Judicial Conflicts Of Interest Allegations Continue To Haunt Judge Margaret Hudson
Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson Sent Governor Jeb Bush A Letter Of Recommendation On Behalf Of Judicial Candidate Margaret Hudson
Two Additional Criminal Defendants Sent VolusiaExposed Letters Expressing Their Concerns Regarding Judge Hudson
VolusiaExposed Addresses Chief Judge Perkins' Assurances
Updated June 1, 2014 |
"Police throughout the United States have been caught fabricating, planting, and manipulating evidence to obtain convictions where cases would otherwise be very weak. Some authorities regard police perjury as so rampant that it can be considered a "subcultural norm rather than an individual aberration" of police officers."
Florida ! The Rules Are Different Here ! Is There Such A Thing As A Conflict Of Interest In The Florida Criminal Justice System?
If you are a long time Floridian, you may remember that in the mid 1980's Florida authorities published an advertisement stating that the rules were different here, in Florida.
Things haven't changed much in Florida - the rules are apparently still different here.
VolusiaExposed ran some earlier articles questioning whether it is a judicial conflict on interest for Judge Margaret Hudson to be hearing criminal matters coming out of the Volusia County Sheriff Department. (These earlier articles are linked below)
The rationale for our (VolusiaExposed) earlier concerns was the fact that Judge Hudson's spouse, Dave Hudson, is a retired, ranking administrator of the Volusia County Sheriff Department. Further, FDLE and VCSO records indicated that Mr. Hudson maintains a reserve deptuy status with the VCSO.
Sheriff Ben Johnson's Recommendation Letter To Governor Jeb Bush
Sheriff Ben Johnson's Letters Of Recommendation
Is This An Example Of Keeping The Judges In Our Pockets By Keeping Them In Our Law Enforcement Family?
VolusiaExposed has recently become aware that in 2006, while Margaret Hudson was a mere judicial candidate, that Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson sent, then Governor Jeb Bush, a letter in which he recommended Hudson's appointment to the bench. (see above posted letter)
In fairness to Sheriff Johnson, he has a history of sending letters of recommendation for the spouses of his senior administration.
In 2010, Assistant County Attorney Nancye R. Jones, the spouse of VCSO Major Robert Jones, received such a in support of her efforts to secure a gubernatorial appointment to the bench.
We invite you to read the Jones' recommendation letter - while her husband is basically third in command of the Volusia County Sheriff Department, as per the letter, she handles most of the civil liability attached to the VCSO. How convenient is that for the VCSO and Sheriff Johnson?
Now imagine how convenient it would have been for the VCSO / Sheriff Johnson, to have Nancye on the bench hearing many VCSO civil and / or criminal cases. Fortunately, we will never know - because Nancye Jones never received a gubernatorial appointment. But had she - would she have recused herself from the Toledo, Greenlaw and Reynold cases, or would Chief Judge Perkins also have defended her assignment to VCSO cases, like he did for Judge Hudson.
Let's examine the flaws (our opinion) within Judge Perkins' letter defending Judge Hudson's assignment to the Toledo prosecution.
Judge Terence Perkins' Defense Of Judge Hudson “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” ― W.C. Fields.
Let's assume that Judge Perkins is correct. Let's accept, as fact, that Mr. Dave Hudson had absolutely no involvement in the Luis Toledo investigation / arrest.
What is missing in the Perkins' letter is his assurance that Mr. Hudson has no involvement with Mr. Toldeo - PERIOD !
Why is this important?
Well, Mr. Hudson was the person in charge of the VCSO criminal investigative division for sometime prior to his 2005 retirement. Apparently, Mr. Toledo is some high ranking member of the Latin Kings gang - or so I have read in the newspapers. Further, according to media accounts, and supported by local court records, Mr. Toledo has a rather extensive criminal history in Volusia County.
Therefore, it is somewhat difficult for us to rule out - that Mr. Hudson did not have some professional law enforcement interaction with Mr. Toledo.
So, again, why is this important?
Well, looking to the future, we can imagine that at some time during his (Toledo) trial or sentencing, Mr. Toledo's past criminal history will become a topic of discussion. After all the State of Florida is asking for the death penalty.
Chief Judge Perkins Defends Judge Hudson's Assignments
So if Mr. Toledo past criminal history becomes relevant, then Mr. Hudson surely will become relevant to that history - and then with little doubt, Judge Hudson's assignment to this case becomes a very relevant question. Heck, even Stevie Wonder can see that! Is it significant, that Judges Hudson and Perkins can't, or don't want to see it?
