INJUSTICES WITHIN JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS The Devil Is Within The Political Endorsements The 7th Judicial Nominating Commission Forwards Six (6) Nominees To Governor DeSantis |
March 29, 2024 Original Post February 4, 2024 |
According to a Florida Bar News release
(see below right of page) Governor DeSantis has appointed Ponte Vedra Beach Attorney David Wainer to fill the open judicial position caused by Judge Raul Zambrano's recent retirement.
Judge Wainer was one of six (6) judicial nominees that were selected by the Seventh Circuit's Judicial Nominating Commission, and forwarded to Governor DeSantis for this appointment. Last month (February 4th - see below article) VolusiaExposed.Com reported on our concerns of how these judicial appointments have become far too political. In our OPINION - some judicial candidates have gone out of their way to please certain influential individuals, with the apparent end goal of gaining political endorsements to assist them in securing a judicial appointment. News-Journalonline.Com March 12, 2024 7th Circuit to fill 2 judicial openings amid a lack of diversity in applicants VolusiaExposed.Com opines that this "pleasing" of influential individuals has denied others their U.S. Constitutional rights to fair and equal due process (see below for particulars). VolusiaExposed.Com applauds Judge Wainer's appointment to the bench - and we wish him the very best. On April 10th, 2024 the Seventh Circuit JNC will meet again - to recommend judicial nominees to Governor DeSantis to replace retiring Judge James Clayton. Fourteen applicants have applied for Judge Clayton's seat (Click here) - many of the very same applicants that applied to replace Judge Zambrano. END OF UPDATE: Continue On And Read Below - Our Earlier (2-4-2024) Article |
On January 24, 2024 - VolusiaExposed.Com attended, and video recorded, the vetting / interview process of Florida's 7th Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC). The 7th JNC interviewed nineteen (19) candidates in order to fill judicial position caused by the retirement of Judge Raul Zambrano. VolusiaExposed wishes to extend our thanks to all of the 7th JNC members , they were all very professional and approachable. JNC Chairperson, Travis Mydock was very accommodating to our public record requests. The JNC narrowed the list of judicial applicants to six (6) qualified* judicial nominees. These nominees' names will be forwarded to Governor DeSantis for his final selection and appointment. (see right of web page) ---> Based on what was heard, and what was discussed during the interview process, all of the nominees are qualified* to serve as the judicial circuit's newest judge. |
We invite our readers to review the video interviews of the nominees, as well as the nominees' redacted applications (see bottom of page for videos & links to applications).
* "qualified" - applicant has meet the minimum qualifications, ie, time as an active attorney under the Florida Bar, etc. - however, these minimal qualifications do not necessarily address the ethics of the applicant. Within our below linked January 22, 2024 article, we voiced our concerns regarding two of the judicial applicants that applied for Judge Zambrano's vacant position. Our earlier article was also an OP-ED in the overall Machivellian approach to judicial appointments within the State of Florida. VolusiaExposed.Com January 22, 2024 The Credibility Of The Local Judiciary Hinges On The Integrity Of Two Judicial Candidates |
Within that above linked article, this publication opined that judicial applicants Assistant State Attorney (ASA), Robin Hutcheson & Assistant Public Defender (APD), Allison Hughes did not possess the ethical demeanor to hold judicial office. Both applicants' JNC interviews & applications are available to the right of this page ==>>.
Our concerns with ASA Hutcheson centered on her failures regarding the criminal investigation and prosecution of former Port Orange Police Captain Kimberly Kilpatrick. (see below linked related article) VolusiaExposed.Com May 2, 2022 Port Orange Police Sustains Allegations Against Former Police Captain Kimberly Kilpatrick Initially our concerns with APD Hughes, centered on her apparent inability to fully appreciate her conflict of interest of being the assigned supervisor within the DeLand office of the Public Defender's Office - while her spouse was in charged of the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) of the DeLand police department. |
Robin Hutcheson's January 24, 2024 Interview Hutcheson's Redacted Application Allison Hughes' January 24, 2024 Interview Hughes' Redacted Application |
Additionally, we forwarded our concerns regarding her lack luster legal representative of a juvenile defendant (click here for additional info) charged with the attempted murder of several sheriff deputies. (more on the criminal prosecution of Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado shortly)
Neither ASA Hutcheson or APD Hughes were selected by the JNC to have their names forwarded to the governor for consideration for the judicial appointment. We invite our readers to review the below linked article, which documents the particulars of our concerns with both judicial applicants (Hughes & Hutcheson). VolusiaExposed.Com January 22, 2024 The Credibility Of The Local Judiciary Hinges On The Integrity Of Two Judicial Candidates While this publication welcomes the fact that neither APD Hughes or ASA Hutcheson were forwarded by the JNC to Governor DeSantis as judicial nominees - we do have pause regarding one of the nominees that was forwarded - Assistant State Attorney (ASA) Sarah Thomas. We shall shortly delve into our concerns regarding ASA Thomas, BUT first it is necessary to lay down some background information regarding these concerns. The Quid Pro Quo Of Political Endorsements On July 18, 2022 - Volusia Sheriff Sergeant Chad Weaver stopped and arrested eighteen (18) year-old Iyanna Rollins. As this publication have expressed within several earlier articles we are of the opinion that Sgt. Weaver violated Ms. Rollins' U.S. Constitutional rights in both his stop, and in his arrest of Ms. Rollins (see below linked articles for additional particulars) Shortly after Rollins' arrest - Circuit Judge Randall Rowe became the assigned judge in the Rollins case. During the criminal prosecution of 18 year-old Iyanna Rollins, this publication opined that Circuit Judge Randall Rowe was "playing politics" (click here to read) regarding his judicial decisions (see the below linked articles). |
In short, we expressed our belief that Judge Rowe allowed his personal desire, to keep secure, the political endorsements of Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood (click here to read endorsement) AND State Attorney R.J. Larizza (click here to read endorsement) that he nefariously ignored his swore judicial duty to fairly dispense justice.
