The Killing Of Ms. Eileen Flaherty

Did The Sheriff's Office Cover-Up The
Traffic Homicide Of A Retired School Teacher?

September 14, 2024
"There are some really messed up people out there that are working as police officers!" - Steven Magee


Records incorporated within this article were either obtained
via public record requests, or were received from the Flaherty family.
Some of these documents / records were received redacted, while others were redacted by this publication.

When Protecting Fellow Cops, Becomes More Important Than Justice For All.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag, ........... with liberty and justice for all.

According to available media reports (see below web links) during the early afternoon of April 2, 2023, Ms. Eileen Flaherty 68, a retired Pennsylvania elementary school teacher, along with her brother Robert Flaherty 55, were walking Eileen's dog Holly down the sidewalk of a Deltona, Florida street.

April 3, 2023
Florida woman killed, brother injured by distracted driver while walking their dog, deputies say

Daytona Beach News-Journal
March 14, 2024
Ex-cop who fatally ran over woman on Deltona sidewalk goes unpunished, angering brother

From behind, came a red BMW convertible - crossing the centerline, running off the road, plowing down a traffic sign, as it entered on to the sidewalk striking Eileen, Robert and Holly.

The BMW continued on for a short distance, striking and pushing a 2,300 pound boulder a distance of fifteen (15) feet, before coming to a complete stop (see picture - right of page ==>).

Click Here To Review
Sheriff's Office Crash Report

Driving the convertible was retired New York police detective Ralph Aguilar 68 (per his video recorded confession - see below attached).

Eileen was thrown approximately sixty (60) feet and died immediately at the scene (click here to read Eileen's obituary).

Robert was taken to the hospital with serious head injuries.

Both Robert and Holly would survive.

Robert expected justice for his sister, but soon discovered, that within Volusia County, Florida, authorities are far more concerned with providing coverage for a fellow police officer, than justice for a grieving brother, and his extended family.

The Rest Of The Story

Most of what our article has already covered of this tragic event, can be found within professional media links from 2023-2024 (see above media links).

However, our publication (VolusiaExposed.Com) intends on taking our readers on a much deeper and darker dive into Ms. Flaherty's demise - in what we opine, is a law enforcement cover-up, to assist a fellow officer, in avoiding a traffic homicide prosecution.

Volusia Sheriff's Office (VSO) Cover-Up

This publication "opines", and will explain why the VSO cover-up was as much, if not more of a crime, then was the traffic homicide of Ms. Flaherty. Similar to the 1970s "Watergate" scandal - the cover-up was far more nefarious, than was the break-in into Democratic Headquarters.

A Brother's Accounting

In preparation of reading our account - we highly recommend that you take the time to read Robert Flaherty's own "summary report" regarding the death of his beloved sister. (see above right of page, or click here

Mr. Robert Flaherty provides an excellent accounting of the tragic events of April 2, 2023 - and how the Volusia Sheriff's Office (VSO) failed to properly investigate his sister's death. We are both honored, and proud, to incorporate these documents and videos that Robert has either written or compiled, in his quest, to secure some sense of justice for his older sister Eileen.

Short Circuiting The Investigative & Court Processes
"Oh What A Wicked Web We Weave, When We First Practice To Deceive"

According to media reports published immediately following Ms. Flaherty's tragic death, criminal charges were pending against Mr. Aguilar.

Click Here To Read Foxnews.Com Report On The Traffic Crash

However, these "pending criminal charges" were never filed against retired police detective Ralph Aguilar. Why? Well, some have speculated, that the VSO provided Aguilar with that often heard about "thin blue line" brand of protection against criminal prosecution - granted to only those that wear or have worn the police uniform.

After the VSO completed their "investigation" - Aguilar was merely charged with a non-criminal traffic violation of "careless driving", which carried a $166 fine.

During a July 2023 traffic court hearing, County Court Judge Angela Dempsey dismissed even that charge, because the traffic investigator, Deputy Nicholas Maletto stated that he could not visually verify that Aguilar had been the driver of the convertible. (more on this shortly - read on)

Our readers are again encouraged to read the below linked media article regarding the particular events of that July 2023 traffic court hearing.

Daytona Beach News-Journal
March 14, 2024
Ex-cop who fatally ran over woman on Deltona sidewalk goes unpunished, angering brother

Video Evidence Too Blurred?