The Seventh Judicial Circuit Has A Documented Past Practice Of Recusal
Based Solely On The Avoidance Of The Perception Of A Conflict Of Interest
Does This Perception Exist For Judge Hudson?
According to a November 9, 2007 Daytona Beach News Journal (DBNJ) article, it was reported, that Judge Julianne Piggotte had a conflict of interest regarding her spouse's involvement in the State Attorney's office. Although Judge Piggotte never fully acknowledged the conflict of interest, she did eventually recused herself from ALL criminal cases, and was reassigned to the civil court beach.
What is important here is to understand that this conflict had to be exposed. Neither Judge Piggotte or court personnel could allegedly see the conflict on interest without the assistance of the DBNJ exposure.
A few years later, while assigned to family court, Judge Piggotte found herself in yet another conflict of interest scandal.
John Nelson is a father who had lost his six-figure salary as a software executive. He filed a motion to the court to have his $2200 a month child support reduced in light of his reduced income. Instead of lowering Mr. Nelson's child support, Judge Piggotte raised it. Later, Judge Piggotte had to recuse herself from the case when it was "discovered" that Mr. Nelson's ex-wife worked in the same State Attorney's office with Judge Piggotte's spouse. Imagine that !
Can you imagine that Judge Piggotte's assignment to the Nelson case was by happenstance? Also, in child support cases, isn't it a requirement that both parents submit financial documents indicating where they work and their income? So why didn't Judge Piggotte acknowledge the conflict of interest from the very get go?
Recently, Judge Leah Case had to recuse herself in two separate criminal cases.
The first case of recusal was the resentencing of convicted murder Anthony Farina. Farina is known as the "Taco Bell Murder". In 1992, he participated in the robbery of a local Taco Bell restaurant, whereas one of the employees was murdered.
During the prosecution of Mr. Farina (1990s), Leah Case was a new assistant state attorney within the Seventh Judicial Circuit. Ms. Case had no involvement in the prosecution of Farina - in similar fashion as Mr. Hudson had no involvement in the investigation and arrest of Luis Toledo.
However, without even justifying her decision - Judge Leah Case recused herself from the Farina case. The Farina case was reassigned to Judge Margaret Hudson. (Note - in our opinion, Judge Hudson also has a known conflict of interest attached to the Farina case - maybe a topic for another VX article).
Off The Record Plea Deals
A Judge Playing Monty Hall - And "Let's Make A Deal !"
Recusing herself is becoming somewhat familiar to Judge Case.
Last April (2014), Judge Case recused herself after a defense attorney alleged that Judge Case had engaged in "an off the record" plea bargain agreement with his client.
What is significant here is that Judge Case does NOT deny having "an off the record" deal - she just disagrees on what was agreed upon.
Just our opinion - but should judges even be entertaining "off the record deals"? Shouldn't any "off the record" dealing be left to the prosecuting and defense attorneys - and then presented to the judge for his / her approval, while on the record?
If Off The Record Deals Exist, Do Judicial Bedroom Pillow Talk Understandings Exist?
Okay, so let's focus back to the perceived conflict of interest attached to Judge Margaret Hudson. Should she be hearing criminal cases coming out of the Volusia County Sheriff Department, given her spouse's past and present connections to the VCSO?
In a perfect world, maybe this perceived conflict of interest could be overlooked - and justice could still prevail.
BUT Volusia County is NO where near a perfect world!
Volusia County has a LONG history of corruption that runs in it's veins.
Volusia County also failed to shine during the 1940s-1970s, especially in the civil rights arena.
Local and national media articles, support that in the 1980s and 1990's, Volusia County suffered through several corruption scandals involving our judicial system, and several government officials.
Click Below Image To View Media Article
Click Below Image To View Media Article
So are we (VolusiaExposed.Com) saying that there is some type of nefarious conspiracy attached to Judge Hudson's assignment to criminal cases coming out of the Volusia County Sheriff Department?
The answer is - NO we are not confirming such a conspiracy.
Now, if the question is - are we saying that a perception exist of a possible nefarious conspiracy attached to Judge Hudson's assignment to VCSO criminal cases?
The answer to that is Yes were are, especially given Volusia County's recent and past history of engaging in such corrupt practices.
