THE BENDING OVER OF MICKEY MOUSE FLORIDA STATE COMMISSION FORWARDS SIX (6) SUPREME COURT NOMINEES TO GOVERNOR DESANTIS Governor DeSantis To Fill Open Seat Cause By Justice Ricky Polston's Retirement VolusiaExposed.Com Argues For Our Right To Cover The JNC Hearing |
May 16, 2023 |
On May 3, 2023 - VolusiaExposed.Com attended, and video recorded, the vetting / interview process of the Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC). The nominating commission interviewed fifteen (15) qualified candidates in order to fill the opening on the Supreme Court caused by the retirement of Justice Ricky Polston. VolusiaExposed wishes to extend our thanks to all of the Supreme Court JNC members , they were all very professional and approachable. The JNC narrowed the list of judicial candidates to six (6) qualified judicial nominees. These nominees' names will be forwarded to Governor DeSantis for his final selection and appointment. (see right of web page) ---> |
Based on what was heard, and what was discussed during the interview process, all of the nominees meet the minimal qualifications to serve as a Florida Supreme Court Justice. As far as ethically qualified - some are slightly more ethically qualified - while other come with serious baggage (conflicts of interest, nepotism, questionable judicial decisions, etc.) , that calls into question their ability to serve on the Court. We invite our readers to review the video interviews of the nominees, as well as the nominees' redacted applications (see below videos & PDF applications - bottom of article).
While we (VolusiaExposed.Com) found the JNC commissioners to be friendly and cooperative in our endeavor to record and report on the JNC process of nominating judicial candidates - sadly we must report that Orange County courthouse administrators attempted to impede our right to cover and record this public event.
Orange Court administrators were not pleased that our photojournalist did not possess media credentials from the Orange County Court. Apparently, within the Orange County Courthouse - the government must first determine whether an organization like "VolusiaExposed.Com" meets the government's definition of being a "media outlet" - prior to being permitted to video record within the courtrooms. In addition to VolusiaExposed.Com - the State of Florida's government operated TheFloridaChannel.Org attended and recorded the JNC interview process. The Florida Supreme Court via the Florida Rules Of Judicial Administration 2.450 defines the parameters of video equipment usage within Florida courtrooms. The Orange County Court (AKA - the Ninth Judicial Circuit) expanded upon the parameters of FRJA 2.450 within two (2) local Court orders (see below web links to these Court orders) Court Order - 2014-04 |
It is of interest that both Court Orders, as well as FRJA 2.450 - have a focus on the usage of cameras during official Court proceedings. Well - there is the "rub" - meetings of the Florida Supreme Court JNC are NOT official Court proceedings. But hey - why allow the law and the facts to get in the way of silencing the media. (yes - sarcasm is attached)
In an attempt to gain some clarity on these matters - this publication sent a May 11, 2023 email to Court officials inviting them to clarify whether a media card would be needed for any future JNC hearings. Just prior to our publication date for this article - we received an apology email from the Orange County Court administration regarding our treatment of May 3, 2023. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) accept their apology - and hope that they will eventually come to "love" what we do - similar to how our own home (7th Judicial Circuit) JNC has come to appreciate our coverage. (see the below attached video from a 2019 JNC training session) The main reason why this publication covers JNC hearings - is to secure the judicial nominees' interviews and their judicial applications for public posting to our web site. This provides the public with information - to better understand who these judicial nominees are - what they represent - and whether they have conflicts of interest that would impair their ability to be fair and honest regarding the administration of justice. Upon our review of the judicial applications - we have identified three (3) of the judicial nominees that are concerning to us. They are - Stargel, Smith & Sasso. All three of the above - are current judges on the Sixth District Court Of Appeal. This Court was formed earlier this year (2023) - and all of the Sixth DCA judges were appointed by Governor DeSantis. Judicial nominee Joshua Mize is also a judge on the Sixth DCA. Keeping It All In The Family Political Patronage & Conflicts Of Interest Where shall we start with Judge Meredith Sasso. Perhaps the best place