Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood's Media Propagated Lie Against A Fourteen Year Old Child The Concocted Criminal Prosecution Of Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado |
May 22, 2023 |
“When a child asks you something, answer him (or her), for goodness’ sake. But don’t make a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion quicker than adults, and evasion simply muddles them.” ~ Atticus Finch - from "To Kill A Mockingbird (1960 - by Harper Lee)"
This article serves as a follow-up to our February 22, 2023 article titled "DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - 15 Year-Old Girl - With Only A Sixth Grade Education Railroaded Into Twenty (20) Year Prison Sentence" (click here to read earlier article) In our earlier article - this publication expressed our concerns of how the entire local criminal justice system (sheriff, prosecutors, Court and even her defense attorneys) circumvented the U.S. Constitutional due process rights of an abandoned (opinion) fourteen (14) year-old girl (2021). In the particular - we (VolusiaExposed.Com) expressed our OPINION that the Court, together with prosecutors, and Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado's own defense team conspired to deny Ms. Jackson-Maldonado her right to a public criminal trial. This publication forwards our belief - that had this trial transpired - Ms. Jackson-Maldonado would have been acquitted - when Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood's false media narratives against the children were explored and exposed. Sheriff Chitwood has a history of making false narratives against women and children - see some below linked examples. VolusiaExposed.Com March 19, 2020 Local Judge Dismisses Criminal Prosecution Against NSB Social Activist, Cristina March VolusiaExposed.Com July 8, 2021 STATE ATTORNEY DECLINES TO PROSECUTE WOMAN THAT SHERIFF SAYS LIED ABOUT DEPUTY VolusiaExposed.Com July 30, 2022 The Arrest Of Iyanna Rollins. Driving While Black In Deltona, Florida Our review supports that Sheriff Chitwood forwarded several false media narratives against Ms. Jackson-Maldonado and her 12 year-old male co-defendant - including, but not limited to - that the two children fired numerous high powered military rounds (AK-47) at his deputies (see below video statements by Sheriff Chitwood). We (VolusiaExposed.Com) shall present evidence later within this article - which will clearly support that the children never fired the AK-47 Russian assault rifle. Our earlier article also explored several probable personal and professional agendas of the Court, the prosecutors, and the defense attorneys - that encouraged these criminal justice actors to collaborate with Sheriff Chitwood in their shared goals of forwarding a "false narrative" against Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - as well as denying her - her Constitutional right to a public trial. VolusiaExposed.Com February, 22 2023 DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Over fifty years ago - U.S. civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” While the passage of time has provided evidence that Dr. King's statement was basically correct - time has also sustained that this "bend towards justice" - like the moral universe - is indeed "long"...... maybe much too long. In August 1967 - when Dr. King made the above statement - the majority of Americans had an unshakeable faith in the honesty and credibility of their government - including the police and the Courts. However - unknown to most - three years prior (August 1964) Americans had been blindly lead into the Vietnam War - in what was an apparent nefariously contrived fairy-tale (aka - LIE) by the U.S. Government (Gulf of Tonkin incident) - alleging that the North Vietnamese navy had without justification - opened fire on U.S. naval vessels. Within a year of Dr. King's 1967 statement - many Americans would start to appreciate the fallacy of their "unshakeable faith" in their government. By early 1968 - North Vietnam's Tet Offensive was clearly shattering repeated assurances by the U.S. Government that America was winning the Vietnam War. |
Less than a month after the start of the Tet Offensive - CBS newsman Walter Cronkite reported that the best America could hope for in Vietnam was a "stalemate" - there would be no military victory. (see CBS video report --->)
Walter Cronkite would eventually be proven correct - but sadly - on the date of Cronkite's statement - the U.S. Government already knew that America could not win the Vietnam War. In 1971 - American political activist, and former United States military analyst - Daniel Ellsberg leaked what became known as the "Pentagon Papers" to several media outlets. This top-secret Pentagon study (Pentagon Papers) provided confirmation that U.S. Government officials had known for years - including prior to 1964 - that a military conflict with North Vietnam would not conclude in America's favor. |
CBS Report - Walter Cronkite February 1968 (see above video) |
Upon the completion of the Vietnam War (1975) - nearly 60,000 U.S. military personnel were listed as killed or missing in action.
