The Credibility Of The Local Judiciary Hinges On The Integrity Of Two Judicial Candidates The 7th Judicial Nominating Commission Has Received Nineteen (19) Judicial Applications To Fill Open Judicial Seat |
January 22, 2024 |
AS A JOURNALISTIC EDITORIAL, NO LEGAL OPINION, OR AUTHORITY, SHOULD BE INFERRED Within this article, we (VolusiaExposed.Com) will be presenting our concerns regarding two judicial candidates whom are actively seeking a gubernatorial appointment within the Seventh (7th) Judicial Circuit. We opine that both judicial candidates lack the ethical character to hold judicial office. Later in this article, we shall identify these two candidates - providing particulars, including documentary evidence in support of our concerns. Until then - we believe it is important for our readers to gain an understanding, regarding the level of corruption that currently exist within Florida's judicial system. Pay close attention - because some of the corruption that we are about to delve into - attaches itself to these two judicial candidates. Please read on. IT'S CORRUPTION PERSONIFIED This publication has for over the last decade expressed our concerns regarding Florida's system of gubernatorial judicial appointments, especially at the county and circuit court levels (see the below linked articles for reference). |
The Florida Constitution dictates that judicial vacancies at the appellate level (district courts and supreme court) be filled via gubernatorial appointments - with the electorate routinely confirming these judicial tenures within retention election. (example below).
In as far as judicial assignments to county and circuit court levels - these positions are constitutionally designed to be directly filled via the electorate. HOWEVER, in the very early 1970s - then Florida Governor Reubin Askew introduced the concept of the Judicial Nominating Commissions (JNC). Florida currently has twenty-seven (27) JNCs throughout the entire Florida judicial system (20 circuits (court & circuit courts), 6 district court of appeal, and the supreme court). These JNCs are comprised of legal minded individuals appointed by the governor - with some assistance from the Florida Bar. The JNCs' alleged purpose is to vet out the judicial candidates, thereby assisting the governor in selecting judicial appointments to the appellate courts, AND to immediately fill, through gubernatorial appointment, any openings in the county and circuit courts that transpired outside an election cycle (more on this later). The JNCs usually forwards the governor between three (3) to six (6) judicial nominees for his consideration. The above process was how the JNCs were originally designed to function - in reality, over the last fifty years - the JNC process has been politically hijacked. Political Patronage Trumps Judicial Merit Former Governor Askew introduced an honest concept for judicial selection (JNCs) - but over the last five (5) decades corrupt Florida politicians have bastardized this process. Currently, judicial appointments in Florida are not grounded in merit - but are given out under a political patronage model. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) highlight the recent (2023) appointment of Meredith Sasso to the Florida Supreme Court as a prime example of how political patronage has out-ranked merit within judicial appointments. We invite our readers to review our below linked article detailing our concerns regarding the appointment of Justice Sasso. VolusiaExposed.Com May 16, 2023 THE BENDING OVER OF MICKEY MOUSE FLORIDA STATE COMMISSION FORWARDS SIX (6) SUPREME COURT NOMINEES TO GOVERNOR DESANTIS Upon the completion of your review of Justice Sasso's appointment - if you still have doubts that political patronage is the factual guiding force behind all of Florida's judicial appointments - then we invite your review of the below linked articles - attached to the 2019 retirement of Eighteenth (18) Circuit Judge Tonya Rainwater (see below linked articles). |
Thankfully, the public does not need to solely rely on the concerns and reporting of this publication (VolusiaExposed.Com), because several other Florida publications report on this particular brand of corruption on a regular basis. Please see the below linked articles as examples of such reporting. |
Florida's Justice System It's A Common Theme Governmental corruption is nothing new to Volusia County. Records clearly indicate that in the 1920s and 1930s Volusia County was considered the second most corrupt area in the nation. Almost one hundred (100) years later - it still appears that Volusia County, along with much, if not all of Florida, is still one of the most likely places to find corrupt officials (see below linked article). Sun-Sentinel June 28, 2021 Want to see corrupt officials? Florida is the place Even Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood has stated that Volusia County politicians are corrupt (see below linked article). Mynews13.Com December 5, 2018 Sheriff Chitwood: Volusia County Council is Corrupt |
However, Sheriff Chitwood is not immune from corruption allegations. Some of the founding fathers of Volusia County's Chartered government have challenged the sheriff's commitment to honest and open government (see below linked article).
