Are Our Concerns Regarding Judge Margaret Hudson, Really Just Nonsense?
Updated June 23, 2014 |
"Police throughout the United States have been caught fabricating, planting, and manipulating evidence to obtain convictions where cases would otherwise be very weak. Some authorities regard police perjury as so rampant that it can be considered a "subcultural norm rather than an individual aberration" of police officers."
What It Is - Ain't Exactly Clear
BUT, It AIN'T Nonsense !
Are Our Concerns Really - Nonsense? Apparently Toledo's Defense Attorney, Jeff Deen Believes So
VolusiaExposed.Com has recently posted several articles (see below links) outlining our concerns regarding Circuit Court Judge Margaret Hudson's assignment to the Luis Toledo murder prosecution.
We (VolusiaExposed) suspect that Hudson's assignment to the Toledo case is a professional conflict of interest.
Our concerns can be reviewed, in detail, within our below linked earlier articles.
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth
Deen's Ironic Comments
In a June 17, 2014 interview with several media outlets, Toledo's defense attorney, Jeff Deen, stated that any bias concerns attached to Judge Hudson are
"nonsense". --->
We (VolusiaExposed) find it ironic that Mr. Deen has surmised that our concerns regarding Judge Hudson are "nonsense". When just recently, he (Deen), was alleging in on his private conversations with his client, Luis Toledo.
Click Below Image To Review The Complete Media Article
One wonders - if Deen was correct, and jail officers were attempting to eavesdrop, did they do this on their own volition, or were they ordered to do so? And if ordered, who ordered them to listen in?
It would appear that Mr. Deen has his own concerns regarding whether Volusia County criminal justice practitioners are attempting to violate his client's Constitutional rights.
While Mr. Deen may wish to portray our concerns, as those of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, he (Deen) has provided us the tin foil for our hats.
More Tin Foil For Our Hats?
Can Jeff Deen Defend Luis Toledo Without Compromising His Own Values?
"Deen, 34, who had risen to division chief of the Seminole-Brevard State Attorney's Office sex crimes unit, does not plan to defend child abusers or rapists. But he is confident he can defend other criminal suspects without compromising the values he has often touted in the courtroom." ~ Orlando Sentinel - October 30, 1989
VolusiaExposed.Com decided to research Mr. Deen's professional career.
We found him to be a very well respected member of the legal and criminal justice communities.
A well known champion of prosecuting those who prey on women and children.
According to a , he started his legal career as an assistant state attorney in Brevard county, eventually rising to division chief of the Seminole-Brevard State Attorney's Office sex crimes unit. --------->
Within the above listed Orlando Sentinel article, it details Mr. Deen's departure from the prosecutor's office to the more lucrative private defense attorney arena.
Interesting, Mr. Deen assured the Orlando Sentinel, that he did not plan to represent child abusers and/ or rapists. Deen stated, he was confident that he could defend other criminal suspects without compromising the values he has often touted in the courtroom.
Click Below Image To Review The Complete Media Article
Given that Luis Toledo has been charged in the murder of two young children and their mother, we wanted to know if Mr. Deen's value system had changed since the publication of the 1989 Orlando Sentinel article.
With that goal in mind, we located his email at the , and sent him the following
. As of the posting of this article, Mr. Deen has not responded to our letter.
According to their web site, Mr. Deen is the Chief officer at the . Therefore, it can be concluded, that the Toledo case was NOT assigned to him, rather he assigned himself to the case. So, maybe there have been some modifications to Mr. Deen's value system?
Maybe Mr. Deen Can't See Judge Hudson's Biases Due To His Own Biases Getting In The Way?
Okay, so here is a very opinionated statement - VolusiaExposed has dealt with many judges and attorneys over the years - and we have found most to be VERY self-righteous. Many, if not most, hold a "holier-than-thou" attitude regarding their belief in their moral superiority.
As we have opined in an earlier article, if Judge Hudson was not a judge, but rather was a prospective juror in the Toledo murder prosecution - her perceived conflicts of interest would surely disqualify her jury service.
But, Hudson is a judge, and Deen, a well respected attorney - therefore, both are affiliated with the Florida Bar. We suspect that most Florida Bar card holders have a sanctimonious belief that they maintain a greater moral virtue than average everyday citizens. That they, unlike the average citizen, can overcome any personal biases in their handling of criminal cases. Here at VolusiaExposed, we refer to this belief as the "Judge Dredd Effect".
![](judgehudson5/dredd.png) Sylvester Stallone Judge Dredd - 1995
Mr. Deen's face might even be somewhat familiar to some of our readers. At last check, he is a legal analyst for an Orlando television station - WESH2. During the not so distant George Zimmerman trial, he provided regular updates on what was transpiring in the Zimmerman court room.
In fact, on what appears to be - he touts his "former child abuse prosecutor" and legal analyst stints. ------>
Isn't it interesting that Deen doesn't merely see himself as a "former prosecutor" - but rather a "former child abuse prosecutor".
Now, he is defending Luis Toledo, an alleged murderer of two young children and their mother - something he (Deen) appears to have alleged was against his values.
Attorneys and values - we here at VolusiaExposed supposes that it is possible that those terms could co-exist - at least in rare circumstances. However, we do hold the opinion that most attorneys maintain an agenda - whether it's political, personal or financial - usually you will find an agenda.
While there is the appearance that Mr. Deen's values have vacillated over the last 25 years, given the comments on his recent Twitter page, and his dated comments in the 1989 Orlando Sentinel article, his agenda of championing the cause of abused women and children appear to remain strong. In fact, we (VolusiaExposed) question whether his agenda has long ago eviscerated his professional value system. And maybe this is why, Mr. Deen can't see the biases connected to Judge Hudson's assignment to his client's murder prosecution.