The above casualty figures are only for U.S. military personnel - Vietnamese civilian casualties far surpassed all military casualties - including those five hundred (500+) civilians (mostly defenseless women and children) that were murdered by U.S. troops during the March 1968 Mỹ Lai massacre. ----> Prior to being murdered - some of the women were raped and their bodies mutilated. Reports alleged that some soldiers mutilated and raped children who were as young as twelve (12). ----> While several U.S. soldiers participated in the massacre - only platoon leader Lieutenant William Calley Jr. was ever criminally convicted. Calley was found guilty of murdering twenty-two (22) villagers. He was originally given a life sentence, but served only three-and-a-half years under house arrest after President Richard Nixon commuted his sentence. Many attempted to give Calley the old "fog of war" coverage. Many argued - that after-all - Calley and his troops were engaged in a military operation and were susceptible to in coming military gun fire. Just one small problem - there was no enemy gun fire. |
![]() South Vietnamese women and children in Mỹ Lai before US troops killed them in the massacre, March 16, 1968 |
Had Lt. Calley wore a World War II German military uniform - instead of a 1960's U.S. military uniform - he would have spent the last years of his life hiding from the Israeli Mossad in some South American country.
At last account - Calley is living the good life outside Gainesville, Florida. Before we move on - it is important to remember and appreciate the following - all of the above described death - destruction and cover-up - has it's foundation within government lies. Additionally - it is important to further appreciate - that even within the twenty-first century - with everything being under the review of video cameras - governments will still boldly lie - including the police - and these lies are still routinely accepted as the truth (see below linked article). CNN.Com June 6, 2020 Videos Often Contradict What Police Say In Reports. Here's Why Some Officers Continue To Lie. Society's Eroding Trust In The Police American societal intolerance for police corruption came of age within the waning years of the 20th century. America had "won" the Cold War against the "evil Russian empire" (Ronald Reagan) - and some Americans were eager to identify and target other purveyors of injustice. Sadly - American law enforcement was more than willing to self-identify themselves as this "targeted" pillar of injustice. The incidents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho and Waco, Texas were early precursors to several ethical blackeyes that U.S. law enforcement would suffer over the next thirty years. The 1994-1995 murder prosecution of retired NFL football player O.J. Simpson was quickly derailed because of veracity issues attached to just one Los Angeles police detective (Mark Fuhrman). This publication OPINES that had the LAPD - and the local prosecutor's office complied with the mandates of the 1963 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Brady v. Maryland 373 U.S. 83 ) - Detective Fuhrman would have been identified as a rogue "Brady Cop" - long before his involvement in the Simpson murder investigation - thereby influencing a different verdict in the Simpson prosecution. Apparently, as was covered within a February 11, 2020 "ClickOrlando.Com" article (click here to review) some Central Florida prosecutors are also NOT fully complying with the mandates of Brady v. Maryland - thereby allowing rogue "Brady Cops" to ply their unethical brand of law enforcement trade-craft - while essentially going unchallenged by legal authorities. Within the above linked ClickOrlando.Com article - it states that the Seventh (7th) Judicial Circuit's state attorney's office does not compile a "Brady Cop" list. For that very reason - our publication some years ago - started to compile our own Brady Cop list for the Seventh (7th) Judicial circuit (click here to review). We have received many email accolades from local defense attorneys regarding our published "Brady Cops" list. Some of the deputies that were involved in this manufactured case against Ms. Jackson-Maldonado are actually long time listed members of our Brady list. (see our earlier February 22, 2023 article for additional particulars) VolusiaExposed.Com May, 22 2022 Port Orange Police Sustains Allegations Against Former Police Captain Kimberly Kilpatrick Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood Politically Screwing Over A Fourteen Year-Old Child |
Immediately after the January 27, 2023 plea and sentencing of then fifteen (15) year old Nicole Jackson-Maldonado for the alleged attempted murders of several sheriff deputies - Volusia (FL) Sheriff Mike Chitwood's statements to news reporters revealed the exact level of skulduggery he employed - in securing this contrived criminal conviction against the teenager.