Daytona Beach News-Journal December 12, 2018 LARRY ARRINGTON and T. WAYNE BAILEY: Rift pushes Volusia into dangerous waters A Recipe For Constitutional Armageddon We (VolusiaExposed.Com) believe that Volusia County founding fathers Larry Arrington and T. Wayne Bailey make an excellent point (see above linked editorial) regarding their concerns of a corrupt chief law enforcement officer (sheriff). Constitutional Due Process Be Damned While Florida judicial canons forbade judges from playing politics, many judges still will manipulate their judicial powers to gain political advantage. We shall now submit examples of what we believe are Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood "playing politics" with judges, in order to deny criminal defendants their constitutional due process: Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado In June 2021 - fourteen (14) year-old Nicole Jackson-Maldonado was arrested along side her twelve (12) year old male co-defendent for the alleged attempted murder of several Volusia County sheriff deputies. The male child was prosecuted as a juvenile - while Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was prosecuted as an adult. |
Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood stated to the media that the juvenile defendants had fired numerous gunshot rounds at his deputies - including gunfire from a military grade AK-47 rifle. (see video of Sheriff Chitwood ==>>)
The truth is - that the only persons that were firing military grade ammunition on that day were the deputies, and Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was nearly killed by it. Evidence supports (click here - see page 3 - second paragraph - last two sentences) - that the children fired six (6) rounds - two (2) from a shotgun and four (4) from a .22 caliber handgun - indicating that the AK-47 rifle was not fired. |
During a June 1, 2021 press briefing - Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood states that 12 year-old child fired rounds from the AK-47 assault rifle at deputies. However, a Sheriff's Office investigative report indicates that no AK-47 rounds were fired. |
Within several of our earlier articles (see two of these articles linked below) - this publication opined that Sheriff Chitwood lied about the AK-47 gunfire - and that the Volusia Sheriff's Office (VSO) failed to properly investigate whether Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was twice sexually exploited while in custody. |
VolusiaExposed.Com December 22, 2022 The Debacle Surrounding The Criminal Prosecution Of A Fifteen Year Old Child Additional particulars regarding the in-custody sexual exploitation of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado can be reviewed within our earlier articles (again - see two of these articles linked below). Within The Sheriff's Or State Attorney's Offices Both the sheriff's and state attorney's have a rather long and consistent history of covering up incidents of sexual exploitation. A prime example of this - would be the cover-up involving Deputy Shane Duggan. Our June 5, 2012 article exposed the "particulars" of this scandal, and it's cover-up. FULL DISCLOSURE: The Duggan incident transpired under the Sheriff Johnson administration - however, current State Attorney R.J. Larizza was in office during this time In short - in September 2009 Deputy Duggan assisted in the arrest of Ms. Amanda Fackler. Ms. Fackler was arrested for D.U.I. and battery on a law enforcement officer. Shortly after her arrest - it was alleged (implied) - and supported by surveillance video (see linked article) - that Deputy Duggan arranged a meeting with Ms. Fackler with the nefarious purpose of exchanging sexual favors for his assistance in resolving her criminal prosecution. According to the sheriff's office investigative summary (click here - see page 2) - the state attorney dropped their criminal prosecution of Ms. Fackler in order to save the sheriff's office and Deputy Duggan from any embarrassment (see below highlighted text). |
CLICK HERE TO REVIEW ![]() Sheriff's Office Investigative Summary CLICK HERE TO REVIEW (see page 2) ![]() |
Investigative Summary CLICK HERE TO REVIEW (see page 2) ![]() THEREFORE, a question arises - if the state attorney's office was willing to "drop" a felony criminal prosecution in order to save the sheriff's office some embarrassment - would this very same state attorney's office be willing to overly prosecute a juvenile defendant - in order to secure a long prison sentence against the defendant - effectively silencing the defendant - ALL done, in order to save the sheriff's office from embarrassment (sheriff's lie about AK-47 gun fire - and the VSO's failure to properly investigate the sexual exploitation of a child - while in-custody) ? A Biased Defense Team Within the below linked articles - this publication opines that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was not provided an adequate defense team by the local public defender's office. That this failure was not by incompetence - but rather was a nefarious act - involving one of the two judicial candidates being addressed within this article. (more on this shortly) The lead public defender assigned to represent Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was a former Volusia sheriff deputy (remember the defendant was being prosecuted for the attempted murders of Volusia sheriff deputies). We believe that the sheriff, the judge, the public defender's office, and the state attorney's office all conspired to deny Ms. Jackson-Maldonado her U.S. Constitutional due process. Please feel free to review our below linked article titled "Dark Justice Within The Seventh Judicial Circuit" to gain an better appreciation of our concerns for this child. |
