Former Rockledge Police Office Accepts Plea Bargain Regarding His Shooting Of An Unarmed Teen VolusiaExposed.Com Compares The Galluzzi & Loyd Plea Bargains |
May 11, 2018 |
According to on-line court records and media reports - last Tuesday (May 8, 2018) former Rockledge police officer Nicholas Galluzzi entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors. Prosecutors agreed to reduce the original felony charge of attempted manslaughter to a misdemeanor charge of culpable negligence with injury. The former Rockledge police officer was charged in the December 2016 shooting of a teenager while responding to a burglary call. Cpl. Galluzzi was put on administrative leave following the December 1, 2016 shooting and then resigned on December 19, 2016. |
Galluzzi claimed that the teenager was not complying with orders as he was being taken into custody. However, a police video camera proved that the teenager was complying with all the demands. The teenager was treated for his injuries - and charged with three felony counts of vehicle burglary and one felony count of grand theft. He was sentenced to home detention on December 6, 2016. |
Upon the completion of the shooting investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement - and upon further review by the State Attorney's office - Cpl. Galluzzi was arrested under the original charge of attempted manslaughter in March 2017.
A Lesson In How Corrupt The Brevard Criminal Justice System Is In our OPINION former police officer Nicholas Galluzzi got off fairly easy regarding his crime of shooting unarmed teenager Alex Houston. Police video confirms that Houston was being fully compliant with police instructions when Galluzzi shot Houston. In the plea bargain - not only was Galluzzi's third degree felony charge of attempted manslaughter reduced to a misdemeanor charge of culpable negligence - he will only serve a one year term of probation. In the 2015 prosecution of Dana Loyd - this very same prosecutor's office ONLY offered Loyd a term of five years of probation. Loyd's initial criminal charge of making a false call to the Florida Abuse hotline was also - like Galluzzi's charge - merely a third degree felony - which could have also easily been reduced to a misdemeanor. Loyd had NOT shot anyone - she merely made a phone call to the Florida Abuse Hotline reporting what she suspected to be the sexual abuse of a pre-teen girl by her father. The current State Attorney, Phil Archer, apparently believes "words" are more dangerous than "bullets". Especially when those "words" are being shot in the direction of himself or other members of the Brevard County law enforcement community. Loyd ran the Internet magazine, BrevardsBestNews.Com - a web publication that was critical of the Brevard County law enforcement community. In our (VolusiaExposed.Com) OPINION Loyd's publication was successful in identifying several corrupt law enforcement officials - to include two police chiefs. Need to know more - read our earlier articles. Both defendants (Galluzzi & Loyd) were offered the witholding of adjudication (see below right - scroll box for a copy of Loyd's proposed plea bargain). However, Loyd knew that the mere witholding of adjudication in her case meant nothing - why? Well it was obvious from the start of her case that her trial judge, Judge Robin Lemonidis had an axe to grind with Loyd. Because of this bias - Loyd correctly surmised that she would never be allowed to successfully complete ANY term of probation. (more on this later) By July 2016 - Judge Lemonidis' bias towards Loyd became so obvious that Loyd's attorney filed a motion of recusal against Judge Lemonidis. Judge Lemonidis promptly denied the July 2016 recusal request. Judge Lemonidis' refusal to recuse herself - in our OPINION infected and guided Loyd's March 2017 trial in which she was convicted. |
VolusiaExposed's Exposé Series IN THE DEFENSE OF DANA DELANEY LOYD Read How Loyd Is Currently A Political Prisoner Of The Brevard County Justice System Child Advocate / Media Website Editor Serving A Five Year Sentence In Order To Silence Her ![]() DANA DELANEY LOYD ![]() Judge Lemonidis' April 6, 2017 Sentencing Hearing Its All About Her Website & Articles. ** - Listen To Judge Lemonidis' "Every Dog Has It's Day" Comment. |
Judge Lemonidis continued in her bias against Loyd during her April 6, 2017 sentencing. Listen to Judge Lemonidis refer to Loyd as a "yellow journalist" - that her web magazine is "fake news". Watch & listen as Judge Lemonidis ignores the Assistance State Attorney's recommendation that Loyd be sentenced within the parameters of the plea agreement - meaning no jail time and adjudication of guilt being witheld.
VolusiaExposed.Com has posted the sentencing video to the right of this article. (see upper right of page)
Judge Lemonidis has only recently recused herself from the Loyd prosecution. Judge Lemonidis recused herself within seventy-two hours of our March 26, 2017 article, in which we questioned whether Judge Lemondidis colluded with Loyd's defense team in order to deny Loyd a fair and impartial trial. We also hold the opinion that Judge Lemonidis via some special probation conditions has effectively gagged Loyd's first amendment right to seek redress from her government (see our Platter-Splatter theory within our March 26, 2018 article). No recent court motion had been filed requesting Lemonidis' recusal - just out of the blue - Lemonidis recused herself. Could it be that Judge Lemonidis has been reading our articles and has come to the realization that we are on to her misconduct - and she decided to quietly and without explanation exit the case? Law Enforcement Hates Her For Exposing Their Corruption - It's That Simple One can imagine that Loyd's journalistic efforts of exposing police corruption did NOT make her a fan of many within the Brevard County criminal justice communities. As detailed in our May 15, 2017 article - BCSO Deputy Jason Brimm probably best expressed the law enforcement community's frustration with Loyd. Shortly after Loyd's railroaded criminal trial and conviction - Deputy Brimm published a post on the BCSO's official Facebook page stating - "Aww, such a shame for the "Chief Editor" to a website dedicated to essentially slandering the Brevard County Sheriffs Department and neighboring cities and municipal agencies. This woman did nothing for years besides bringing a bad name for herself and her family and disrespecting dozens of others. Good riddance to this disgrace of a "journalist", hope you enjoy whatever sentence you get, you coward." (see above right of page for screenshot of BCSO Facebook post) After serving an eight month sentence (remembering that Ofc. Gulluzzi received no jail sentence) - Loyd was released from jail in early December 2017 - and sure enough - Loyd's prediction that she would never be allowed to quietly serve out any term of probation came to pass - prior to the end of that month - the Court opened a violation of probation (VOP) case against Loyd. Apparently Loyd was not quick enough in removing her Internet foot print regarding her alleged victim. This VOP charge is currently being processed through the Brevard court system - the case that Judge Lemonidis recused herself from. |
But fear not - to those few in blue that still practice the evil art of law enforcement corruption - Loyd's case has been reassigned to Judge Morgan Reinman.
For those that need to know more - that need to know the truth of why Judge Reinman should not have been reassigned this case - due to a conflict of interest - then read our May 5, 2018 article - and wonder why Judge Reinman was even assigned to the Loyd prosecution. VolusiaExposed.Com now invites our readers to review a copy of the original proposed plea bargain that the State Attorney's Office offered to Loyd. (See Scroll Box ------------------------->) So - ask yourself this question - why did Cpl. Gulluzzi - who wrongly shot a teenager - get such a better plea bargain than that of Dana Loyd? Could it be just this simple - Cpl. Gulluzzi was a member of the Brevard law enforcement community - while Loyd was exposing the corruption within that same law enforcement community? Did Deputy Jason Brimm get it right afterall - they (law enforcement) came after Loyd for her published articles - rather than for some call to the Florida Abuse Hotline? And there you have it ! |
The Offered Plea Bargain The State Of Florida vs Dana Delaney Loyd ![]() |