(watch video of press briefing -->) VolusiaExposed.Com February, 22 2023 DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT In our OPINION - Sheriff Chitwood's refusal to answer Daytona Beach News-Journal reporter - Frank Fernandez's question of whether Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's twelve (12) year old male accomplice fired any rounds at his deputies - only provides further evidence of the high level of deceit that was employed by the State officials in securing their illicit criminal conviction against Ms. Jackson-Maldonado. (see above video of press interview - listen to Mr. Fernandez's off camera question -->) |
![]() Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood's statement (see above video) given immediately after fifteen (15) year-old Nicole Jackson-Maldonado's January 27, 2023 sentencing. |
This publication (VolusiaExposed.Com) opined in one of our earlier articles - our belief that Sheriff Chitwood knowingly presented, and allowed to fester - a false narrative, that the children had fired AK-47 rounds at his deputies. (see Sheriff Chitwood's below video statement given immediately after the June 2021 shooting incident)
Evidence presented within this article, as well as our below linked earlier article - supports that the AK-47 Russian military rifle was NEVER fired. (see the below linked article for additional particulars - best viewed on a computer - some smart phones do not populate all the videos) VolusiaExposed.Com February, 22 2023 DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT |
Sheriff Chitwood's false shooting narrative - that two middle schoolers delivered military gunfire against his deputies was quickly picked up and heavily repeated by the worldwide media. Thereby having the affect of falsely sanctioning the accuracy of Chitwood's statement. (see below media links for examples)
Globalnews.ca June 2, 2021 Kids, 12 and 14, charged in ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ shootout with police June 2, 2021 Daytona Beach News-Journal June 3, 2021 Girl, 14, shot after firing at deputies during burglary, Volusia County sheriff says CNN.Com June 3, 2021 A 12-year-old boy and 14-year-old girl broke into a home, found weapons and opened fire on deputies, sheriff says |
During media briefing held directly after the shooting incident - Sheriff Chitwood stated that at "8:54 p.m." - the twelve (12) year old child fired the AK-47 at his deputies (see minutes 1:13 - 1:20 of the below attached video). |
We (VolusiaExposed.Com) can appreciate that some of our readers may find no significance in the fact that clear and convincing evidence supports that the children never directed military gun fire at the deputies - because after-all, it does appear that the children did fire at least six (6) other rounds in the general direction of the deputies (four (4) .22 caliber and two (2) shotgun rounds). So why make a big deal about the sheriff's apparent "fib" about these children directing a hail of high caliber & high velocity military rounds towards his deputies? The obvious answer to the above question is that - "truth matters" ... and "yes" - that's the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Further - if the whole truth is being ignored as to whether military gun fire was actually directed at the deputies - the next obvious question is - what other "fibs" - if any - are attached to the police's charging affidavits against these children? (Again - see our earlier February 22, 2023 article for additional particulars) During his post conviction press briefing (see top of page video) - Sheriff Chitwood also expressed his alleged belief that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado would receive proper mental health treatment within Florida's juvenile justice system. HOWEVER, there appears to be at least one other high profile Florida sheriff that holds a conflicting opinion regarding the treatment of juveniles within the Florida justice system. (more on this shortly - read on) The following several paragraphs are an "abridged" version of the above linked article On June 1, 2021 - fourteen (14) year-old Nicole Jackson-Maldonado was arrested - along with her twelve (12) year-old male co-defendant - for the attempted murders of several Volusia County sheriff deputies. (no deputies were injuried - Jackson-Maldonado was nearly killed - read on) The two children were residents of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home (FUMCH) Police records indicate (click here to read record) that the children had "ran away" from FUMCH - and were actively being sought by the Volusia Sheriff's office. Once located within a local park - the pair ran from the police - eventually breaking into an unoccupied home (residents were out shopping). |
The two children then proceeded to "trash" the home - breaking windows, toilets, and etc.. (again click here to read police report)
