Public Defender Declares A Conflict Of Interest In The Dana Loyd Prosecution Do Several Other Conflicts Of Interest Exist? Did These Conflicts Of Interest Deny Loyd A Fair And Impartial Trial? |
Updated February 25, 2018 |
If you have been a long time visitor to our
web magazine - you will know of our nearly three year exposé on the arrest, prosecution
and sentencing of Brevard county's child advocate - Dana Delaney Loyd. All of our
earlier articles on this topic are linked to the right of this web page. ---> This particular article is written as an update - that will primarily discuss Loyd's alleged probation violation and the public defender's declaration of a conflict of interest. Finally a declared conflict of interest - in a case that swims in a sea of conflicts of interest. We shall further explore whether the Regional Office of Conflict Counsel also has a conflict of interest in representing Loyd in her alleged probation violation. It is highly suggested that if this is your first introduction into the Dana Delaney Loyd fiasco - that you actually take the time to read our earlier articles so that you can have a full appreciation on this expanding miscarriage of justice -->. In August 2015 - Loyd - the chief editor of Brevard's Best News was arrested by the Brevard County Sheriff's Office under the charge of making a false call to the Florida Abuse Hotline. Loyd - then owner and editor of BrevardsBestNews.Com had published several articles covering the allegations between the parents of a then pre-teen child. The child's mother alleges that her daughter had reported to her - as well as to medical & non-Florida law enforcement professionals - that the father had been sexually approaching the child. (see our May 15, 2017 article for details and supportive documentation) Loyd eventually came to the belief that local Brevard County officials (Sheriff's office, State Attorney's office, and the Court) were systematically ignoring these allegations. |
VolusiaExposed's Exposé Series IN THE DEFENSE OF DANA DELANEY LOYD Read How Loyd Is Currently A Political Prisoner Of The Brevard County Justice System Child Advocate / Media Website Editor Serving A Five Year Sentence In Order To Silence Her ![]() DANA DELANEY LOYD |
VolusiaExposed.Com highly suspects that the Brevard County Sheriff's Office failed to properly investigate these concerns due to the fact that the father enjoyed a friendship with a member of the BCSO investigative team (Investigator Dale Young). We (VolusiaExposed.Com) covered this apparent conflict of interest in several of our articles (see right of page) - however our August 12, 2017 article presents the most evidence in support of our theory (OPINION) that BCSO Investigator Dale Young committed professional misconduct by his interference within these criminal investigations. As per a witness list filed by the prosecution - Investigator Dale Young was scheduled to testify for the State during Loyd's March 2017 trial. However, Mr. Young was on vacation - outside of the country during Loyd's trial. How inconvenient that must have been for the State to have one of their law enforcement witnesses on vacation during a trial. Surely - the State could have asked for a continuance - but they didn't. In fact - it appeared to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) that the State, as well as Judge Lemonidis were hot to trot to make sure that Loyd's trial transpired during Mr. Young's absence. |
Now why would the State and Judge Lemonidis NOT wish Mr. Young to testify? Could it be that they (State / Judge) had concerns that if Young testified that the truth could come out about the lack of credibility attached to the BCSO's investigations regarding the subject father? That these investigations were sidetracked and manipulated by Investigator Dale Young. Need to know more - then we suggest you read our August 12, 2017 article for the particulars.
