IN THE DEFENSE OF A CHILD The Disparate Prosecutions Of A Man, A Woman, And A Child East Central Florida's Two Tiered Justice System |
December 22, 2023 |
This article will be delving into the recent and disparate criminal prosecutions of three individuals. One defendant is a child, the other two are adults. All three were arrested in separate unrelated cases - and all were prosecuted within Volusia County, Florida. In the 1920's and 1930's Volusia County was known as the second most corrupt area of the entire country (click here for supportive information). In our opinion, not much has changed over the last one hundred years. Within this article, we shall explore and question whether the child criminal defendant (Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado) received unfavorable disparate treatment from justice officials - as compared to the two adult criminal defendants. This publication will further question whether the Volusia County criminal justice system operates under an illegal two tiered justice system - in short, different justice based on the defendant's age - race - gender - or social economic status? VolusiaExposed.Com April 4, 2022 Welcome To Florida's Two Tiered Justice System 1. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado - was a fourteen (14) year-old child on the date of her June 2021 arrest for the alleged attempted murders of several Volusia sheriff deputies. Authorities alleged that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - with the assistance of her twelve (12) year-old co-defendant of firing numerous gunshots - including military ordnance at deputies (AK-47 rifle). This publication believes that Jackson-Maldonado was overly criminally charged and sentenced - especially when compared to the actual facts of the case, and the handling of two unrelated adult prosecutions. (more on this shortly) The twelve (12) year-old co-defendant was properly processed through the juvenile justice court, while Ms. Jackson-Maldonado would be overly prosecuted as an adult. After a plea negotiation, Jackson-Maldonado was adjudication guilty and sentenced to twenty (20) years in prison, followed by over forty (40) years of probation. (Nicole was assigned a public defender that was a former Volusia sheriff deputy. We "opine" our belief that her plea was coerced - and facilitated within a conspiracy involving the sheriff, state attorney, public defender, and the judge, and that this conspiracy is hidden within SEALED court records - more on this later) |
In our past coverage - this publication has "opined" that local authorities, including the sheriff, not only lied on Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - they also failed to protect her (and others) from significant harm. (click the below links for related information)
Allegations Of Child Molestation Within The Department Of Juvenile Justice The government of the State of Florida has a rather nasty reputation of not ensuring the welfare of children that are placed within their custody. The recent Netflix documentary Take Care Of Maya details the Florida Department of Children and Families failures to ensure, the health and rights of juveniles within their custody - including Ms. Maya Kowalski. |
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This publication encourages our readers to watch this Netflix documentary - with that, we believe that our readers will develop a better appreciation of our concerns that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado has - and we suspect still is - suffering from similar abuses within the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. (Click below link for additional information)
Click Here Widespread Corruption and Abuse in Florida’s Juvenile Justice System We believe that any documentary film studio would quickly discover that the facts attached to the arrest and prosecution of Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado would support a similar documentary film possibly titled "Defending Nicole". To gain a full appreciation that the local criminal justice system did in fact "railroad" Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - you must first compare her criminal prosecution to the criminal prosecutions of others. In order to ensure an "apple to apple" comparison, it was important that these comparative prosecutions had all transpired during the same relative time frame, and within the same prosecutor's office. 2. Michael Webb - was a 74 year-old man on the date of his October 2023 arrest. Mr. Webb was arrested for the aggravated assault of two Volusia sheriff deputies. Mr. Webb - a retired U.S. Marine Corps Master Sergeant allegedly threatened to kill deputies, as he fired several gunshot rounds at these very same deputies. It is of significance to this publication that unlike Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - Mr. Webb was NOT charged with the "life felony" of the "attempted murders" of two law enforcement officers. Mr. Webb's case is still processing through the Court. (more on the Webb prosecution shortly - read on) 3. Tamara "Tammy" Sytch - was recently sentenced to seventeen (17) years in prison, follow by eight (8) years of probation for the DUI manslaughter of Mr. Julian Lasseter. As you will soon read - Ms. Sytch is a television celebrity. Maybe that celebrity status is how Ms. Sytch was able to kill someone and receive a much lighter sentence than Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - a child that killed no one. (more on the Sytch prosecution shortly - read on) Well .... Not So Much Within Central Florida Courtrooms |
Within the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, we Americans pledge to ensure "liberty and justice for all". However, in reality - our local criminal justice system does not even come close to honoring this pledge.
Well heeled Americans will routinely receive all the justice that their money can buy. Citizens of popular notoriety - will usually garner whatever prosecutorial and judicial discretions their fame will bear. However - for the everyday run-of-the-mill citizens - even for those that are factually innocent of their charges - they are regularly obliterated within the internal mechanisms of our local justice system. |
THE WOMAN The Sentencing Of WWE* Star Tammy Sytch * World Wrestling Entertainment |
According to a recent article by the Daytona Beach News-Journal (Click here) former WWE wrestler Tammy 'Sunny' Sytch was sentenced to seventeen (17) years in prison for the 2022 DUI manslaughter death of Julian "Fran" Lasseter.