Sheriff deputies soon located the children within the home. The police report then goes on to state that upon the deputies advising the children to exit the home - that the children started to shoot at the deputies with firearms they had discovered within the home (including a high powered Russian military assault rifle known as a AK-47, a shotgun, and a .22 caliber handgun). Eventually - sheriff deputies would fire their high powered rifles at Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - striking her - and nearly killing her - blowing out a large section of her back (see picture --->). Immediately thereafter both children were taken into custody. According to the police report (click here to read) - the twelve year-old child advised the investigating detective that after the fourteen (14) year-old was shot by deputies - he shot two clips (sixty (60) rounds) from the AK-47 at the responding sheriff deputies. |
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However, according to Volusia County Deputy C. Lemay's report (click here to read) no spent AK-47 rounds were recovered from the shooting scene - leading Deputy Lemay to conclude that the AK-47 was NEVER fired by the children - in direct contradiction of Sheriff Chitwood's assertions that the AK-47 had been fired at his deputies. (see above video)
According to Deputy Lemay's report - only six (6) spent shells were discovered from the children's firearms - two (2) shotgun shells - and four (4) .22 caliber shells. In fact - pictures taken by police investigators, and filed as "court discovery" verify that the AK-47 clip had not been emptied - as the twelve year-old child had stated - but rather, still had ammunition within the clip. (see picture -->) |
Available records (video & documents) indicate that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) conducted an independent "shooting investigation" into this incident. We believe that this independent investigative report could be an important comparison study to Deputy Lemay's investigative report. In preparation for this article, and since the middle of February (2023) - this publication has sent FDLE numerous emails (click here to read) requesting a copy of their shooting investigation. Interestingly - FDLE - Florida's number one law enforcement agency claim that they are short of staff - and therefore are unable to make a timely reply to our request for public records (click here to read FDLE's response). Fortunately, in 2021 - shortly after the shooting - a local newspaper, the Daytona Beach News Journal (DBNJ) was apparently able to obtain and review a copy of this now unavailable FDLE report. The DBNJ published a September 28, 2021 article in which they reviewed the findings of the FDLE shooting investigation. Within this DBNJ article - it was noted that the deputies had fired sixty-six (66) rounds - while the FDLE report failed to detail the type and number of rounds fired by the children. One would imagine - that if the children had actually fired sixty (60) rounds of military ordnance - that such a fact would have been significant enough to have been noted. Daytona Beach News-Journal September, 28, 2021 Examining the runaways gunfight: 'I'm all for not killing kids but ... we need to do something' Coupling Deputy Lemay's report along with the newspaper's review of the FDLE report - it would appear to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) that Sheriff Chitwood's deputies never came under military ordnance fire. In fact - the evidence suggests that it was only the deputies - that were using military ordnance - when they blew out Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's back. Sadly, many within law enforcement - believe they have a right to lie. Similarly to Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood - Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey is just another example of a Florida law enforcement administrator who openly believes that he can maliciously lie to the public (should you have any doubts - please review both the below linked media article, as well as Sheriff Ivey's Motion To Dismiss attached to a libel suit filed against him). FloridaToday.Com February, 24 2023 'Wheel of Fugitive' suit: Sheriff Ivey can say whatever he wants, even if 'false or malicious,' lawyers say. While it's accurate that in 1969 the U.S. Supreme Court (1969 Frazier v. Cupp) granted law enforcement officers the ability to use deceptive techiques when interrogating criminal suspects. Many within law enforcement routinely take unauthorized liberties with this "investigative technique" - mendaciously expanding it to include all sorts of deceptions - such as lying to the public, including the media, and in some cases lying in Court, while under oath - commonly referred to as "testilying" The 1994-1995 trial of O.J. Simpson presents a prime example of the chaos that police officer "testilying" can bring to any criminal prosecution. LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman's lies - while under oath - regarding his usage of racial slurs - introduced police credibility issues into the Simpson prosecution - which certainly assisted in Simpson's acquittal on two murder charges. |
