Local Judge Finds Prosecutorial Misconduct Within A Brevard County Courtroom |
May 16, 2022 |
That's Nothing New For Brevard County, Florida As the below linked media articles will quickly attest to - Brevard County has a rather long history of allegations of "prosecutorial misconduct". FloridaToday May 3, 2022 Torres: Different time, different prosecutors, same dirty play | Opinion FloridaToday April 27, 2022 Attorney: 'The state cheated to convict Crosley Green' in Titusville murder case FloridaToday March 13, 2019 Torres: Gary Bennett's 'Kafka-esque' saga continues to bewilder FloridaToday February 8, 2019 Opinion: In Brevard, wrongful convictions (Wilton Dedge, William Dillon) are par for the course 05-2017-CF-029663-AXXX-XX * CLICK HERE - to read arrest warrant - Cason was being prosecuted under four counts of battery - two of which were with a deadly weapon. VolusiaExposed.Com has secured and provided the testimonies of the witnesses. We leave it to our readers' to determine for themselves - which witnesses lied. SpaceCoastDaily.Com May 5, 2022 State Attorney Phil Archer Orders Internal Review After Mistrial Ruling On April 25, 2022 - VolusiaExposed.Com sent State Attorney Phil Archer an OPEN LETTER in which we detailed our concerns regarding ASA Aven - and the criminal prosecution of Mr. Cason. As was detailed within our OPEN LETTER, in 2021 - ASA Aven experienced similar "evidence" problems (mis-trial) within the 5th Judicial Circuit, and he was disciplined by the Florida Supreme Court regarding ethical issues attached to a judicial campaign. VolusiaExposed.Com's Open Letter To State Attorney Phil Archer VolusiaExposed.Com never received an answer to our OPEN LETTER. Ocala.Com April 8, 2021 Unexpected call: Mistrial declared after Ocala jury hears 911 tape Ocala.Com May 28, 2021 Florida Supreme Court reprimands lawyer for conduct during Marion County judicial campaign The Actions Of Circuit Court Judge Steven Henderson What came as a surprise - was Brevard County Circuit Court Judge Steven Henderson's unwillingness to participate in the "misconduct" - by declaring a mis-trial with prejudice (meaning Cason can not be retried). Given our knowledge of the Brevard County Court - this publication forwards our OPINION that ONLY two Brevard County judges currently have the judicial courage to declare a mis-trial with prejudice. They are Judge Henderson and Judge Samuel Bookhardt III. Judges Henderson & Bookhardt share the commonality of being "elected" - rather than gubernatorial appointed judges. Therefore, their loyalty is with the law and the people - rather than with politicians and politics. VolusiaExposed.Com has routinely attended Judicial Nominating Commission's (JNC) hearings - whereas - these JNCs across Florida interview judicial candidates - and then, in the end - they (JNC) make recommendations for gubernatorial appointments to the bench. VolusiaExposed.Com has posted several articles (see below) where they have been critical of the JNC judicial appointment process. In short - we expressed our "OPINION" - that the appointed judge becomes beholden to the politician, and to the politics, that granted him / her the judicial appointment. January 17, 2018 GUBERNATORIAL JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS ARE THEY IN THE PUBLIC'S BEST INTEREST? April 22, 2016 JUDICIAL DIRTY DEEDS THE DISENFRANCHISEMENT OF THE LOCAL ELECTORATE December 21, 2015 THE FIX IS IN HOW THE FLORIDA POLITICAL MACHINE CIRCUMVENTS JUDICIAL ELECTIONS May 10, 2019 THE FOLLY OF POLITICAL PATRONAGE IN JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS |
State of Florida v. Robert Cason 05-2017-CF-029663-AXXX-XX Judge Steven Henderson April 22, 2022 Judge Steven Henderson finds "Prosecutorial Misconduct" Declares mistrial with prejudice.
