In The Defense Of Dana DeLaney Loyd - Part 3 Does The State's Proposed Plea Bargain Support A Retaliatory Agenda To Shut Down BrevardsBestNews.Com? What Was Loyd's Actual Relationship With Sheriff Wayne Ivey? |
December 3, 2015 |
Confirm Our Suspicions? VolusiaExposed.Com has posted two previous articles detailing the August 2015 arrest, and now on-going prosecution of Dana DeLaney Loyd - the Chief Editor of BrevardsBestnews.Com (BBN) November 4, 2015 Article |
Within our second article - we noted both our predictions and suspicions - that any proposed plea bargain would include provisions that served a retaliatory agenda.
VolusiaExposed.Com now invite our readers to review a copy of the proposed plea bargain that the State Attorney's Office offered to Loyd. (See Scroll Box ------------------------->) Now ask yourself this - if Loyd is merely being prosecuted for making a false report to the Florida Abuse Hotline (telephonically) - what does her articles on BrevardsBestNews.Com have to do with the alleged commission of that charged crime? With that thought in your mind - think on this - why is it so important to law enforcement (with particular attention given to the State Attorney's Office) that Loyd submits to a plea bargain that self-censors her publication - both currently, and in the future? Also - what about this requirement that Loyd must submit to an psychological evaluation and possible follow up treatment - what is that all about ?! (see proposed plea bargain ->) Well, we have our own theory and opinion on that particular subject - and we will revisit that topic later in this article. |
The Offered Plea Bargain The State Of Florida vs Dana Delaney Loyd ![]() |
As somewhat covered in our November 4, 2015 article - there is evidence in support that Loyd and Sheriff Ivey were exchanging numerous phone calls and text messages. From our understanding - another local media outlet is attempting to secure those communications (texts & emails) between Loyd and Sheriff Ivey. For us here at VolusiaExposed - we suspect that the actual rationale for Loyd's arrest will be found within Sheriff Ivey's text messages - directed to Loyd - OR directed towards others - in which Ivey refers to Loyd. VolusiaExposed has NOT filed a public record request for those communications - we feel that those records will probably surface during Loyd's pending public trial. With that thought in mind - we opt to await for the records, and the rationale for their existence, to surface simultaneously within the trial's transcripts. However - if the communications between Loyd and Ivey are of a political embarrassing nature - then that might explain why the State Attorney's office is seeking a psychological evaluation of Loyd. Afterall - for many in the know - the political playbook of dirty tricks - pretty much mandates that a political opponent be made out to be either a criminal or a nutjob. In Loyd's case - the State Attorney's Office is apparently attempting to make her out to be both - a criminal and a nutjob. Is the State Attorney covering for Ivey / BCSO? And why would the State Attorney cover for Ivey? Maybe - the answer can be found in the old adage - power covers for power? ![]() |
Records indicate that BCSO Investigator Fischer came out to Loyd's home only ONCE to interview her in regards to her phone call to the DCF hotline. Shortly thereafter - Loyd was arrested for making the alleged false report to DCF. VolusiaExposed has secured some second party documents - that seem to indicate - that over the last twelve (12) years - police have been called out over (20) twenty times to the home of the subject of Loyd's DCF abuse hotline tip. (VolusiaExposed has redacted the name of the person / subject & his home address from the attached BCSO reports - we believe these documents to be authentic - BUT we have NOT independently verified their accuracy) These calls for police service include, but are not limited to, alleged incidents of domestic violence - whereas the subject of Loyd's DCF tip was identified as the criminal suspect. (See Scroll Box --->) |
(Scroll Down To View All Documents) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What is of particular interest is - that even with so many law enforcement calls to the subject's home - court records seem to support that the subject was never arrested. Due to the lack of any arrests - VolusiaExposed is left to ponder whether the subject of Loyd's DCF abuse hotline allegations has some highly placed connections within the Brevard County law enforcement community that provides him some immunity from law enforcement actions? We further ponder whether Loyd's arrest was conducted in order to provide this person with some additional protections from a law enforcment review of his alleged activities - and to secure the removal of BrevardBestNews.Com articles - that this person articulated to BCSO Investigator Fischer as being a source of harassment towards him. (Ref: Loyd's Arrest Documents - November 4, 2015 Article) Ain't What It Use To Be Whether it's watching a video of a Chicago police officer pumping (16) sixteen bullets into a (17) seventeen year old - or watching news reports alledging how the City of Chicago attempted to cover up the shooting - the end result is - that there are too many recent events - from all over this country - that call into serious question - the overall credibility of the police. |
Click Below News Release To Review BCSO's Website Version |
Sadly - it's not just the police that have lost the public's confidence - the offices of prosecutors, and this nation's courts are all suffering from credibilty deficits.
With some of our cities in flames and under the seige or threat of riots - the most important question that faces our criminal justice communities is whether there is still time to pull away from the abyss of corruption, and return our system of justice back to it's founding priniciples? It's time to stop using our justice system as a means of political, economic and / or social control. Rather, we must as a nation - take the steps necessary to save our collective souls from the corruption that has attached itself within our criminal justice system - AND let's start locally with a serious review of the arrest and on-going prosecution of Dana Delaney Loyd. More to come.... |