Children are particularly vulnerable to dishonest and deceptive police tactics. (read below linked article) InnocenceProject.Org May, 13 2022 Five Facts About Police Deception And Youth You Should Know. Apparently - not wanting to be out-done by Sheriff Ivey - Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood decided to spin up a fairy-tale account of how two children directed military gun fire at his deputies. is to make them happy”. ~ Oscar Wilde Why would these sheriffs lie? Heck, that's easy - sheriffs are elected officials - therefore, by definition they are politicians - ... and politicians... well - they lie. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) suspect that Sheriff Ivey mainly lies because ... well let's face it - Ivey is a full blown media whore (see below linked related article). VolusiaExposed.Com April 28, 2021 Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey Law Enforcement's Clown & Carnival Barker |
Now - thats not to say the Sheriff Chitwood is not also a "media whore" - after-all, he is not called "Media Mike" for nothing - it's just that he is less of a media whore than Ivey - and therefore, he requires much more lubrication. This publication submits for your consideration - that Sheriff Chitwood was comfortable in "lying" about the AK-47 gun fire - because he was also comfortable that the "system" would support and cover his lie............ and so right he was ! Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was quickly "assigned" two attorneys from the local public defender's office - both of which had either professional or personal ties to local law enforcement. (see our below linked earlier article for additional particulars) We (VolusiaExposed.Com) voiced our "conflicts of interest" concerns regarding Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's attorneys within our February 22, 2023 article VolusiaExposed.Com February, 22 2023 DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT We held the OPINION then - AND hold the same OPINION now - that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's defense team was compromised by these personal and professional "conflicts of interest" - which effectively denied Ms. Jackson-Maldonado a competent criminal defense (including plea negotiations)(we invite you to read the above linked February 22, 2023 article for particulars). Clearly - given Sheriff Chitwood's media propagated false narrative (lie) regarding the AK-47 gun fire - any honest and competent attorney would have filed a change of venue motion with the Court - with the intent of securing a jury that had not been tainted by Chitwood's lie. From our review of the Court record - Jackson-Maldonado's defense team never filed a change of venue motion. This publication suspects that this motion was never filed - because her defense team - in concert with the other government actors (sheriff, prosecutor, Court) never intended this case to go to trial. As we articulated within our September 22, 2022 article - we first voiced our suspicions that the local judiciary (judges) were coercing Ms. Jackson-Maldonado into accepting the State's plea offer. Why would the judiciary wish to coerce Ms. Maldonado-Jackson into a plea deal? Well, that is simple - if there is no trial - then the existence of any law enforcement lies will never be exposed at trial. Just imagine if O.J. Simpson had taken a plea deal - there would have been no trial - and Detective Mark Fuhrman's lies would have never been exposed. VolusiaExposed.Com September 22, 2022 In The Defense Of Nicole Jackson A Local Juvenile Being Prosecuted As An Adult Are Coerced Plea Bargains Replacing Fair Trials? As was discussed within our January 6, 2023 article, Ms. Jackson-Maldonado HAD consistently insisted on going to trial - over the acceptance of any plea deal. VolusiaExposed.Com January 6, 2023 Juvenile Defendant Charged With The Attempted Murder Of Deputies Rejects Plea Offer That all changed during a January 27, 2023 "closed door - sealed from the public" hearing within Judge Elizabeth Blackburn's courtroom. Ms. Jackson-Maldonado exited that sealed hearing willing to accept the State's plea bargain. What transpired during that hour plus long hearing? No one knows - other than the persons that were inside that courtroom (Judge Blackburn - Clerk of the Court staff - Court reporter - Ms. Jackson-Maldonado & her attorneys, and several representatives of the Volusia Sheriff's Office (bailiffs)). The public and the media were escorted to the lobby - where they stayed - pending the outcome of this hearing. As was highlighted within our January 23, 2023 article - the original published purpose for the January 27, 2023 court hearing was to resolve a court motion - that was self filed by Ms. Jackson-Maldonado (click here to read motion) requesting that the Court assign her new attorneys (commonly referred to as a "Nelson hearing") VolusiaExposed.Com January 23, 2023 Fifteen Year-Old Juvenile Defendant Being Prosecuted As An Adult Requests Different Attorneys After the completion of this sealed hearing - not only was Ms. Jackson-Maldonado willing to accept the State's plea offer - she had also dropped her request for new attorneys. Judge Blackburn