As we expressed within our January 22, article (click here) - we believe Judge Rowe's actions were in violation of Florida's Judicial Canons. In our opinion, Rowe's desire to protect these political endorsements - improperly influenced his decision in denying(click here to read denial order) a suppression motion filed by Ms. Rollins' defense attorney (click here to read suppression motion). We allege that Judge Rowe's modus operandi for the Rollins' prosecution was - if a young minority woman had to be denied justice, in order for him to keep these cherished political endorsements - so that one day, he could use these endorsements to ascend to the appellate bench - then so be it, justice and Ms. Rollins both be damned. Again - please reference the above linked "related articles"- for particulars in support of our documented opinion. |
Of Judicial Nominee Sarah Thomas As per page twenty-two (22) of ASA Thomas's JNC application - she documents that she has both the endorsements of Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood, and Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young. (see right of page ==>>) A public record request to the JNC did confirm that both Sheriff Chitwood & Chief Jakari Young provided ASA Thomas their endorsements for the open judicial position. (see below right of page for Chitwood's & Young's letters of recommendation) |
Reliable information (second source confirmed) has it, that ASA Thomas submitted, or received many other endorsements in support of her judicial candidacy, including several from additional law enforcement officers. This publication filed a public record request (PRR) with the JNC Chairperson, Travis Mydock for those additional endorsements. Mr. Mydock responded to our PRR - with a plethora of information - including email communications between himself and judicial nominee Sarah Thomas - email communications between this publication and Mr. Mydock - additional endorsement letters, containing one critical letter that did not support ASA Thomas' nomination. The critical letter was written by local criminal defense attorney Michael Lambert - who at one time, some years ago, was the chairperson for the 7th JNC. This publication is of the opinion, that when law enforcement officials - especially elected officials (sheriff, state attorney, etc) decide to endorse the political careers of judges, such is of great public interest. This information could be of great significance later, in such matters as judicial conflicts of interest and recusals. THEREFORE, this publication will support the public's interest, as well as promoting the public's knowledge - by inviting our readers to review the records as received from JNC Chairperson, Travis Mydock. (see below web links) |
Additionally, we have received information that alleges that a JNC commissioner assisted ASA Thomas in securing many of these law enforcement endorsements, and if true would most probably equate to ethics violations - possibly against both ASA Thomas and the JNC commissioner. VolusiaExposed.Com has not yet been able to second source (confirm) this particular allegation. Anyone that can "second source" this information - is encourage to contact us at the below email - see the bottom of this article. Of A Fourteen (14) Year-Old Child Covering-Up The Dirty Deeds Of The Volusia County Sheriff Within Sheriff Chitwood's endorsement letter of ASA Thomas (see below right of page) - he references the criminal prosecution of Nicole Jackson-Maldonado, who on the date of her 2021 arrest, was a fourteen (14) year-old middle school student. ASA Thomas lead the prosecution of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado. Jackson-Maldonado and her twelve (12) year-old co-defendant were arrested for the alleged attempted murder of several Volusia sheriff deputies. Jackson-Maldonado was prosecuted as an adult - while her co-defendant was processed through the juvenile court system. (more on this later) This publication has opined within our past articles (see below web links) - that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was overly prosecuted in order, to help hide deep dark dirty secrets that have infected the Volusia Sheriff's Office (more on this shortly - read on - also see below linked article). |