to start - is by inviting our readers to review our below linked January 8, 2019 article VOLUSIAEXPOSED.COM January 8, 2019 Political Patronage Trumps Judicial Experience Out Going Governor Rick Scott Appoints His Deputy Chief Counsel To The 5th District Court of Appeal When reviewing Judge Meredith Sasso - some of her family members come into play. Within the Sasso family - there are at least three major players - Judge Meredith Sasso herself - her husband Michael A. Sasso - and her father-in-law Michael C. Sasso. The Sasso family could by some - be compared to the fictional Dutton family from the television series Yellowstone. In our OPINION Beth Dutton could not even compete with the treachery of Judge Meredith Sasso. In January 2019 - out-going Florida Governor Rick Scott (now U.S. Senator R. Scott) appointed Meredith Sasso, his deputy counsel to the Fifth District Court of Appeal. Sasso had never been any type of judge (administrative, county or circuit) - and barely had the necessary appointment requirement of having a Florida Bar license for at least ten (10) years. Regarding her appointment - it probably helped - that her father-in-law (Michael C. Sasso) was, and still is the Chair of the Fifth DCA's Judicial Nominating Commission that recommended her judicial appointment. (full disclosure - her father-in-law "recused" himself from the JNC hearing that forwarded her name to Governor Scott) Earlier this year - when the State of Florida started a new District Court of Appeal (6th DCA) - who do you imagine Governor Ron DeSantis appointed as a judge to the Sixth DCA - if you guessed Judge Meredith Sasso - well - you win a cookie ! According to an Orlando Sentinel editorial - among legal circles - Sasso is favored as Governor DeSantis' pick for the Supreme Court appointment. However - should she gain the judicial seat - her appointment will come with some "conflicts of interest" and "nepotism" baggage - that may negatively influence a rather high profile - and on-going lawsuit - Mickey Mouse vs. Governor Ron DeSantis. Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Currently Judge Sasso's husband (Michael A. Sasso) serves on Governor Ron DeSantis' controversial - and some say highjacked "Mickey Mouse Board" (officially known as the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD)). The DeSantis appointed "Mickey Mouse Board" (CFTOD) only recently came into existence - some alleged (including Disney) as an retaliatory act - after Disney spoke out against some legislation signed into law by DeSantis. (see the below linked media article for particulars) DEADLINE.COM MAY 6, 2023 Ron DeSantis Says Disney Has “Not Made A Peep” Since Skirmish Over “Don’t Say Gay” Law: “The Party Is Over For Them” Prior to the formation of DeSantis' appointed board - Disney had their own self-appointed board that oversaw and ran the Disney property. In effect - Disney for over the last fifty (50) years was their own municipal government within the State of Florida. Late last month (April 2023) Disney filed a federal lawsuit against DeSantis and his appointed over-sight board - stating that DeSantis retaliated against Disney - when Disney exercised their Constitutional protected freedom of speech by openly criticizing DeSantis. CNN.COM APRIL 27, 2023 Disney sues DeSantis and oversight board after vote to nullify agreement with special taxing district. Mr. Sasso (Judge Sasso's husband) also serves as a commissioner on the Sixth DCA JNC .... and yes, that is the very same Sixth DCA - that Judge Meredith Sasso currently serves as the Chief Judge. CLICKORLANDO.COM FEBRUARY 27, 2023 These are the 5 people Gov. DeSantis appointed to former Reedy Creek district’s board The Sixth DCA covers several judicial circuits - including the Ninth Judicial Circuit which incorporates both Orange and Osceola counties - so why is that important? It's important - because Michael A. Sasso's "Mickey Mouse Board" (CFTOD) has recently sued the Disney corporation within the Ninth Judicial Circuit (State Court). MSN.COM MAY 1, 2023 DeSantis-aligned board votes to sue Disney The difference between the two lawsuits - is that Disney sued in Federal Court - while DeSantis' board sued within State Court. Martin Garcia - Chair of DeSantis' appointed board (CFTOD) stated "Yes, we'll seek justice in our own backyard". Bullshit - You Own The State Court - You Are Backdooring Mickey Mouse ! NOW - let's closely examine Mr. Garcia's statement - and in doing so - come to realize why Mr. Garica is so confident in obtaining "justice" in his own backyard. Disney is located within the Ninth Judicial Circuit (Florida State Court). So which Ninth Circuit judge would be willing to rule against DeSantis' and his board - especially given that Michael A. Sasso is a commissioner on DeSantis' "Mickey