Could an argument be made that there is, at the very least, the perception of a relationship between Judge Hudson and the Volusia County Sheriff Department?
As mentioned in an earlier article, VolusiaExposed located an email received by a ranking associate of the VCSO, whereas Mr. Hudson was thanking that associate for refering a client (Atlas) to his (Hudson) private investigative firm. There is also the fact, that Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson sent Governor Bush a letter of recommendation for Mrs. Hudson's appointment to the judicial bench. Within this letter of recommendation, Sheriff Johnson indicates that Hudson has consulted with the VCSO in past law enforcement investigations. And finally, the fact, that Judge Hudson is married to Mr. Dave Hudson, the retired commander of the VCSO criminal investigative service division. Mr. Hudson currently still holds a reserved deputy status with the VCSO.
Could Reserve Deputy Hudson be advising the VCSO administration of his spouses concerns, insights or decisions prior to them being heard in the court room (or vice versa)? If so, does this information give the VCSO an unfair advantage?
Does the above sound ridiculous to you? Well, remember - this is Florida and the rules are different here - Judge Leah Case got caught between a rock and a hard place for engaging in "off the record" plea dealing. Now, how hard it is to perceive that possibly there might be some "off the record" information exchange between the Hudsons' bedroom, and the VCSO / State Attorney's office?
Once again, are we (VolusiaExposed.Com) alleging misconduct is transpiring - absolutely NOT - however, are we saying that such misconduct could be perceived as a reasonable possiblity - absolutely we are !
We believe that even the perception of any type of nefarious conduct should be avoided. We are of the opinion that Judge Hudson should be recused from any VCSO court cases. Doing such, will instill more confidence into our criminal justice system, as well as to help avoid costly criminal appeals, as seen in the Farina matter.
But, that's just our (VolusiaExposed) opinion - yours may be different - and that's what makes America grand, and VolusiaExposed.Com possible.
Two More Criminal Defendants Voice Their Concerns About Judge Hudson
VolusiaExposed Hears From Two Other Criminal Defendants
A few weeks ago - VolusiaExposed wrote four criminal defendants that had two things in common. They were all arrested by the Volusia County Sheriff Department, AND they had Judge Margaret Hudson as their judge. We were interested in knowing whether these criminal defendants had any conflict of interest concerns attached to Judge Hudson.
In an , VolusiaExposed highlighted the concerns of Luis Toledo and Wayne Greenlaw. Both Toledo and Wayne Greenlaw expressed concerns with Judge Hudson being assigned to their criminal prosecution.
Recently, VolusiaExposed received responses for the other two criminal defendants - Ray Greenlaw (Wayne's brother) and Corey Reynolds.
Mr. Corey Reynolds is serving two life terms in prison for shooting two Volusia County Sheriff deputies while the three were struggling for a gun.
Mr. Reynolds voices several concerns regarding Judge Hudson, but the most interesting (in our opinion) can be found on page 2 - paragraph two of his letter to VolusiaExposed.Com -->>
Reynolds alleges that Judge Hudson refused to restrict the deputies (Reynolds' alleged victims) from hearing each other testify in the courtroom. Also of interest was Reynolds' comments about the jury pool selection.
VolusiaExposed did NOT attend Reynolds' trial - therefore, we can NOT verify his observations / allegations as being factual.
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Corey Reynolds' Letter To VolusiaExposed.Com
Ray Greenlaw's Letter
The letter VolusiaExposed received from criminal defendant Ray Greenlaw was most interesting.
The first thing we noticed were two obviously incorrect statements. Greenlaw states that Judge Hudson was appointed to the bench by Governor Scott. Hudson was appointed to the bench by Governor Jeb Bush - with the recommendation of Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson (see above letter).
Second, VolusiaExposed.Com could not find any information that would support Greenlaw's assertions that Hudson was ever an assistant state attorney.
Both Greenlaw brothers (Ray and Wayne) were arrested in October 2011 and charged with the murder of Brian Leverett.
According to law enforcement and media accounts - Leverett and his associate, Justin Riley went to the Greenlaws' home to conduct an alleged drug deal. Apparently, the drug deal went bad - and like many drug deals that go bad - gun fire erupted.
Justin Riley got seriously injured when one of the Greenlaw brothers allegedly attacked him with a machete. Riley survived his injuries.
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Ray Greenlaw's Letter To VolusiaExposed.Com
What is interesting in the Ray Greenlaw letter to VolusiaExposed, is his allegation that Investigator "Sean" McGuire is the uncle to Justin Riley.