Sheriff Chitwood is correct within his endorsement statement, that the arrest of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado "was highly televised". It surely was highly televised, and Chitwood enjoyed every second in front of the TV cameras. After-all - he honestly earns his local moniker of "Media Mike" Chitwood. In our opinion - Chitwood's appreciation for ASA Thomas' legal skills is attached to her abilities to cover-up or ignore Chitwood's lies on these children - AS WELL as his apparent failure to properly investigate whether Jackson-Maldonado was twice sexual exploited while in custody. (see below linked related article) VolusiaExposed.Com December 22, 2022 The Debacle Surrounding The Criminal Prosecution Of A Fifteen Year Old Teenager One Child's Fight For Freedom & Justice In front of those TV cameras (see below video) - Sheriff Chitwood alleges that the children had fired military rounds from an AK-47 rifle. The truth is (click here to read investigative report) - the children never fired the AK-47 rifle - they apparently fired a total of six rounds (four (4) rounds from a .22 cal. handgun & two (2) shotgun rounds) HOWEVER - Volusia deputies did fire over sixty (60) rounds of military style ordnance at Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - nearly killing her. (see below pic) ![]() Gun Shot Wound To Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's Back |
Conspiracy To Frame A Middle Schooler This current article will only be directly addressing our concerns regarding ASA Thomas' and Sheriff Mike Chitwood's participation within our alleged conspiracy against Ms. Jackson-Maldonado. If you wish to explore our additional conspiratorial concerns regarding the public defender's office's and the trial judge's participation - we would invite you to read our earlier articles. (suggest the below linked article as a good starting point) VolusiaExposed.Com February 22, 2023 DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Abandon Child Becomes Political Cannon Fodder Within these earlier articles - this publication presents evidence in support of our opinion that the entire local justice system (sheriff, state attorney, public defender, and judge) engaged in a conspiracy to overly prosecute and sentence Ms. Jackson-Maldonado. The conspiracy itself became the "means" which promoted this contentious prosecution, denied Ms. Jackson-Maldonado her constitutional rights, and secured her excessive prison sentence. As this publication has articulated within our earlier articles, and re-visited within this current article - the motive for the adult prosecution of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado had next to nothing to do with the charges she was arrested for. Jackson-Maldonado was prosecuted as an adult, in order to provide coverage for Sheriff Chitwood's lies against her - as well as the sheriff department's failure to properly investigated whether this child had been sexual exploited while in custody. Plain and simple. How do we support this opinion? Well remember the name U.S. Marine Master Sergeant Michael Webb (retired) - and read on. By The State Attorney Office (SAO) This publication offers for your consideration, that Jackson-Maldonado's fraudulent criminal prosecution, and twenty year prison sentence were hobbled together, in order provide cover for two things: 1. Sheriff Chitwood's lie regarding the AK-47 gunfire.(see below linked article) VolusiaExposed.Com May 22, 2022 Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood's Media Propagated Lie Against A Fourteen Year Old Child 2. The sheriff and state attorney offices' failure to properly investigate, and report, two separate allegations that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado, a child, had been sexually exploited while in custody. (see below linked article) VolusiaExposed.Com December 22, 2022 The Debacle Surrounding The Criminal Prosecution Of A Fifteen Year Old Teenager One Child's Fight For Freedom & Justice As per the below press briefing video - State Attorney R.J. Larizza was not initially fully on board in his commitment to prosecute Ms. Jackson-Maldonado as an adult. We opine that SA Larizza later firmed up his decision to prosecute her as an adult, given the exploitation allegations - that neither the VSO or his office properly investigated. ASA Thomas provides us with additional evidence - within her JNC interview video (see below) - that she either knew, or should have known, that the AK-47 gunfire was a lie, and of the existence of the sexually exploitation allegations. |
State Attorney R.J Larizza's Press Briefing |
Sarah Thomas' January 24, 2024 JNC Interview |
We invite you to watch ASA Thomas' January 24, 2024 interview with the JNC (see above right of page). She assured that JNC - that even as a prosecutor - she routinely conducts a defense attorney's perspective review of the facts and charges of any case that she prosecutes.