Mouse" board? Michael A. Sasso is ALSO a commissioner on the Sixth DCA Judicial Nominating Commission - the exact State commission that forwards judicial nominations for gubernatorial appointments to the Sixth DCA? This publication is of the OPINION that ANY judge from the Ninth Circuit that would rule in favor of Disney - would be committing "career suicide". Not only would this judge have zero chance at any advancement to the Sixth DCA - but should Meredith Sasso - or any other of DeSantis' cronies be appointed to the Florida Supreme Court - this particular Ninth Circuit Court judge may find himself or herself on the wrong end of a manufactured judicial ethics complaint. Judicial ethic complaints have an end result at the Florida Supreme Court. Even if there was a Ninth Circuit Court judge brave enough to rule against DeSantis - and in favor of Disney - that decision would be appealed to the Sixth DCA - where Judges Sasso, Smith, Stargel, and Mize currently preside. What are the chances that these Sixth DCA judges (all DeSantis minions & appointees) would over-rule a Ninth Circuit's decision against Disney? This publication suggests that the Disney corporation prepares itself for an adverse ruling in the Ninth Circuit - and upon appeal to the Sixth DCA - Disney should expect a "per curiam affirmed" (PCA) ruling. Florida's DCAs are known for their avoidance of problematic legal decisions by issuing PCAs rulings. And so goes "justice" within the State of Florida. There may be a "fly in the ointment" for the Florida justice system should a PCA be used to quiet any appeal by Disney. Most Floridians don't have a clue of how Florida DCAs routinely sidetrack honest "due process" by issuing PCAs. HOWEVER - most Floridians are keenly aware of the DeSantis v. Disney legal battle. The State's usage of a PCA in an attempt to deny Disney their fair due process - may have the net affect of exposing the whole fraudulent PCA debacle. In the end - and in the spirit of famed defense attorney Johnny Cochran - screwing the mouse, may expose the corruption within the courthouse. (see the below articles for detailed explanations on PCAs - within the January 8, 2019 article - watch the video showing the December 12, 2017 oral argument in the Dana DeLaney Loyd appeal to the Fifth DCA - ask yourself - who won that appeal - in the end the Fifth DCA issued a PCA ruling). The Loyd appeal is just one example of how Florida appellate judges abuse PCAs in order to pay back political favors - or to short circuit the administration of justice. Unfortuately, this is a fairly common practice within Florida's District Courts of Appeal. FLORIDAAPPELLATE.COM FEBRUARY 16, 2014 Florida Appeals 101: What is a PCA? FLORIDABAR.ORG MAY-JUNE 2019 Oh No! Not a Per Curiam Affirmed Decision on My Appeal VOLUSIAEXPOSED.COM JANUARY 8, 2019 Political Patronage Trumps Judicial Experience Out Going Governor Rick Scott Appoints His Deputy Chief Counsel To The 5th District Court of Appeal Given the above - you should now have a better idea of why Mr. Martin Garcia is so confident that DeSantis will secure his particular brand of "justice" within his "own back yard". The State Court system has been positioned to settle (actually silence) this lawsuit using political patronage - rather than employing the law. Political Patronage & Conflicts Of Interest According to Judge Stargel's judicial application from 2002 to 2006 he served as a member of the Florida House of Representatives. After leaving the House of Representatives - Judge Stargel served as a circuit judge from 2007 to 2020 within the Tenth Judicial Circuit. In 2020 - Governor DeSantis appointed Judge Stargel to the Second District Court of Appeal (DCA). During his tenure on the Second DCA - some suspect that Judge Stargel may have crossed an ethical boundary. Stargel's wife - Florida State Senator Kelli Stargel had sponsored a bill requiring parental consent for abortions for girls younger than age eighteen (18), except when a court grants an exemption. This bill became law with Governor DeSantis' signature in June 2020. Before moving forward - it must be stressed that there is a significant difference in simply "voting" on a bill and "sponsoring" a bill. As per a January 2022 Second DCA Opinion a seventeen (17) year-old girl (Jane Doe) petitioned her local circuit court for an exemption - so that she could have an abortion without parental consent. The assigned circuit court judge denied Doe's petition stating that the minor appeared “cavalier throughout the hearing, cutting the court short,” and giving rather “curt” responses to serious questions. The judge also indicated that Doe's petition had “two misspellings and serious grammatical problems” in her bypass petition. The circuit court judge denied Doe's petition basically on his judicial