quickly sealed the transcription records of this hearing (click here to read court order). Thereby making it impossible for the public to gain any insight as to what had transpired during this hearing to convince Ms. Jackson-Maldonado to withdraw her request for new attorneys - AND to waive her right to trial by accepting the State's plea deal of twenty (20) years in prison. The sixth amendment to the U.S. Constitution affords all criminal defendants the right to a "public trial" - so we ask - should the public have a right to know what happened in that closed hearing - in which a juvenile, entered that hearing wanting to go to trial - requesting newly assigned attorneys - and exited the hearing - having waived all of what she was requesting? We believe the public does have a right to know - especially since there is convincing evidence that the local sheriff provided a "false narrative" regarding the AK-47 gun fire. In Order To Conceal Law Enforcement Lies? This publication does suspect that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was manipulated by government actors (sheriff, prosecutor, Court, public defenders) - probably with the usage of threats, coercions, and / or promises - in getting her to agree to waive both of her rights to unbias legal representation - and to a public trial. We further opine our belief that this scheme by government authorities (including - but not limited to the sheriff, state attorney, judge and public defender) was to conceal the false narratives that law enforcement officials had unfairly attached to Ms. Jackson-Maldonado. We forward the belief - that had Ms. Jackson-Maldonado been assigned defense attorneys willing to identify these false law enforcement narratives - and prepare Ms. Jackson-Maldonado for the trial that she sought - that at a minimum - Ms. Jackson-Maldonado would have secured a better plea deal - and possibly an outright acquittal. We suspect that Judge Blackburn's judicial order to seal the Nelson hearing's transcript had the rather dark and nefarious purpose of hiding the threats, coercion, and promises employed against the child - in order to secure the waiving her Constitutional rights. We make the prediction that the Nelson hearing transcript will either be eventually destroyed - or simply come up missing. Another possibility - State actors will simply sequester Ms. Jackson-Maldonado from public contact until her statuatory time limitations for any appeals have expired. This publication suspects that the now sealed (by Judge Blackburn) "multidisciplinary performance plan" as written by the administration of the Hillsborough Girls Academy holds the evidence of a conspiracy between these government actors to isolate Ms. Jackson-Maldonado from her supporters - thereby limiting her ability to forward any timely appeals to the Court. Frankly - this publication saw more "justice" and court transparency within the Russian prosecution of U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner - than within the Florida prosecution of American teenager Nicole Jackson-Maldonado. Florida's Juvenile Justice System While Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood has stated for the record his belief that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado will receive the treatment she needs within the Florida juvenile justice system (see above video) - the truth regarding her treatment may be far different than Chitwood's assurances. Current court records (March 2023) appear to indicate that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado is currently incarcerated within the Hillsborough Girls Academy in Tampa, Florida. On-line records with the Florida Department of Corrections (FL DOC) - indicate that FL DOC contracts the operation of the Hillsborough Girls Academy, along with several other juvenile detention facilities to a for profit company called True Core Behavioral Solutions This publication has been unsuccessful in having representatives from True Core Behavioral Solutions to verify Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's housing location - together with - when and where she can be visited and sent mail. Back in March (2023) this publication sent an email (click here to read) to the Hillsborough Girls Academy's administrator requesting visitation and contact information regarding Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - as of the publication date of this article - we have not received a response to our inquiry. VolusiaExposed.Com has developed concerns that the administration of True Core Behavioral Solutions, along with the FL DOC may be assisting the Court, State Attorney, Public Defender's Office, and Sheriff Chitwood in ensuring that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado has been effectively silenced - thereby providing to them - full coverage in their orchestrated ploy in denying Ms. Jackson-Maldonado her U.S. Constitutional right to due process. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd Voices Concerns According to on-line records - prior to changing their company's name to "True Core Behavioral Solutions" - this private, and for profit firm operated several of Florida's juvenile detention facilities under the name of "GS4 Youth Services". PRnewwire.Com June 30, 2017 Former G4S Youth Services LLC Becomes TrueCore Behavioral Solutionss Records apparently support that GS4 Youth Services' failures first came to the attention of Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd's in August 2013 - when there was a major riot at the Highlands Youth Academy (HYA). TheLedger.Com October 31, 2019 Highlands Youth Academy temporarily closes After the 2013 riot - Polk County sheriff detectives began getting tips about claims of wrongdoing and criminal activity at HYA that weren’t being reported. Those claims included sexual activity between staff and the juvenile residents, and residents battering staff members without action being taken by HYA administration. Interestingly - this publication noted similar concerns - questioning whether the Volusia County Sheriff's Office failed to properly investigate whether Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado had been sexually molested while in custody at the Volusia County jail. (see our below linked related article - A MUST READ) VolusiaExposed.Com December 22, 2022 The Debacle Surrounding The Criminal Prosecution Of A Fifteen Year Old Teenager One Child's Fight For Freedom & Justice |
By the early fall of 2017 - the allegations against the HYA / GS4 administration had risen to such a level - whereas the Polk County Sheriff's Office was able to affect the arrest of three GS4 employees (see Sheriff Judd's media briefing video for particulars -->).
TheLedger.Com August 18, 2017 PCSO arrests 3 former Juvenile Justice workers on multiple felony charges So we ask you - the public - given the above - do you believe that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado received fair due process? Do you suspect - as we do - that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's defense attorneys had serious conflicts of interest regarding their representation of her? Do you believe - in complete contradiction of the evidence - Sheriff Chitwood's assurances that his deputies came under military gun fire from the two teenagers. |
Listen to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd's August 2017 press conference (see above video) in which he voices his concerns regarding the private, and for profit companies, that run Florida's juvenile detention facilities. |
Do you believe that the Volusia Sheriff's Office honestly and fully investigated whether Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was sexually molested while in the custody of the Volusia County jail? Before self-answering that question we highly recommend that you review our earlier posted December 22, 2022 article.
Under what rationale do you suspect Judge Blackburn was encouraged to seal the "Nelson hearing" transcripts? Was it really Judge Blackburn's documented rational to protect Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's "due process rights to a fair trial" - a trial (click here to read Court order sealing record) - that now - due to the plea bargain would never occur? In truth - was the sealing of Nelson hearing transcript accomplished - in order to provide coverage to a conspiracy between criminal justice actors (sheriff, state attorney, public defender, and the Court) in denying a child her constitutional due process? This publication understands - that it is sometimes hard for the public to immediately appreciate that their government has lied to them. Most Americans desire to believe that their government officials (especially the police and the Courts) would not forward false narratives. It took America over a decade to come to the realization that the Vietnam War was based on a false government narrative (Gulf of Tonkin incident). Lt. William Calley was by many initially hailed as some kind of war hero - including by some prominent Americans (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, George Wallace, etc.) However - with the passage of time - and as the "arc of the moral universe" slowly bent towards justice - Lt. Calley's hero status has worn thin. Truth - like hope, floats - and eventually both break through to the surface. This publication anticipates that as the arc of the moral universe continues to bend - that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado will eventually find justice and vindication from the false narratives that were attached to her. Until then - this publication invites you to review the related below linked article - so that you can have a better appreciation of just how warped the Florida justice system has become. If the Florida justice system can "bend over" Mickey Mouse - just imagine what it can do to an abandoned child. VolusiaExposed.Com May 16, 2023 THE BENDING OVER OF MICKEY MOUSE FLORIDA STATE COMMISSION FORWARDS SIX (6) SUPREME COURT NOMINEES TO GOVERNOR DESANTIS Stand by to stand by .....there is surely more to come of this.......... This Is A Man's World ~ James Brown Drop us a line to let us know what you think. ![]() EMAIL US |