Motion For Mistrial With Prejudice (And / Or) Motion For Dismissal ![]() CLICK HERE ORDER GRANTING Motion For Mistrial With Prejudice ![]() ![]() |
Judge Henderson tried several times to secure a gubernatorial appointment - but was unsuccessful. Therefore, he ran a political campaign and secured his robes by the will of the electorate (the people). Thereby making Henderson beholden to the law and the people - instead of being beholden to politicians and their politics. While adding insult to injury - ASA William Respess - second in command of the 18th State Attorney Office, (see below video) openly agrees that "prosecutorial misconduct" did transpire within the Cason prosecution - he believes that the State should not be sanctioned with a mistrial with prejudice ruling (prejudice meaning that the case could be retried). ASA William Respess Admits To Prosecutorial Misconduct (6 minutes - 40 seconds to 13 minutes - 15 seconds) Allowing false testimony, and / or false evidence - against a criminal defendant - has for the most part become a standard operating practice within the 18th Judicial Circuit's State Attorney's Office (Brevard & Seminole counties). Especially, if the "criminal prosecution" is being forwarded for "political" purposes. A prime example of this is the on-going criminal prosecution of Kathleen Edwards. In March 2021 - Kathleen Edwards was criminally charged with the July 2020 drowning death of her infant child - Gregory Edwards, Jr.. In TRUTH - her infant son's drowning in the family pool was a tragic accident. How do we know this? Because on pages 54-55 of the Brevard County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) own investigative report - the assigned medical examiner ruled the child's death to be an "accidental drowning". CLICK HERE TO REVIEW THE COMPLETE BCSO DROWNING INVESTIGATIVE REPORT While the BCSO "attempts" to allege - within their March 2021 charging report that Edwards failed to take reasonable precautions to avoid the occurance of the drowning incident - we (VolusiaExposed.Com) provided both the State Attorney (SA) and the BCSO with an April 4, 2021 OPEN LETTER detailing examples of similar infants drownings - that also involved the BCSO and the SA - in which the parents were NOT criminally charged. Is In Retaliation For Her Family's Civil Lawsuit In December 2018 - U.S. military combat veteran Gregory Edwards, Sr. - Kathleen Edwards' husband - died while in the custody of the Brevard County jail. VolusiaExposed.Com has published several articles regarding this in-custody death. Below are three (3) of those articles: VolusiaExposed.Com August 12, 2019 MURDERED BY THE BREVARD COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE The In-Custody Death Of U.S. Military Combat Veteran Gregory Edwards VolusiaExposed.Com December 10, 2020 IN OUR OPINION - BASED ON THE EVIDENCE The Brevard County Sheriff's Office Is Responsible For The 2018 In-Custody Death Of U.S. Combat Veteran Gregory L. Edwards VolusiaExposed.Com July 6, 2021 THE POLITICAL PROSECUTION OF KATHLEEN EDWARDS The Political Back Slapping Within The Edwards Prosecution Based upon the three (3) above articles - we support our opinionated conclusion that Kathleen Edwards' criminal prosecution is solely a retaliatory political prosecution in response to her family's civil lawsuits against the BCSO regarding Mr. Edwards in-custody death. We further forward our "suspicions" that the Court itself, is in collusion with the State Attorney's office, and the BCSO, in this political prosecution of Kathleen Edwards. White Privilege Black Death When Vehicular Manslaughter Becomes Simple DUI Corrupt State Attorneys will even "generate" (or accept as factual) questionable evidence that clears a criminal defendant from prosecution..... if the price, or the politics are correct. Corrupt State Attorneys Are Nothing New In Florida Former Third Circuit State Attorney Arrest By The Feds For Selling "Justice" We (VolusiaExposed.Com) suspect that Suzanna Norris' criminal prosecution was purposely sabotaged by the 18th Circuit State Attorney's Office in order to provide political coverage for an influential "white" woman. In the very early morning hours (approx. 2 AM) of June 20, 2021 - within the city limits of Cocoa, Florida - Passion Lucas (a black woman), a mother of six (6) was struck and killed by a car driven by Suzanna Norris. Norris would initially leave the scene of this deadly accident - only returning a short time later. During the traffic homicide investigation by Cocoa PD - Norris' blood alcohol level would test to be over twice the legal limit. Even given Norris' extremely high blood alcohol level - she was not immediately arrested for DUI. As is detailed (videos, pictures, and documents) within our below linked February 26, 2022 article - this publication alleges that the State Attorney's Office abandoned the criminal prosecution of vehicular manslaughter against Norris for political purposes. February 26, 2022 The Hidden Homicide Of Passion Lucas State Attorney Phil Archer Abandons Felony DUI Manslaughter Prosecution Power, Privilege & Politics We forward the OPINION that there will always be more "evidence" in support of Norris' criminal responsibility in the death of Lucas - than there will ever be evidence to support that Kathleen Edwards has criminal responsibility in the death of her infant son. But then again - Norris is a influential white woman... and Edwards is a strong black woman - that sued Brevard County's "constitutional sheriff" Wayne Ivey.... and there you have it ... that's how justice and politics goes in Brevard County, Florida. Call it "Critical Race Theory" (CRT) if you so desire - here at VolusiaExposed.Com - we call it being critical of the corruption that is on going within the Brevard criminal justice system. |
Listen - no one here at VolusiaExposed.Com is alleging that either Mr. Jarvis Kelly or Mr. Diderot Suffrena are innocent men (see right of page - SAO press releases) ==>. Their rap sheets speak for themselves. However, ASA Aven and the 18th Circuit SAO have their own "rap sheets" - that indicate their willingness to commit prosecutorial misconduct. Therefore, it is appropriate for this publication to question whether Mr. Kelly and Mr. Diderot received fair trials within Judge Ballou's courtroom. As covered within our June 5, 2019 article Governor DeSantis appointed Ballou to the bench after instructing the Judicial Nominating Commission Chairperson to add two more nominees to the list of judicial nominees (click here to read email). The highly politically charged gubernatorial appointment of Ballou to the bench - in our "OPINION" calls into question whether Judge Ballou's loyalties are with the law and the people - or with the questionable politics that secured her a seat on the judicial bench? Judge Ballou's loyalties will be put to the test later today (May 16, 2022) during a scheduled Court hearing - in reference to a post conviction appeal regarding Judge Robin "Railroad" Lemonidis' judicial misconduct (click here to read Florida Supreme Court finding) during Francis' 2016 trial (see below linked media articles). December 21, 2018 Judicial Misconduct Alleged Against Circuit Judge Robin Lemonidis Did Criminal Defendant Skyler Francis Receive A Fair & Impartial Trial? VolusiaExposed.Com November 15, 2019 Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission Recommends Florida Supreme Court Take Disciplinary Action Against Circuit Judge Robin "Railroad" Lemonidis ...stand by to stand by ... there is surely more to come of this...... |