May 23, 2016 courtroom video for yourselves - so that you can come to your own conclusions. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) are also uncomfortable with Judge Lemonidis' voiced opinion regarding her confidence in the credibilty and veracity of the assistant state attorneys assigned to the Loyd prosecution (see below linked May 23, 2016 court room video - minutes 12:55 - 13:45). A trust that we (VolusiaExposed.Com) believe that Judge Lemonidis will soon regret extending. (Further explained within this article - keep reading) Paraphrasing Judge Lemonidis' comments (refer to May 23 hearing - see below video) - she stated that she has known and worked with the assigned ASAs for years and found them to be worthy of her trust. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) interpreted the praise towards the ASAs as a left handed slap at Ms. Burgess' credibility and veracity - given her limited experience (1 year) of practicing law. Coupling that with Judge Lemonidis' past numerous verbal comments belittling Ms. Burgess' legal experience - thus causing us (VolusiaExposed.Com) to forward the opinion that Judge Lemonidis maintains an obvious judicial bias against Ms. Burgess - that has become detrimental to her (Burgess) client - Dana Delaney Loyd. VolusiaExposed floats the opinion that the Court's disrespecful comments towards Ms. Burgess has been done by design - in order to encourage Ms. Burgess' departure from the case. This way - with Burgess gone - the Court can assign Loyd a public defender that may be more accommodating in securing the State's offered plea bargain. We (VolusiaExposed) have recently seen this courtroom game played before - in the still on-going Volusia County prosecution of Michael Morrison. A few months ago - Circuit Judge Frank Marriott recused himself from the Morrison case - shortly after VolusiaExposed published an article questioning whether Marriott was engaging in similar judicial misconduct. |
While VolusiaExposed heavily suspects that there is an on-going conspiracy between the BCSO and the SAO to silence a critic with their arrest and prosecution of Loyd - we further have developed the opinion that a third conspirator exist - the Court itself. All three agencies (BCSO, SAO & the Court) have a common motive - they all three must cover for their inactions regarding numerous allegations against the father - regarding sexual contact with his own daughter. As evidence, in support of our allegations against the Court - we offer what we have listed as Document # 2 & #3 - AS LISTED IN OUR FEBRUARY 17, 2016 ARTICLE. |
The Rosetta Stone Document SCROLL DOWN TO REVIEW ORDER & MOTION ![]() |
Someone Is Playing Loose With The Truth The father and mother of the pre-teen child connected to Loyd's abuse hotline call have been engaging in a decade long (since 2004) custody battle. The decade long custody battle is of course separate from Mrs. Loyd's recent 2015 arrest and on-going criminal prosecution. However, immediately after the State Attorney placed the pre-teen child on their witness list in Loyd's criminal case - Loyd's attorney, Jessica Burgess appropriately filed a notice to take the child's deposition. After much debate, and the filing of numerous motions - Assistant State Atttorneys Susan Stewart & Sean Sendra opted to remove the pre-teen child from their witness list. |
In the non-related child custody case - the father is currently represented by Mark S. Peters, P.A.. During the May 23, 2016 court hearing - Attorney Burgess functionally alleged that ASAs Stewart and Sendra had been sharing sealed documents, and information attached to the Loyd criminal prosecution, with Attorney Mark S. Peters - in direct violation of Judge Lemonidis' court order sealing the entire court file. (See our February 17, 2016 article (above blue highlighted box) regarding the Court sealing the records attached to Loyd's prosecution)
However, during the May 23, 2016 court hearing - ASA Sendra stated that he only shared the sealed information with the pre-teen's father - a techicial violation that the Court (Lemonidis) found to be reasonable. Mr. Sendra theorized that the pre-teen's father must have then shared the information with his attorney - Mr. Mark S. Peters. (See video of the May 23, 2016 hearing - bottom of this article) |
VolusiaExposed.Com has been provided a recent letter from Attorney Mark Peters to Attorney Jessica Burgess. In this letter - Mr. Peters appears to clearly memorialize a direct and significant line of communication directly with the State Attorney's office - in the particular with ASA Susan Stewart.
It has become come clear to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) that the given rationale (to protect the pre-teen child) for the sealing of the Loyd prosecution file was a farce. In our opinion - the Court (Lemonidis) sealed the court file solely due to her already formed opinion that Loyd, and possibly her attorney, Jessica Burgess were engaging in the passive aggressive harassment of the pre-teen's father. Such would explain why the Court (Lemonidis) has no concern to the apparent violations of the sealed order by the prosecution. |
We suspect that any discrepancies between the ASAs May 23, 2016 statements to the Court regarding whom they have provided sealed information to - and Attorney Mark S. Peters letter to Attorney Jessica Burgess - will go unanswered by both the State Attorney's Office and the Court.
However, in fairness - VolusiaExposed.Com did send State Attorney Phil Archer the above email correspondence - advising him of the account his two assistant state attorneys (Stewart and Sendra) gave to the Court on May 23, 2016 regarding whom exactly they had released sealed court records to - and how it seems to contradict Attorney Mark Peters' May 23, 2016 letter to Attorney Jessica Burgess. Mr. Archer has not provided us with an answer. Then again - Mr. Archer seems to have a rather high tolerance for "inaccurate" information being placed on the record by law enforcement officers and now apparently by his own assistant state attorneys. Need proof - read our recent article regarding the false testimony of Rockledge Police Officer Steven Tagye. And there you have it --- stand by to stand by --- there is more to come. ![]() |