It is the belief of this publication that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was judicially coerced - during a private - off the public record hearing - into accepting a plea deal of twenty (20) years in prison, followed by nearly fifty (50) years of probation. (see video - Judge Elizabeth Blackburn ordering this secretive hearing ==>>)
Failure To Fully Investigate Child Sex Trafficking Allegations In support of our belief that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was overly charged and prosecuted - and then coerced and railroaded into accepting her prison sentence - we offer for your review the below linked comparison prosecution of retired Marine Corps Master Sergeant Michael Webb. |
Secretive Hearing January 27, 2023 |
According to Mr. Webb's October 2023 arrest report (click here to review), like Ms. Jackson-Maldonado, he also fired gunshot rounds at responding Volusia sheriff deputies.
HOWEVER, unlike Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - who was charged with the "attempted murder" of several deputies - Mr. Webb was only charged with the "aggravated battery" of the deputies. (see the below linked article titled "In The Defense Of A Child") |
So why would a fourteen (14) year-old child be so heavily charged and prosecuted - when a seventy-four (74) year-old man can engage in the same criminal behavior - and be so lightly charged?
The only differences we can see - are the ages, the genders, and the fact that the sheriff did not lie on the seventy-four (74) year-old defendant, or fail to properly investigate whether the Marine Master Sergeant had been sexually exploited while in custody. With that - another question arises - is Ms. Jackson-Maldonado serving a long prison sentence because she fired gunshots towards deputies - OR is she in prison, in order to save the Volusia Sheriff Office from embarrassment - regarding their failure to fully investigate the sex trafficking of a child? Ms. Iyanna Rollins We opine that Sheriff Chitwood, Circuit Judge Randall Rowe, and the state attorney's office "played politics" regarding the criminal prosecution of eighteen (18) year-old Iyanna Rollins. As detailed within our below linked article - we forward our belief - that Judge Randall wanted to maintain Sheriff Chitwood's and the state attorney's political endorsements. (see the below linked article for particulars and supportive documentation). The political price to maintain these political endorsements - was to deny a young black woman her constitutional due process. We further suspect that Judge Rowe's actions of "playing politics" violated Florida Judicial Canons HOWEVER, this publication will not be filing a complaint with the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission. Why? - well probably for the same reason why Ms. Rollins' attorney did not file a complaint on the judge - read on (more on this shortly). Until then - the facts - as well as the allegations - that were attached to Ms. Rollins' arrest can best be viewed, and understood within our past articles. (see the below linked article) |
VolusiaExposed.Com December 23, 2023 When Innocence Pleas Covering For Police, Prosecutorial, & Judicial Misconduct Regarding Ms. Rollins' conduct during her arrest - yes she could have handled herself better - but then again she was eighteen (18) - dealing with a police officer approximately twice her age - that was displaying an aggressive manner while using profanity towards her, all while being a black female in today's racially charged society. |
Sgt. Weaver's Detainment & Arrest Of Ms. Iyanna Rollins |
The state attorney's office initially stated that they would NOT be offering Ms. Rollins a plea deal. HOWEVER, shortly after this publication put authorities on notice of our intentions to cover the complete trial - exploring whether court officials would attempt to illegally pack the jury against Ms. Rollins - the state attorney back pedaled and provided Rollins with a rather sweet plea deal - which she smartly took. (again see the above linked article for particulars) While Being Black Or Brown |
The criminal prosecution of Ms. Rollins had alot in common with the current and on-going criminal prosecution of nineteen year-old (19) Guatemalan immigrant Vergilio Aguilar-Mendez. (see New4Jax video for particulars ==>>)
Both Ms. Rollins and Mr. Aguilar-Mendez appeared to have suffered "un-constitutional" encounters with sheriff sergeants. Both criminal prosecutions are out of the Seventh Circuit's State Attorney's Office . The State alleges that both (Rollins & Aguilar-Mendez) are guilty of battering sheriff sergeants - with Aguilar-Mendez being held responsible for St. Johns County's Sheriff Sergeant Michael Kunovich's fatal heart attack, which occurred shortly after Aguilar-Mendez's arrest. |
Of Nineteen Year-Old Vergilio Aguilar-Mendez |
This publication tends to agree with the News4Jax reporting (see video - upper right), that prosecuting Mr. Aquilar-Mendez for any crime will be a heavy lift - especially on the charge of the "aggravated manslaughter" of Sgt. Kunovich.