Court records indicate (Click here) that upon her release from prison Sytch will serve another eight (8) years of probation. Additionally, media records indicate (Click here) that Sytch has a rather extensive criminal record - having been released from prison for a previous DUI conviction just four months prior to killing Mr. Lasseter (Click here). |
Some may argue that Sytch's sentence was rather harsh - but then again please remember, she killed a man. Recently - in Volusia County, at least one citizen was sentenced to a much larger prison sentence - and she did not cause the death of anyone....and she was a child. The Railroading Of Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado, A Fourteen (14) Year-Old Child Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado was just fourteen (14) years of age - when she committed her crime that sent her to prison for twenty (20) years - followed by forty (40) years of probation. |
Ms. Jackson-Maldonado killed no one, in fact she was nearly killed when several deputies opened fire on her with military style weapons. The deputies' gun fire basically blew Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's back out (see pic to the right ==>).
If you are the sheriff - AND your deputies just used military ordnance to shatter the backside of a little girl - you better have a damn good reason for doing so. AND if you don't have a damn good reason - then you may lie - and allege, that the children were firing military ordnance at your deputies. Lie - is exactly what Sheriff Mike Chitwood did. Sheriff Mike Chitwood lied to the public, and the media, during a press briefing alleging that the children had fired military rounds from a AK-47 rifle at his deputies (see below right - video of press conference). |
![]() Gun Shot Wound To Back |
FULL DISCLOSURE: - The sheriff's office's own investigation (click here) - along with the Florida Department Of Law Enforcement investigation (click here) supported that the children had fired six (6) rounds - two (2) shotgun rounds and four (4) rounds from a small caliber (.22) handgun.
In the above linked FDLE investigative report - it is documented that the twelve (12) year-old male child admitted firing the AK-47 numerous times - in fact, the child alleges that he reloaded the weapon. However, the evidence is this - the AK-47 was never fired, as documented within both the above linked VSO and FDLE investigative reports - the child was experiencing a diabetic incident - and the child is known to exaggerate. Let it be clearly understood that VolusiaExposed.Com does not condone anyone firing rounds at law enforcement officers. Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was represented by Assistant Public Defender Larry Avallone (see below right picture). Records verify that prior to Mr. Avallone receiving his law license - he was a deputy within the Volusia County Sheriff's Office. Imagine the "legal pickle" that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was placed in. She was being prosecuted for attempting to murder several Volusia sheriff deputies - in a situation whereas the sheriff was lying about the incident - and the public defender assigned to her was a former Volusia sheriff deputy. Was this a conflict of interest? Probably no more of a conflict of interest - if, let's say - former U.S. President Donald Trump would be advised by the Court - that U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi had been Court assigned to represent him during his criminal prosecutions. |
The available evidence is clear - the AK-47 military rifle was never fired by the children. It just did not happen, and Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood clearly lied about the rifle being fired at his deputies (see video - right of page ==>> press briefing video).
Sheriff Chitwood's lie instantly transformed this situation into a media sideshow. The media outlets worldwide quickly monikered these children as being the new "Bonnie & Clyde". With the epithet of "Bonnie & Clyde" firmly and publicly attached - the children had little chance at securing a un-biased jury or a fair trial, leaving them only one option - to accept whatever plea bargain the State Attorney offered. |
Lying About AK-47 Gunfire |
Adding insult, to the injury of his professional conflict of interest - defense attorney Avallone did not even attempt to quash Sheriff Chitwood's fairy-tale regarding the non-existent AK-47 gunfire.
However, in a recent (December 2023) double murder prosecution (State vs. Charles Ivy) - Mr. Avallone experienced zero trepidation in filing a motion with the Court requesting that law enforcement personnel be gagged from expressing both the horrific details of the crime scene, and any opinionated statements about his client (Charles Ivy), who is suspected of murdering a mother and her 10 month-old child (see below linked court motion & related media article) FULL DISCLOSURE: The judge did NOT grant Avallone's motion - BUT left open the possibly of granting it in the future. (AGAIN - see below linked court motion & related media article for additional information) |
Why No Motion To Gag Sheriff Chitwood?