belief that Doe did not have the intelligence to make the abortion decision. Doe appealed the circuit court's decision to the Second DCA. Upon review - the majority of the Second DCA ruled in favor of Doe's petition - thereby over turning the circuit court judge's denial. Judge Stargel authored a dissenting opinion (see last few pages - click here) in support of the circuit court judge's petition denial. It is the OPINION of this publication that since Judge Stargel's wife "sponsored" the bill that lead to the law that Doe was seeking the judicial exemption - that he should have declared a "conflict of interest" and recused himself from the case. Stargel's failure to recognize this "conflict of interest" provides us pause that he will fail to recognize future "conflicts of interest" attached to his judicial duties. Given Stargel's past history within Florida's legislature - we suspect that he experiences difficulties separating his "politics" from his judicial responsibilities. His failure to recuse himself in the Doe matter - only goes to support our suspicions. ABAJOURNAL.COM JANUARY 24, 2022 Dissenting judge cites teen's GPA and poor grammar to support need for parental consent for abortion In 2023 - with the formation of the Sixth DCA - Governor DeSantis appointed Stargel to serve on the Sixth DCA. One could formulate a "theory" - that Governor DeSantis "packed" the Sixth DCA in anticipation of DeSantis' legal battle with the Disney corporation. If so - this publication is of the OPINION that Judge Stargel could easily be convinced to see the Disney controversy through a jaundice political eye - rather than through a pure legal prism. Political Patronage The circuit court judge that decided the above mentioned "Jane Doe" case in which he denied the petition of a seventeen year-old girl desiring an abortion without parental consent - well, that was Circuit Judge Jared E. Smith. In August 2022 - shortly after his petition denial to "Jane Doe" - Judge Smith lost his re-election bid. Abortion right supporters campaigned for his opponent, Nancy Jacobs, a Tampa attorney (see below linked article for additional information). Shortly thereafter, Governor DeSantis appointed Judge Smith to the newly formed Sixth DCA. Political Patronage at it's finest. Governor DeSantis rescues Judge Smith from judicial oblivion. Not only did Governor DeSantis appoint a judge who could not even win re-election to a District Court of Appeal seat - this same judge is on the precipice of an appointment to the highest judicial office in the State of Florida. Be damned what the local public (voters) have to say !! Remember - Governor DeSantis not only re-appointed Judge Smith back to the bench when voters opted not to re-elect Smith - but DeSantis also conducted a politicized removal from office of twice elected Hillsborough County Prosecutor Andrew Warren. Again - be damned what the local public (voters) have to say !! ABAJOURNAL.COM DECEMBER 21, 2022 Hillsborough judge who lost re-election is appointed to Court of Appeal by Gov. DeSantis NYTIMES.COM MARCH 11, 2023 Inside Ron DeSantis’s Politicized Removal of an Elected Prosecutor Judge Smith should be very grateful to Governor DeSantis. Do you imagine that Governor DeSantis may expect some "Quid pro quo" (aka - political patronage ) from Judge Smith regarding his legal battle with Mickey Mouse? Our Closing Thoughts Well, there you have it - our thoughts and OPINIONS of how screwed up the Florida justice system currently is. Whether you seek justice in criminal or civil court - the Florida justice system has been so corrupted by political patronage - and petty agendas - that for the most part - the law - American principles such as due process, and the U.S. and State Constitutions are no longer the driving forces. Mr. Martin Garcia's confidence that Desantis will win his legal battle against Disney within State Court is well founded. HOWEVER Mr. Garcia - it will NOT be justice that you will find "in your backyard" - instead you and your cohorts will only be burying yet another American founding principle in your backyard. Shame on you - shame on all of you. Then again - you are apparently following the lead of one of our country's U.S. Supreme Court Justices.... deceit over the truth...mis-direction over transparency.... money and power over principles....arrogance over humility. HUFFPOST.COM MAY 13, 2023 Clarence Thomas, Harlan Crow And The Original Meaning Of Corruption |
McHugh's Redacted Application |
Mize's Redacted Application |
Palermo's Redacted Application |
Sasso's Redacted Application |
Smith's Redacted Application |
Stargel's Redacted Application |
FULL DISCLOSURE: The above applications were self-redacted by the nominees. Some of these files are very large and will take additional time to download. |