From our prospective - the Aquilar-Mendez arrest video, like the Rollins' arrest video - supports that neither deputy had probable cause to stop either defendant - AND that excessive use of force was applied to both of the defendants. (please review both videos - see above videos - and draw your own conclusions and opinions) We (VolusiaExposed.Com) find it of significance - that across this nation - government authorities routinely have ruled that the suspicious deaths of young black males, associated with having had a physical encounter with law enforcement officers, were caused by an infliction known as "excited delirium" (click here for additional information) Apparently, caucasian police officers are immune from this infliction. It would appear - at least in Florida - when police officers suddenly drop dead after a physical confrontation - someone must be held criminally liable, especially should they have black or brown colored skin. Mr. Aquilar-Mendez continues to rot away in the Volusia County jail as he awaits his long over-due trial. According to the below listed (see below pic) Daytona Beach News-Journal article, Circuit Court Judge Raul Zambrano retired at the end of 2023 - in order for him to care for his aging parents. |
There is no doubt that Judge Zambrano took the high road regarding his decision to retire, in short - his parents' welfare over his career. However, in the OPINION of this publication - Judge Zambrano apparently took the low road - regarding the manner of his retirement - which now mandates that his replacement be selected by the governor, over the local electorate (voters). (more clarity on this shortly) Therefore, the Seventh Judicial Nominating Commission will be meeting on January 24, 2024 - during which, they will be interviewing nineteen (19) judicial applicants, to develop a list of judicial nominees (usually six (6)) for Governor Ron DeSantis - in order for him to appoint one of these nominees to the bench. |
7th Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano to resign at year's end to care for his parents ![]() Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano has presided over some major cases, including Luis Toledo, who killed his wife and her two children, and just this month Othal Wallace, who killed a police officer. |
This being the very same JNC in which our two targeted candidates have applied for a judicial appointment (stand-by - we shall soon be identifying these two candidates).
The Judicial Plot To Disenfranchise The Electorate |
There is an "unspoken truth" hidden within the inner-circle of our local judiciary. Several of our local judges allegedly have little faith in the local electorate's ability to properly select, and elect their own judges.
A prime example of this judicial lack of faith - can be clearly reviewed within Circuit Court Judge Joseph Will's 2016 retirement letter (click here to read) and email (click here to read) - in which he announced to then Governor Rick Scott, as well as to numerous judicial officials - his plot to deny the local electorate their opportunity to select his replacement. (reviewing Will's retirement email and letter is well worth your time) (see scroll screen to the below-right of screen for supportive documents ==>>) In fairness to Judge Zambrano - the timing of his judicial departure may have been influenced by his family concerns - rather than by how his judicial replacement would be selected. But, the linked email and resignation letter (see right of page) of Judge Joseph Will leaves zero doubt that he wanted his replacement to be a gubernatorial appointment. VolusiaExposed.Com April 22, 2016 JUDICIAL DIRTY DEEDS - Done Dirt Cheap ! THE DISENFRANCHISEMENT OF THE LOCAL ELECTORATE |
To The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission Usually when a citizen suspects that a Florida judge has engaged in judicial misconduct - as defined within Florida Judicial Canons - government officials will "encourage" that citizen to file a formal "JQC complaint" with the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission (JQC). Many of these "encouraged" citizens may actually believe that the JQC will fully and honestly investigate their complaint. |
In truth, the JQC receives about seven hundred (700) complaints yearly - and they only find "probable cause" in about one (1) percent of those submitted complaints - equaling out to about seven (7) cases a year.