During the July 2023 traffic hearing, Deputy Maletto insisted that the surveillance videos that captured the traffic crash were too blurry to determine whether Ralph Aguilar was the driver of the convertible. (see pages 2 and 3 of the VSO complaint investigative findings report ===>, or click here)

On page 3, see the first paragraph of the VSO investigative finding report (see right of page), Deputy Maletto stated that he was unable to "satisfy the (suspect) identity requirement set by Judge Dempsey"* - again referencing the poor surveillance videos.

This publication suspects that Deputy Maletto was attempting to "deflect" any responsibility for the pending dismissal to County Judge Angela A. Dempsey, and her alleged suspect "identity requirement"* (more on Judge Dempsey shortly).

According to the VSO investigative report (see pages 2-3), Judge Dempsey advised Deputy Maletto that she would grant a continuance, if he could provide additional evidence that could identify Mr. Aguilar as the driver. Deputy Maletto advised Judge Dempsey that he had "no other identity-related evidence to present".

* Because traffic court hearings are NOT recorded (either - written, video, or audio) this publication can not exactly determine what were Judge Dempsey's requirements for identifying the driver of the convertible. Instead, we used the records memorialized within the above linked VSO investigative report summary.

Based on Deputy Maletto's testimony, Judge Dempsey dismissed the careless driving citation against Mr. Aguilar.

HOWEVER, there was further suspect identifying evidence available, Mr. Aguilar had provided a post Miranda statement to Deputy Maletto - whereas Aguilar admitted being the driver of the convertible, and that he had struck Ms. Flaherty, as he was attempting to recover a bag that had fallen to the car's floor board. (see below police body cam video)

Was Crash Video Evidence Even Really Needed?
A Post Miranda Confession Was Available.

Shortly after the accident, AND while Ms. Flaherty's body was still laying on the sidewalk, Deputy Maletto read Mr. Aguilar his Miranda Rights prior to questioning him.

Upon questioning, Aguilar freely and openly admitted that he was driving the convertible that stuck and killed Flaherty. (see right of page - bottom video ==>)

This publication is of the OPINION that the whole "blurry surveillance video" excuse, was nothing more than a law enforcement ruse, to provide Aguilar with an exit strategy from a traffic homicide prosecution.

The Cover-Up Conspiracy
Caught On Video

Evidence supports - that immediately after Ralph Aguilar climbed out of his wrecked convertible, and he observed the deceased body of Ms. Flaherty laying on the sidewalk - Aguilar made a phone call to his brother Michael Aguilar advising him of the situation.

Pre-Miranda Admissions - Aguilar Admits Driving & Striking Flaherty

Post Miranda Admissions - Aguilar Admits Driving & Striking Flaherty
Shortly later, Michael Aguilar, also a retired cop arrives on scene. (see below video)
Listen to the conversation between Michael Aguilar and Deputy Maletto. Aguilar advises Maletto that he and his brother (Ralph) are retired New York City PD officers, and that he knows several members of the VSO. In the particular, Aguilar mentions a Deputy Ruben Escobar, in which Maletto responds that Escobar may be showing up on scene.

It is significant to us, that Maletto did not instruct Aguilar to exit the crime scene, as Maletto had instructed another unknown civilian to do.

April 2, 2023
Traffic Crash / Homicide Investigator Deputy Nicholas Maletto and Michael Aguilar Having A Conversation. Is Aguilar request special consideration but he and his brother (Ralph) are retired cops? Ralph has just ran over and killed Ms. Eileen Flaherty.

Michael Aguilar's glad-handing of Deputy Maletto appears to have been effective in securing Ralph Aguilar some "special law enforcement considerations", including - only being ticketed for "careless driving", and eventually having that ticket dismissed, when Deputy Maletto testifying in Court that there was no clear video evidence that supported that Ralph Aguilar was driving the convertible. (see page 3 of the above listed VSO internal investigative report, or just click here)

Deputy Maletto's Sub-Standard Traffic Homicide Investigation (THI)

On page two (2) of a VSO investigative report (click here to read), the VSO alleges that Deputy Maletto conducted a "thorough investigation" into the events surrounding Ms. Flaherty's death. However, this very same report, on the very same page, also states, that Maletto failed to timely interview a passenger within the convertible. The passenger, Victor Hernandez was only telephonically interviewed on July 19, 2023, over three (3) months after Ms. Flaherty's death, and just eight (8) days prior to Judge Dempsey's dismissal of Aguilar's traffic citation.