Given her above recorded statements to the JNC - and the fact that the Jackson-Maldonado case was a rather high profile case - we suspect that ASA Thomas read Jackson-Maldonado's arrest report (click here to read), which clearly indicates that there was no AK-47 gunfire by the children. Sheriff Chitwood documents in his endorsement letter (see above right of page) - that both the SAO and VSO were experiencing "criticism and backlash" regarding the Jackson-Maldonado case - whereas blame was being assigned to the SAO and VSO. Within this very same endorsement letter - Sheriff Chitwood appears to memorialize both his and ASA Thomas' awareness that the Jackson-Maldonado case was of high media carnival. THEREFORE, we find it extremely difficult to believe that ASA Thomas was not aware of Sheriff Chitwood's insistence that his deputies came under AK-47 gunfire. We further find it highly unlikely that ASA Thomas was unaware of the sexual exploitation allegations. This publication forwards our theory - that similar to what ASA Erica Kane did in the 2010 Deputy Shane Duggan scandal (see below linked article for particulars) the SAO made prosecutorial decisions in the Jackson-Maldonado case - for the sole purpose of saving the VSO from embarrassment. VolusiaExposed.Com January 22, 2024 The Credibility Of The Local Judiciary Hinges On The Integrity Of Two Judicial Candidates The Embarrassment Given Sheriff Chitwood's false narrative against the children (AK-47 gunfire), and that the exploitation allegations were not properly addressed by either the VSO or SAO (our opinion). We opine that the entire judicial system conspired to silence a child by putting her in Florida State custody for the next seventy years (20 years prison - and then nearly 50 years of probation). |
ASA Thomas' Motion In Limine On January 26, 2023 - while the trial judge and the defense attorneys had Jackson-Maldonado in a "private" hearing - attempting to convince her not to take her case to trial - and to drop her demand for the assignment of new attorneys, ASA Thomas was busying typing up a "Motion In Limine" (see right of page), attempting to exclude evidence at trial, that could bring out either "sympathy" or "empathy" for Jackson-Maldonado. VolusiaExposed.Com February 22, 2023 DARK JUSTICE WITHIN THE 7th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Abandon Child Becomes Political Cannon Fodder Would jurors have been sympathetic towards Ms. Jackson-Maldonado, if they became aware of the allegations of her being sexually exploited while in custody? Would such a revelation - also bring embarrassment to either the SAO or VSO? Is ASA Thomas now expecting a "quid pro quo" ascension to the bench? She saved both the SAO and VSO the embarrassment of the documented sexual exploitation allegations from coming out at a trial - in return, surely it's not too much to ask - for the chance of securing a judicial appointment. |
The Case Against U.S. Marine Corps Master Sergeant Michael Webb If all the above, in your opinion, does not support this publication argument that Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's incarceration has little or nothing to do with her shooting at sheriff deputies - then we invite you to review the on-going criminal prosecution of U.S. Marine Corps Master Sergeant Michael Webb (retired) (see the below linked article). In October 2023 - Mr. Webb was also arrested for threatening to kill, and shooting at Volusia sheriff deputies (click here to read arrest report). HOWEVER, unlike Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - Webb was not charged with the attempted murder of these deputies - Webb was merely charged with the aggravated assault of these deputies. Why can a 74 year-old retired Marine Master Sergeant threaten to kill, and shoot at deputies, and only get charged with the "aggravated assault" of these deputies - but a middle school girl under similar circumstances is charged with the attempted murder of these deputies? VolusiaExposed.Com December 22, 2023 IN THE DEFENSE OF A CHILD The Disparate Prosecutions Of A Man, A Woman, And A Child We shall leave it to each and every one of our readers to determine for themselves - if ASA Thomas has the ethical demeanor to be a circuit court judge. For us the answer is ....NOPE ! It is important to realize that the corruption highlighted within this article - not only targets the civilian population, it is routinely weaponized against our law enforcement community. The political criminal prosecution of Volusia Sheriff Deputy Jacob Kraker is a prime example.(see below linked related article) WFTV.Com June 7, 2022 Former Volusia deputy awarded $100k settlement, name cleared after chokehold caught on camera In FULL DISCLOSURE, we invite our readers to review local defense attorney Mike Lambert's critical analysis of how Sheriff Chitwood and ASA Thomas tagged teamed former Volusia Sheriff Deputy Jacob Kraker (see below linked argument). Thomas' Nomination By Attorney Michael Lambert |
Justice came to former Deputy Kraker in the form of a $100,000 check - at taxpayer's expense ... just imagine the amount of the check - when justice finally finds Ms. Nicole Jackson-Maldonado.
And there you have it ....stand by to stand ... there is surely more to come of this....... The staff at VolusiaExposed.Com wishes most of the nominees the best of luck in the selection process. We will notify our readers of Governor DeSantis' choice, when that information becomes available. If you are so inclined, email Governor DeSantis' staff with your suggestions and input regarding the nominees. VolusiaExposed.Com sent an email to Governor DeSantis' general counsel, Ryan Newman (see right of page =>) in which we expressed our views and concerns. |
Pickens' Redacted Application |
Thomas' Redacted Application |
Phillips' Redacted Application |
Simonsen's Redacted Application |
Urbanak's Redacted Application |
Wainer's' Redacted Application |
FULL DISCLOSURE: The above applications were self-redacted by the nominees. Some of these files are very large and will take additional time to download. |