Therefore, any complainant has about a ninety-nine percent (99%) likelihood that the JQC will not find that "probable cause" exist within their judicial complaint. So why is that important? Well, it's important - because within the official complaint form (click here to review) - the complainant is required by law, to acknowledge that their complaint will remain "confidential" "unless and until probable cause is determined AND formal charges are filed". THEREFORE - in the opinion of this publication - the true reason for the existence of the JQC is NOT to identify and investigate allegations of judicial misconduct - rather, the JQC's main purpose is to "protect" the public image of the judicial system, by hiding away allegations of judicial corruption in the ever expanding black hole of "confidentiality agreements". |
While citizens could possibly face the wrath of the JQC should they violate their "confidential agreement", and should the JQC wish to "hide" reported judicial misconduct - Florida attorneys face a similar type of wrath from the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court should they also speak out about the taboo subject of judicial misconduct. Their Right To Criticize The Florida Judicial System Jerry and Brooke Girley - a father and daughter duo of civil rights attorneys from Orlando, Florida are fighting for their right to criticize the Florida Judicial System. According to the below linked article - Jerry Girley represented a black doctor in a discrimination suit against Advent-Health. After the civil jury awarded the doctor a 2.7 million dollar judgment - the trial judge overturned the jury's decision. APNEWS.Com January 9, 2024 Civil Rights Lawyers (Father & Daughter) Defend Their Right To Criticize The Justice System Both Girleys expressed their frustrations regarding the overturned decision on social media platforms . Now, it would appear that the Florida Bar, and the Florida Supreme Court may be taking disciplinary action against the Girleys - up to possible suspension or revocation of their license to practice law. State officials allege that by criticizing the trial judge, the Girleys violated their oath to the Courts, as well as to judicial officers. |
This publication desires to address our concerns regarding two judicial candidates, Allison Hughes (click here to review judicial application and Robin Hutcheson (click here to review judicial application. We opine that these judicial candidates suffer from veracity and / or conflict of interest issues that should forbade their appointments to the bench. |
We further opine, that given these ethical issues - it would be extremely difficult for either of these judicial candidates to secure a judicial seat via the election process, thereby making a gubernatorial appointment their only hope of securing a judicial seat.
According to the JNC announcement (see right of page) - the JNC is open to receiving "correspondence" regarding the judicial applicants. Therefore, upon publication of this particular article - we shall forward a copy / link to it - advising the JNC commissioners of our concerns with these two applicants. Allison Hughes According to the judicial application submitted by Mrs. Allison Hughes, since August 2018 she has been the Division Chief for the entire DeLand office of the Public Defender's office (see page 4 of application). Further, on page 13 of her application - Mrs. Hughes states that her husband recently retired as a police lieutenant with the DeLand police department. |
Hughes goes on to state - that if appointed as a judicial officer - that her husband's past employment would cause a conflict of interest, and that she would be unable to preside on any cases that were attached to her spouse. This publication agrees with Mrs. Hughes - regarding the existence of a bias or conflict to any cases whereas her spouse had involvement.
HOWEVER, this publication alleges that Mrs. Hughes has thrice (3 times) failed to fully disclosed the extend and nature of her conflict of interest attached to her spouse's employment. |
While Mrs. Hughes has filed three JNC applications over the last year - in all three - she denotes her spouse as merely a lieutenant (now recently retired) with the DeLand PD. In truth Lt. Tim Hughes was the person in charge of the criminal investigative division (CID) of the DeLand PD (see DPD staff directory ==>>).