Further, within his traffic crash investigation report (click here to review), Deputy Maletto twice incorrectly identifies driver Ralph Aguilar as "Victor" Aguilar (there is no "Victor" Aguilar attached to this THI).

We shall leave it to the discretion of our readers whether Deputy Maletto's Traffic Homicide Investigation (THI) was a "thorough investigation". For us here at VolusiaExposed.Com, we offer the OPINION that what Maletto presented did not even qualify to be labeled as a THI, it was a cover-up from beginning to end.
Looking Down - While Traveling At 35 MPH

The publication presents for your review the above videos, whereas driver Ralph Aguilar informs Deputy Maletto, how he looked down towards the car's floor board in order to recover the dropped bag, all while traveling at 35 MPH. We also invite you to read page 5 - last paragraph of Maletto's THI investigation, where Maletto documents this fact.

Objects In The Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are ~ Meatloaf
Folks, it's just this simple, if the car is moving, and you are the driver, your eyes should be looking out the windshield, and not looking at the floor board. Failure to do that is at the very least careless, if not reckless driving.

Video Identification Of The Driver, Was Not So Important, When The Sheriff Was Victimized

In March 2021, when 21 year-old Paige Bergman was shopping on her phone while driving and struck Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood on his bicycle, the video evidence (click here to watch media video) from the garbage truck also could not identify the driver, but Ms. Bergman was arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced to five (5) years of probation, and had her driver's license suspended for three (3) years.

Click Here To Read Ms. Paige Bergman's Arrest Report

In fairness, Ms. Bergman - in addition to being charged with careless driving, she was also criminally charged with leaving the scene of an accident with injuries. However, the VSO, and Port Orange PD had no problem supporting their charges against her, with her post Miranda confession. Ms. Bergman, stated that she thought she had hit a mailbox, and unlike Mr. Aguilar, she did not kill anyone. Both Bergman's and Aguilar's attentions were not directed to what was transpiring outside their windshields, but ONLY Bergman was held accountable.

It is of further interest that Ms. Bergman was represented by DeLand attorney Don Dempsey.
Judicial Misconduct?

There has even been some speculation, that Judge Angela Dempsey may have knowingly participated in covering up this traffic homicide.

These speculations have their foundation in the fact, that Judge Dempsey's spouse Don Dempsey is a Volusia County Councilman.

The thought process is - that IF there was a cover-up attached to Ms. Flaherty's death - involving county personnel (deputies, other first responders, or medical examiner staff) that civil liability could possibly attach to County government.

Given our knowledge of the Dempseys - we suspect that they had no nefarious involvement - at worst, Judge Dempsey was an unknowing participant in the cover-up.

However, we (VolusiaExposed.Com) do forward our OPINION that members of the VSO actively, and knowingly, participated in covering up the facts and available evidence in this traffic homicide investigation.
Screen Shot From Volusia Council's Web Page

Not Just One Rogue Deputy, It Was A Conspiracy.

Allow us to be crystal clear in our "opinion", in no way do we suspect, that Deputy Nicholas Maletto acted alone, or on his own volition, in assisting Ralph Aguilar to avoid any criminal or administrative penalties. Rather, we suspect that some of those VSO contacts that Michael Aguilar (brother to Ralph) acknowledged knowing - facilitated, and insured, that Deputy Maletto's traffic homicide investigation (THI) and Court testimony would be substandard, thereby insuring a Court dismissal - AND no justice for the Flaherty family.

Sadly, The Sheriff's Office Has A
Long History Of Lies & Cover-Ups.

Let's face it - the sheriff is an elected law enforcement position, and some sheriffs prioritize their law enforcement responsibilities over their political aspirations. Sheriff "Media" Mike Chitwood is not one of those sheriffs. Sheriff Chitwood has, and always will, place his political aspirations over his law enforcement commitments.

In the world of Sheriff Mike Chitwood, JUSTICE itself, will always take a backseat to just getting re-elected.