Dale Young no longer works for the Brevard County Sheriff's Office (BCSO). He is now employed as an investigator with the 18th Circuit Public Defender's Office. (stand by - there is more on this) |
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In early 2017 Loyd was convicted in what can only be describe as a "dog and pony" show trial. Circuit Judge Robin Lemonidis' biases can be clearly heard and observed within the courtroom video records - and her failures to remain impartial are a continuous drip off of the pages of the trial transcripts. Our earlier articles provide several examples of Judge Lemonidis' judicial bias - within this article we provide our readers with a new example of her bias. On pages 852-853 of the trial transcript - Judge Lemonidis - without any objection being raised by the State - advises defense attorney Paul Bross that he is asking leading questions of his witness (Loyd). It is clear to us that Judge Lemonidis abandoned her duties as an impartial judge - and joined the prosecution team by objecting to Mr. Bross usage of leading questions. We invite you to review the entire transcript - on numerous ocassions Mr. Bross had to raise an objection when the State attempted to use leading questions of their witnesses - never did Judge Lemonidis assist Mr. Bross in pointing out to the State - absent an objection from the defense table - that they were using leading questions. Loyd completed her eight month jail sentence on December 5, 2017. However, upon her release Loyd was unsuccessful in immediately (within 24 hours) removing her Internet foot print regarding her alleged victim (the father). In short, it took Loyd thirteen days to successfully remove her GOFUNDME page that was used to partially finance her legal defense. (our review determined that much of the delay was due to Loyd's indirect connection (access) to the GOFUNDME page) Loyd is now facing a violation of probation (VOP) charge attached to her inability to remove her GOFUNDME page within the 24 hour mandate. Loyd's trial and appellate attorneys had been released by the Court - therefore Loyd requested that the public defender be assigned to defend her against the VOP charge. During a February 12, 2018 hearing - the Office of the Public Defender advised Judge Lemonidis that they had a conflict of interest in defending Loyd. During this hearing this matter was discussed off the record - during a side bar meeting - with the white noise machine on. VolusiaExposed.Com reached out to Public Defender Blaise Trettis requesting clarification of the particular conflict of interest that would preclude his office from defending Loyd in her VOP matter. Mr. Trettis responsed to our email - confirming that their employee Dale Young was the catalyst for their conflict of interest declaration. |
During the February 12, 2018 hearing - and in response to the Public Defender's declaration - Judge Lemonidis assigned the Regional Office Of Conflict Counsel to represent Loyd. Ironically, Judge Lemonidis herself has probably caused a conflict of interest with the Office of Conflict Counsel. During her April 6, 2017 sentencing of Loyd - Judge Lemonidis connected Loyd with this publication (VolusiaExposed.Com). Judge Lemonidis' statement during minute 9:30 of the attached sentencing video clearly defined OUR cameraman as LOYD's camerman. VolusiaExposed.Com has in the past been highly critical of the 5th Regional Office Of Conflict Counsel - with particular attention being given to Jeffery Deen - the director of the 5th Office of Conflict Counsel. A prime example of our criticism of Mr. Deen can been reviewed in our coverage of the Luis Toldeo murder prosecution. If the local public defender has a conflict of interest merely on the fact that one of their current employees was on the Loyd witness list - but never testified - then we (VolusiaExposed) highly suspect - and would argue - that the Office of Conflict Counsel has a much stronger conflict of interest given Judge Lemonidis' statement regarding Loyd's connection to this publication and our past criticism of Jeffery Deen. In truth - the entire Loyd prosecution is nothing more than a long string of conflicts of interest, involving, but not limited to - the offices of the State Attorney, the Brevard Sheriff, the 5th District Court of Appeal, the Public Defender, and now the local Office of Conflict Counsel. Apparently Public Defender Blaise Trettis is the only public servant that can recognize his agency's conflict of interest. Why is that? Is all of this hard to believe? Well take a seat and read our entire exposé - and decide for yourself. But know this - first we predict that you will lose your faith in our local criminal justice system - and second - the government does not wish you to have this information - it's probably why they are working to have us (VolusiaExposed.Com) shut down. Standby to standby ..... there is surely more to come of this........ |
April 6, 2017 Judge Robin Lemonidis Sentences Dana Loyd (see minutes 9:30 plus regarding Judge Lemonidis alleging that VolusiaExposed.com's camera man is Loyd's camera man) Video Of March 27, 2017 Hearing Judge Robin Lemonidis threatens VolusiaExposed.Com representative with six (6) month jail sentences. More is available on this incident within our May 15, 2017 article |