In a recent article, this publication expressed our belief - that Mrs. Hughes has an on-going conflict of interest regarding her supervisory role within the DeLand office of the Public Defender's Office - given her husband's (Lieutenant Timothy Hughes) role of being in charge of the criminal investigative division (CID) of the DeLand police department. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) further questioned whether Mrs. Hughes' assignment to defend a fifteen (15) year-old girl charged with several counts of attempted murder of Volusia County sheriff deputies - created, at the very least - the appearance of a conflict of interest - and possibly a "Quid Pro Quo" understanding between herself, the State Attorney's Office, and members of the JNC? * For the "particulars" of our concerns regarding Mrs. Hughes - we invite you to read our below linked February 22, 2023 article. DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT The Criminal Prosecution Of Nicole Jackson-Maldonado |
![]() Allison Hughes's video here |
* some members of the JNC are employees of the local state attorney's office - at least one in a supervisory role - and having a connection to the criminal prosecution of Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado (the teen-aged girl that Mrs. Hughes "represented")
In February 2023 - Mrs. Hughes applied for an earlier judicial appointment within the Seventh (7th) judicial circuit. During her February 13, 2023 interview with the JNC - our filed concerns were addressed to her by JNC commissioners. (see above video). While the JNC did not forward Hughes's name as a judicial nominee to the governor, last September (2023), Hughes again applied and interviewed for a judicial appointment - and her name was forwarded as a judicial nominee. She was not selected by the governor to fill the judicial seat. A review of Mrs. Hughes' most recent JNC application (see question 41 on page 14) indicates her recently joining the Federalist Society - a right-wing legal organization that allegedly advocates for a textualist and originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Under Governor DeSantis - it's pretty much a mandatory requirement to be a member of the Federalist Society in order to secure a judicial appointment. (see below media articles) |
Robin Hutcheson This publication also has concerns regarding ASA Robin Hutcheson's professional credibility and / or competence, that should preclude her appointment as a circuit court judge. Our concerns are attached to her involvement in the criminal investigation of Port Orange Police Captain Kimberly Kilpatrick. We suspect that Hutcheson nefariously impeded this criminal investigation, regarding the fraud allegations that were lodged against Kilpatrick. We further opine that Hutheson's actions were guided and approved by senior members of the state attorney's office - in their efforts to assist the Port Orange PD (POPD) in covering for Kilpatrick's criminal acts. Kilpatrick was in charge of the POPD's crimimal investigative division (CID) - should her veracity come into question, such would have opened up a Pandora's Box attached to any criminal prosecutions and / or convictions that came out of the POPD. In support of our suspicion - we offer the below linked and highlighted documents that have been incorporated within this article. While we shall briefly re-visit the details surrounding the eventual May 4, 2022 arrest of Captain Kilpatrick - we invite our readers to review our below linked May 2, 2022 article for a deeper dive into the criminal prosecution of Captain Kilpatrick. VolusiaExposed.Com May 2, 2022 Internal Investigation Sustains Former Police Captain Deleted Public Record Files The Six Year Internal Cover-Up Starts To Fall Apart Like In Watergate - the Cover-up Is More Disturbing Than The Original Crime In similar fashion, as the above mentioned criminal prosecutions of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado & Ms. Rollins, OR the lack of a criminal prosecution in the Deputy Shane Duggan scandal - the local office of the state attorney provided Captain Kimberly Kilpatrick and the Port Orange PD with "political cover". In April 2016 Port Orange Police Detective David Fouts and his wife Jennifer were involved in a motorcycle accident. The accident killed Jennifer - and left David severely injured. Initially, David was not even expected to survive - as he laid in a coma at a local hospital. The Port Orange Police Department (POPD), as well as many within the community rallied behind assisting David in his recovery, including the associated financial costs. Foxnews35Orlando.Com April 26, 2016 Fund set up for police detective injured in crash that killed wife Captain Kilpatrick became the assigned POPD liaison between David, his family, and the support groups. Shortly thereafter, some of David's friends within the POPD started to question whether Kilpatrick was acting in the best interest of David's financial needs. These allegations hit the media - below is one of many examples of the media coverage. |