This conspiracy included - but was not limited to - the denial of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's right to have un-bias counsel - and the right to a public trial - all requirements of the U.S. Constitution. A New Attorney Be Assigned Ms. Jackson-Maldonado did file a "Nelson Motion" with the Court (click here to review) - in which she requested that a different public defender be assigned. Judge Elizabeth Blackburn did grant a "Nelson hearing" - but closed the hearing to the public. (see courtroom video - upper right of page ===>>) During this "Nelson hearing" - Ms. Jackson-Maldonado allegedly withdrew her request for a different public defender - and decided to take the prosecutor's plea deal - a plea deal that she had turned down on numerous occasions. (see below linked related article - see video to the below right of Jackson-Maldonado agreeing to take the plea deal) VolusiaExposed.Com January 6, 2023 Juvenile Defendant Rejects Twenty (20) Year Plea Offer |
VolusiaExposed.Com February 22, 2023 DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Abandoned Child Becomes Political Cannon Fodder VolusiaExposed.Com May 22, 2023 The Concocted Criminal Prosecution Of Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado Attorney Larry Avallone In Court ![]() Out Of Public Preview - Nelson Hearing Ordered By Court January 27, 2023 Immediately After Non-Public Nelson Hearing Ms. Jackson-Maldonado Takes 20 Year Plea Offer January 27, 2023 |
We forward our belief (opinion) that government authorities wanted to avoid a trial at all cost. A trial would have exposed some probable "truths" that would have placed these government officials in a negative light - such as Sheriff Chitwood's lie about the AK-47 gunfire - as well as other possible concerns transpiring within the children's group home, the juvenile detention center, and the jail - that had not yet been exposed by the media. (see below linked articles for additional insight) |
Perhaps - having a "hard on" for a juvenile defendant - while also having a "soft spot" for a retired military man is of some "political service" to Sheriff Chitwood? After-all - with most politicians, which is more important - "liberty and justice for all" OR what is best for their political career? Perhaps - Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood cares more for the deputies involved in the Jackson-Maldonado incident - than he does for the deputies shot at by Mr. Webb? Perhaps - the Volusia Sheriff Office failed to properly investigate whether children were (are) being sexually molested at both the Volusia County Juvenile Detention facility (click here for particulars)*** and the Volusia County jail (click here for particulars)? Therefore, a long prison sentence would nicely serve as a instrument for silencing Ms. Jackson-Maldonado? The sheriff's office certainly would not want the Jackson-Maldonado situation to become the latest "Maya Kowalski" scandal - would they? *** information obtained via public record request & released court records |
In preparation for this article - this publication provided government officials with a rough draft of this article - inviting them to provide any comments or corrections that they deemed were appropriate. Prior to the date of publication - we have not received any communications from these government officials regarding the contents of this article.
The accounts you have just read about - did not transpire within any North Korean, Russian, or Chinese courtrooms - sadly, they all transpired within and under the tutelage of the Volusia County two tiered criminal justice system. WE NOW INVITE YOU TO READ MORE ABOUT THE LOCAL TWO TIERED JUSTICE SYSTEM WITHIN OUR "OVER-TIME" SECTION OF THIS ARTICLE (SEE BELOW). |
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A Two Tiered Justice System Liberty Lost .... Injustices Prevail |
This publication has been active for over thirteen years. During said time frame, we have consistently argued that the East Central Florida justice system is corrupt - actually rotten to it's core. Within our argument against the local justice system - we have proposed the existence of a two tiered justice system.
One tier for the rich and powerful - and another separate tier for everyone else.
As was outlined within our April 4, 2022 article - a rich and powerful white woman - apparently under the influence of some type of substance ran over and kill Passion Lucas - a black woman, and a mother of several children - without suffering much ramification from the local justice system. VolusiaExposed.Com April 4, 2022 Florida's Two Tiered Justice System Colton Phillips - the young white son of local business man Tim Phillips - was arrested for drug smuggling - receiving a rather sweet plea deal - before violating the terms of that plea deal - but ultimately suffered little push back from the local criminal justice system. Kathleen Edwards - a black woman - whom is still seeking justice for the 2018 in-custody death of her husband within the Brevard County jail - was hounded and eventually arrested by the Brevard sheriff's office when her infant son tragically died in a accidental pool drowning incident*. * Medical Examiner ruled the infant's death an "accidental" drowning - click here to read autopsy report |
So given the medical examiner's determination that the infant's death was a tragic accidental drowning - you may wonder why Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey charged her in the death of her child? The answer is obvious to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) - Sheriff Ivey is simply misusing the criminal justice system in retaliation for Mrs. Edwards' civil litigation against him for her husband's in-custody death.
FloridaToday.Com March 20, 2023 Federal judge rules jail staff didn't violate Gregory Edwards' rights in 2018 jail death They Are Either Protected OR Victimized By The Two Tiered Justice System It has been the experience of this publication - that the two tiered justice system generally protects rogue police officers from having to fully answer for their official misconduct. Two quick examples of police officers being "protected" by this tiered justice system are former Port Orange Police Captain Kimberly Kilpatrick and current Volusia Sheriff Deputy (SGT) Chad Weaver (see below web links for particulars). |
According to available records - and as documented within this publication's April 4, 2022 article - we (VolusiaExposed.Com) opined our belief that in January 2019 the DeLand Police Department (DPD) threw two of it's police officers "under the bus" in order to help local businessman, Joseph Stapf to invalidate his arrest by these two officers. According to Mr. Stapf's arrest report - he came to the attention of Officers Goins and LaFleur due to a complaint from a local drinking establishment that Stapf was engaging in disorderly conduct. Court records also support a similar 2016 arrest of Mr. Stapf by the Daytona Beach Police Department. Local court records in both Volusia & Seminole counties reveal that State prosecutors routinely abandoned their criminal prosecutions of Mr. Stapf (see April 4, 2022 article for additional details). In short, it is the opinion of this publication that Officer Goins' & LaFleur's law enforcement careers were sacrificed by the DPD - in order to provide Mr. Stapf with his special tiered outcome in his criminal prosecution. ...and there you have it for now - and remember - this is Florida - the rules are different here..... |