When Perception Is Enough Cause
Regardless How That Perception Affects Your Legal Career
One of the biggest strengths of our legal system, is it's demand for either "probable cause" or "proof beyond a reasonable doubt".
However, when it comes to biases within the judicial system, perception itself is enough to demand an intervention, in defense of justice.
Thus is the rationale for the
process, used in the identification of biases within a prospective juror pool.
Even in corrupt Volusia County*, the perception of a judical conflict of interest is sometimes recognized.
Things really have not changed that much
Recently (March 2014),
from the resentencing of convicted murderer Anthony Farina. Farina appealed his 1998 death penalty sentence, secured by then State Attorney John Tanner. In 1998, Judge Case was an assistant state attorney (ASA) within Tanner's office. ASA L. Case had no involvement in the prosecution of Farina - however, Farina feared that her involvement in the Tanner administration would bias her sentencing determination. We believe that Judge Case made a correct decision in recusing herself from the Farina resentencing.
Likewise, we believe that there is enough of a perception of bias, that demands a similar recusal from Judge Hudson, regarding the Luis Toledo prosecution.
A Wake Up Call To All Judges - Prosecutors And Public Defenders
You're Not Special - You Too Suffer From Biases
Welcome To The Human Condition.
Criminal justice practitoners must come to the realization, that they have biases that they can not overcome - whether in reality or perceptionally.
When they encounter these biases - they must recuse themselves from the matter - in the true interest of justice.
Sometimes the bias is so great - that the practitioner needs to leave his / her practice. We suspect that such is the case with Brevard Circuit Court Judge John C. Murphy.
Video - Judge John C. Murphy Scandal
While many have defended Judge Murphy as being a fair judge, especially to veterans. The end result - is that Judge Murphy swore to defend and support the U.S. Constitution. How was Judge Murphy defending the concepts of the U.S. Constitution when he was berating, threatening and possibly battering a public defender for refusing to waive his clients' Constitutional right to a speedy trial?
The Judge Murphy matter also introduces a concern with possible connections to the Toledo-Hudson-Deen matter.
Watch the Murphy video - after allegedly committing battery on a public defender, and upon returning to his bench - the court room audience breaks out in the clapping of hands for Murphy. Apparently, no one in the audience, that was clapping, realized that the judge has just threatened, and probably battered the public defender, for his refusal to waive his clients' Constitutional right to a speedy trial. Really?
Well at least no one at the prosecutor's table were clapping - at least not physically. But the question does arise - has this type of behavior - expecting a defense attorney to waive his / her client's Constitutional rights, to the convenience of the Court or prosecution, become common place within Central Florida court rooms?
Criminal prosecutions are suppose to have an adversarial tone to them - the State Prosecutor vs. the Defense. The judge's role is suppose to be that of a referee, and arbitrator of the law. However, using the Murphy courtroom fracas as an example, we pose the question, has this adversarial relationship factually changed?
Has this adversarial relationship been transformed to be the defendant vs. the prosecution, the judge and the defendent's own public defender? Maybe that is the reason why Judge Murphy wanted to "throw a rock" at the public defender - he (the public defender) was playing for the wrong side - how dare he actually represent his client's best interest !?
Given, Judge Hudson's preceived conflicts of interest with the Volusia County Sheriff Department, and defense attorney Jeff Deen's apparent vacillating values, we suspect there will be no rock throwing in the Hudson court room.
Stand by to stand by .... more to come...
Our Earlier Articles Regarding Judge Hudson Perceived Conflict of Interest
Click Below Tabs To Review The Complete Article
Our Opinion / Stance
We (VolusiaExposed.Com) believe in the concepts that are laid out in the U.S. Constitution.
We have NO direct knowledge on the guilt or innocence of any of the criminal defendants mentioned in this article.
We merely question whether Judge Hudson has a conflict of interest in being assigned criminal cases originating out of the Volusia County Sheriff Department - due to her spouse's connections with the Sheriff Department.
It's been alleged, that criminal defendant Luis Toledo has ranking connections with the Latin Kings street gang. We (VolusiaExposed) wonder - would the State Attorney's office see a possible conflict of interest if Judge Hudson's spouse was a known ranking member of the Latin Kings?
We suspect that the State Attorney's office would perceive a conflict of interest in that scenario.
How about criminal defendants Ray and Wayne Greenlaw - Judge Hudson denied their "stand your ground" defense. But, what if Judge Hudson's spouse was the President of the National Rifle Association? Would the State Attorney's office possibly see a conflict of interest in having Judge Hudson assigned to the Greenlaw brothers cases?
Again, we suspect that the State Attorney's office would perceive a conflict of interest.
If Judge Hudson was NOT a judge - would she be allowed to sit as a juror on any of these Volusia County Sheriff Department criminal cases? Or would her spouse's ties to the sheriff department disqualify her?
We suspect that Hudson would be disqualified to serve on these juries.
So judge us (VolusiaExposed.Com) not to harshly - when you suspect that we may be coming to the defense of these criminal suspects. Because in reality - we are merely coming to the defense of the U.S. Constitution.
A man who will ensure a fair prosecution of his friend's transgressions - is indeed a true friend - but a man, who will ensure a fair prosecution of his sworn enemy - he is indeed a true friend to justice, and all the founding concepts of this nation.
If you found this article to be thought provoking, we
(VolusiaExposed.Com) invite you to review, the below linked, Special
Investigative Report, exposing law enforcement corruption with the State
of Florida.
by Matthew Doig and Anthony Cormier
Additional concerns surrounding the
Volusia County Sheriff's Department
We look forward to your comments on this situation.
Drop us a line to let us know what you think.