Daytona Beach News-Journal October 4, 2018 Port Orange police captain cleared; chief calls forgery accusation 'rumor mongering' On October 2, 2018 - then Port Orange Police Chief Thomas Grimaldi advised the mayor and the city council that the allegations lodged against Captain Kilpatrick were "rumor-mongering" and that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) had cleared Kilpatrick. (see video - right of page) So, as it stood in late 2018 - POPD, with the assistance of the state attorney's office (ASA Robin Hutheson) had successfully derailed FDLE's fraud investigation against Kilpatrick. However, because of the efforts of a few individuals - that would soon change. The initial FDLE investigation fell short - largely due to ASA Robin Hutcheson's May 20, 2019 memo (see right of page ==>>) - in which, in the opinion of this publication - Hutcheson glazed over the facts of the evidence against Kilpatrick. An example of this, is Hutcheson's incorrect statement that the life insurance policy had not paid out any monies. In fact, that very same life insurance policy did cut a check (see right of page ==>>) regarding David's spouse's death - and these monies were deposited in a bank account controlled by Kilpatrick. Funds from this bank account would be used by Kilpatrick to pay off her personal debts (click here to review Kilpatrick's May 2022 arrest warrant). ASA Hutcheson's lack luster review of the evidence against Kilpatrick - in our opinion caused the FDLE not to fully appreciate the necessity to fully investigate the allegations that had been lodged against Kilpatrick. Such disinterest - by both FDLE and ASA Hutcheson was memorialized within FDLE Agent Richard Piccininni's November 5, 2019 memo (see right of page ==>>) The Whites quickly saw that Kilpatrick was taking financial advantage of David, inspiring them to start a campaign, to have his accounts audited, and to hold Kilpatrick criminally responsible for any fraud that had occurred. Officer White filed his own written complaint to State officials - thus placing his own law enforcement career in jeopardy. Sadly, in August 2021 Officer White died from COVID complications. The POPD honored Officer White with a posthumous promotion to the rank of sergeant - not bad for an alleged "rumor monger". Cathleen White also has a very articulative pen - her August 27, 2019 complaint (see right of page) was a "home run" account of how Kilpatrick had committed financial fraud against David - and how local law enforcement officials (including ASA Hutcheson) apparently could care less. To Disclose White's Complaint A review of Cathleen White's complaint (see right of page) clearly memorializes White's concerns regarding ASA Hutcheson's lack of action regarding the Kilpatrick matter. HOWEVER when Hutcheson filed her JNC application - question 54 on the application inquiries whether the applicant is aware of any complaints that have been lodged against them. Hutcheson stated "no" she was not aware of any complaints being lodged against her. (see below text from question 54 - as well as Hutcheson's response) Click Here To Review The Complete Application ![]() In 2015, the Florida Supreme Court took disciplinary action against 18th Circuit Court Judge Jessica Recksiedler, when the 5th District Court of Appeal JNC reported her for misrepresenting her traffic ticket history to them. It shall be interesting to see if the 7th Circuit JNC even addresses the concerns attached to Hutcheson's application. In October 2021 - Kilpatrick retired from the POPD. Shortly prior to retiring, Kilpatrick wiped files and data from her city owned and issued electronic devices. Several individuals suspected that the wiping of this data - was a defacto destruction of evidence regarding the fraud allegations, as well as a violation of law (destruction of public records). Thanks to the efforts of Mark Dickinson, from the police auditing web publication James Madison Audits - POPD was forced to acknowledge the destruction of public records by Kilpatrick - which demanded them to open an internal investigation into the matter. (see link to investigative report - right of page ==>>) |
Police Chief Thomas Grimaldi's Speech To The City Council Regarding FDLE's Investigation On Captain Kimberly Kilpatrick May 2019 ASA Robin Hutcheson's Memo ![]() May 2016 Insurance Check ![]() November 2019 Piccininni Memo ![]() COVID complications in August 2021 and be posthumously promoted to the rank of sergeant - not bad for an alleged "rumor monger") ![]() Sgt. Justin White August 2019 Cathleen White's Complaint ![]() POPD Internal Investigation Destruction Of Public Records By Captain Kilpatrick ![]() |
In the end - it was Kilpatrick's destruction of public records that rekindled the fraud allegations against her - that eventually lead to her May 2022 arrest.
HOWEVER, in the end - the State Attorney's Office (SAO) provided Kilpatrick with a sweet pre-trial intervention deal (click here to review) - that shielded POPD, the SAO and Kilpatrick from the embarrassment that the details of a trial would have bared out. Make sure you take the time to review Kilpatrick's pre-trial intervention deal here on VolusiaExposed.Com - because you will not find it on the Clerk of the Court's website - it has been expunged from public records, imagine that ! Court records can ONLY be expunged from the Clerk's records with the approval of the state attorney's office - thus supporting our theory that Hutcheson's actions were sanctioned by ranking members of the SAO. Kilpatrick did voluntarily relinquish her Florida law enforcement certification, thereby assuring the public that she will never again serve as a police officer As far as this publication is aware - Kilpatrick was never criminally charged for her destruction of public records. And there you have it - what goes for justice in Volusia County, Florida. Stand by to stand by ...there is surely more to come of this...................................... ![]() ![]() |