Chitwood's sense of a moral code, justice, fair play, and even his political leanings - are all revolving doors. (see right of page ==>)

Abusing The Authority Of His Badge

The following, are examples of Sheriff Chitwood misusing his badge for political gain. These examples are not exhaustive of what is available.

On A Side Note,
Sheriff Chitwood's Political Leanings
Changes With The Breeze

During this current 2024 election cycle, Sheriff Chitwood appears to be feverishly attempting to "back-pedal" on his post January 6, 2021 Anti-Trump declarations.

Even given Chitwood's Anti-Trump stance, senior local Republican Party members have donated to his campaign, ALL WHILE refusing to endorse the actual Republican candidate running for sheriff. (see below related articles for additional particulars)

Related Article
August 20, 2024
Local Republican Party Supports Anti-Trump Sheriff.

There Is A Two-Tiered Justice System Within Volusia County.

Related Article
July 30, 2024
Volusia GOP Fails To Endorse
Republican Candidate James Powers For Sheriff.

All While GOP Leadership Financially Contributes To
Sheriff Mike Chitwood's Anti-Trump Re-election Campaign.

Nicole Jackson-Maldonado was a fourteen (14) year old school girl in the summer of 2021 when Sheriff Mike Chitwood advised a world-wide press that she and her twelve (12) year old male co-hort had fired numerous rounds from a AK-47 military style rife at his deputies. ==>>

The truth is - as determined by both a VSO investigator, and an FDLE investigation - the children never fired the AK-47 rifle. Yes, in full disclosure, the evidence supported that the children had fired six (6) rounds at responding deputies, four (4) rounds from a small caliber hand gun, and two (2) shotgun rounds.

During a June 1, 2021 press briefing - Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood states that 12 year-old child fired rounds from the AK-47 assault rifle at deputies. However, a Sheriff's Office investigative report indicates that no AK-47 rounds were fired
The only military ordnance fired during that incident came in the form of sixty-six (66) rounds fired by the deputies, into, or near the person of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado, nearly killing her (see below related article)

Related Article
February 22, 2023
Abandoned Child Becomes Political Cannon Fodder

While Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was being "railroaded" through the Volusia County criminal justice system, we suspect she was "trafficked" while in the custody of the Volusia County jail. Further, we "opine" that the VSO failed to properly investigate these trafficking allegations. (see below related article)

Related Article
December 22, 2022
The Debacle Surrounding The Criminal Prosecution Of A Fifteen Year Old Teenager

The Spruce Creek High School Sex Scandal Cover-Up: In April 2023, the VSO received a complaint filed by the local chapter of the NAACP, alleging the the assigned school resource deputy was failing to properly investigate several concerns - including the alleged sexual assault of a child. We suggest you read our linked (see below) and related article for the particulars.

Related Article
February 21, 2024
President Of Local NAACP Chapter Alleges Several Failures By High School Resource Deputy
Racism, Favortism, & Covering-Up The Sexual Assault Of A Child

The Fraudulent Prosecution Of Ms. Cristina March: In June 2019, the VSO filed a criminal affidavit against New Smyrna Beach social activist Cristina March. In our "opinion" the fraudulent affidavit was filed with the State Attorney's office as a favor to then New Smyrna Beach Police Chief Mike Coffin. Coffin was a retired senior member of the VSO.

Ms. March was charged with cyber-stalking a non-sworn member of the NSB police department. This publication argued that Ms. March had a first amendment right to voice her concerns regarding perceived job failures of this city employee. In the end, County Judge Belle Schumann agreed that Ms. March's activities were not criminal, and were protected by the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Schumann dismissed the case against Ms. March.

Without any doubt, the criminal prosecution of Ms. March was a vendetta by NSB PD, the VSO, and the State Attorney's Office with the end goal being the silencing a government critic.

Related Article
March 19, 2020
Local Judge Dismisses Criminal Prosecution Against NSB Social Activist, Cristina March

In the end - we must ask ourselves - was justice served in any of these cases, OR was justice averted to protect political careers, and to provide cover for the "brothers in blue"?

Stand by to stand by .... there is surely more to come of this......

The Flaherty family may need to reach out to the "Men In Black" (FBI) - in their quest for justice for Eileen.

Men In Black ~ Will Smith

We look forward to your comments on this situation.
Drop us a line to let us know what you think.