VolusiaExposed assumes that Greenlaw is referring to the retired State Attorney's office Investigator Michael "Shon" McGuire.
A supports that Mr. McGuire also has law enforcement experience as a Daytona Beach Police officer and Volusia County Sheriff Deputy.
VolusiaExposed does NOT have any verification that Investigator McGuire is the uncle of Justin Riley. However, online resources, do tend to support a family relationship between the McGuire and Riley families. (online death and marriage records)
However, VolusiaExposed did confirm via our law enforcement sources, that Investigator McGuire's son - Shon McGuire is currently a sergeant within the Volusia County Sheriff Department. Due to Mr. Greenlaw's allegations, we questioned the VCSO on whether Sgt. McGuire had any involvement in the Greenlaw investigation / arrest. The VCSO was unable to either confirm or deny Sgt. McGuire's involvement in the Greenlaw investigation / arrests.
A Drug Deal Gone Bad Why Were No Charges Filed Against Riley?
According to both the VCSO press release --------------->
and the filed against the Greenlaw brothers - the argument Riley and Leverett were having with the Greenlaw brothers involved an alleged drug deal. Usually drug dealing is a felony in the State of Florida.
Since the State of Florida has a "felony murder" statute - VolusiaExposed wondered why Riley was not charged with the felony murder of his friend Brian Leverett?
The Greenlaws apparently are not denying that they fired the shots that killed Leverett. However, if Riley was engaging in a felony drug deal - isn't he also criminally responsible for the murder of his friend, Brian Leverett (per the felony murder statute)?
So why were only the Greenlaws charged in the murder of Brian Leverett? Did the VCSO rule out that Leverett and Riley were engaged in a drug deal with the Greenlaws? If so, we (VolusiaExposed) had not found any documentation that now supports that initial drug dealing theory was false.
So why wasn't Riley charged with felony murder? VolusiaExposed has our own theory of why Riley was not criminally charged - have you developed your own theory yet?
A local criminal check on Riley revealed a rather extensive history - to include arrests on drug and aggravated battery charges.
Scroll Down To View Entire Document
VCSO Press Release - Greenlaw Shooting Incident
Our Earlier Articles Regarding Judge Hudson Perceived Conflict of Interest
Our Opinion / Stance
We (VolusiaExposed.Com) believe in the concepts that are laid out in the U.S. Constitution.
We have NO direct knowledge on the guilt or innocence of any of the criminal defendants mentioned in this article.
We merely question whether Judge Hudson has a conflict of interest in being assigned criminal cases originating out of the Volusia County Sheriff Department - due to her spouse's connections with the Sheriff Department.
It's been alleged, that criminal defendant Luis Toledo has ranking connections with the Latin Kings street gang. We (VolusiaExposed) wonder - would the State Attorney's office see a possible conflict of interest if Judge Hudson's spouse was a known ranking member of the Latin Kings?
We suspect that the State Attorney's office would perceive a conflict of interest in that scenario.
How about criminal defendants Ray and Wayne Greenlaw - Judge Hudson denied their "stand your ground" defense. But, what if Judge Hudson's spouse was the President of the National Rifle Association? Would the State Attorney's office possibly see a conflict of interest in having Judge Hudson assigned to the Greenlaw brothers cases?
Again, we suspect that the State Attorney's office would perceive a conflict of interest.
If Judge Hudson was NOT a judge - would she be allowed to sit as a juror on any of these Volusia County Sheriff Department criminal cases? Or would her spouse's ties to the sheriff department disqualify her?
We suspect that Hudson would be disqualified to serve on these juries.
So judge us (VolusiaExposed.Com) not to harshly - when you suspect that we may be coming to the defense of these criminal suspects. Because in reality - we are merely coming to the defense of the U.S. Constitution.
A man who will ensure a fair prosecution of his friend's transgressions - is indeed a true friend - but a man, who will ensure a fair prosecution of his sworn enemy - he is indeed a true friend to justice, and all the founding concepts of this nation.
If you found this article to be thought provoking, we
(VolusiaExposed.Com) invite you to review, the below linked, Special
Investigative Report, exposing law enforcement corruption with the State
of Florida.
by Matthew Doig and Anthony Cormier
Additional concerns surrounding the
Volusia County Sheriff's Department
We look forward to your comments on this situation.
Drop us a line to let us know what you think.