Volusia GOP Fails To Endorse Republican
Candidate James Powers For Sheriff

All While GOP Leadership Financially Contributes To
Sheriff Mike Chitwood's Anti-Trump Re-election Campaign

July 30, 2024
"It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive." - Earl Warren


Our Dysfunctional Political & Judicial Systems

This article will delve into the systemic corruption that currently infects both our local justice and political systems. How these two "systems" function under a symbiotic type relationship - one's corruption is dependent on the other's corruption.

We shall identify how wealth and influential members of our community will abandon partisan politics - in order to secure and protect their "special tier of justice". How a cabal of corrupt justice practitioners, including the sheriff, judges, and prosecutors will team up with a political party's gatekeepers, insuring and defending this "special tier of justice" for those privileged few members of our community.

How this same cabal, for no more reason than the political gain of the local sheriff, will "railroad" a fourteen (14) year-old child through the criminal justice system - based on known and evidenced lies of the sheriff.

This article will expose that executive and elected members of the local Republican Party have financially endorsed a declared politically "independent" sheriff for re-election. All while, Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood has refused to politically endorse the GOP's nominated U.S. presidential candidate, while referring to Trump as a "piece of shit" and a "thug".

Lastly, this article will attempt to confirm Sheriff Chitwood's recent declaration that he has secured Governor Ron DeSantis' endorsement regarding his re-election bid.

Florida Weather, And Florida Politics
Wait Five Minutes, And Both Will Change
Sheriff Chitwood Called
President Trump A "Piece Of Shit"

Shortly after the January 6, 2021 storming of the U.S. Capitol - Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood went to social media criticizing then President Donald Trump for his "actions" during the Capitol incident. (see right of page - one example of many ==>>)

Within the provided social media post - Sheriff Chitwood advised a supporter of President Trump - that Trump had "caused death and destruction" - that Trump had "sold the nation down the road" - but probably most disturbing, Chitwood advised the female voter that she could "stick her vote up her ass" - apparently indicating that he would not be seeking the votes of any supporters of President Trump.

Click Here To Watch WFTV Video Report
"Chitwood Lashes Out At President Trump"

Sheriff Chitwood also stated within the same media post - that he had "endorsed and voted for this thug (Trump)" BUT "no more".

Three (3) Years Later
Local GOP Leadership Contributes To Chitwood's Re-election Campaign

According to a January 2024 media article by Floridapolitics.com, fifty-five (55) of Florida's sixty-seven (67) sheriffs have endorse Trump's 2024 re-election bid - with Sheriff Chitwood's endorsement still being absent.
Click On Below Image
To Open A PDF Copy

Apparently, Sheriff Chitwood has sent the message loud and clear to Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump, that Trump will NOT be receiving his re-election endorsement..

None of this should be too surprising - especially given Chitwood's past anti-Trump statements, and because this year, Chitwood is also running for re-election - as a declared "independent" candidate.

What is surprising, is that the local Republican Party has not endorsed the Republican candidate that is challenging Chitwood's re-election. More suprising, is that some within the local GOP leadership have actually made financial contributions to Chitwood's anti-Trump re-election campaign. (more on this shortly)

Seeking & Re-securing His Constitutional Powers
Be Careful Sheriff, You May Get More Than You Asked For !

In 2016, when Chitwood ran, and was initially elected as sheriff, unlike most Florida sheriffs, the Volusia sheriff did not enjoy the full powers and authorities as granted under the Florida Constitution.

In the late 1960's and into the early 1970's - the Florida Constitution went through a major over-haul.

Under the revamped State Constitution, Florida counties could opt to form a "chartered government" - whereas some constitutional offices (such as sheriff) were transferred to the authority of the county's Charter.

Volusia voters elected to become a "chartered county" government - and thereby transferred the sheriff's office to be answerable to the elected County Council.

In doing so, the sheriff's office remained an elected office - however, it transferred from an elected partisan office to an elected non-partisan office.

Upon being elected in the 2016 non-partisan campaign - Sheriff Chitwood immediately sought to regain his Florida constitutional powers by supporting an amendment that would eventually return several Volusia County offices, including his, back to their constitutional authority.

Now that the sheriff office has returned to a "partisan" office, Sheriff Chitwood's positions on "partisan" issues will influence his campaign - a development that may become a drag on Chitwood's re-election bid.

Volusia County Government Appealed

December 5, 2018
Volusia County Sheriff Chitwood calls council 'scumbags' after Amendment 10 vote

The Volusia County Council initially opted to front a legal challenge to Sheriff Chitwood's efforts (Amendment 10) to return these elected offices' constitutional authority. In response, Sheriff Chitwood engaged several members of the Council in a highly publicized verbal lashing - stating that the Council members were a bunch of "scumbags" attempting to violate the public's trust, and circumvent the will of the people.(see media / video article - below right of page)

Eventually, the Volusia County Council decided to end their legal challenge to Amendment 10.

Daytona Beach News-Journal
August 25, 2020
Volusia County drops its Amendment 10 home-rule fight

Partisan Politics
Returns To Sheriff's Office

This pending election cycle (November 2024) small businessman, and REGISTERED REPUBLICAN James Powers has thrown his political hat into the ring seeking to become Volusia's elected sheriff. (More - Shortly On Powers' Candidacy, And The Local GOP's Refusal To Endorse Him)

Sheriff Chitwood, a former Philadelphia police lieutenant is running for re-election this year, as a politically declared "INDEPENDENT"

Chitwood's Strange Political Bedfellows

Given all of the above - Chitwood's political "INDEPENDENT" status (see evidence - directly below) - his current (2024) refusal to endorse former President Trump's re-election bid - referring to Trump as a "PIECE OF SHIT" and a "THUG" - holding Trump responsible for the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol - advising Trump supporters that he does not want their political support or vote (see top of page - social media post - and more on this shortly) - Chitwood surely does have some rather strange political bedfellows.

According To Election Clerk's Website - Sheriff Chitwood Is A Declared "Independent" Running Against Republican Candidate James Powers

Big Money & Big Lies Are Endorsing Sheriff Chitwood's Re-election Bid

As with any American political campaign - corruption, if it exist, can be quickly identified by simply following the financial contributions and political endorsements of the candidate. With that thought in mind - this publication has obtained a copy of Sheriff Chitwood's first financial reporting to election officials (see below - right of page).
Discover The Truth
By Following The Money

Sheriff Chitwood does have some rather interesting financial contributors.

Local State Attorney R.J. Larizza, and two of his top assistant state attorneys John Reid and Spencer Hathaway tops off this peculiar contributors list.

John Reid (far left) Is The Treasurer
Of The Volusia GOP Party

This publication found it very interesting, that while serving as the local Republican Party's Treasurer, Assistant State Attorney John Reid has provided a political contribution to the "INDEPENDENT" & ANTI-TRUMP candidate for sheriff, while being challenged by a "REPUBLICAN" & PRO-TRUMP candidate. (Click here - Read Page 2)
Political Quid Pro Quo
And The Two Tiered Justice System

The national conservative news media has been hawking the concept that U.S. Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has been victimized by a "two tiered justice system".

In several of our (VolusiaExposed.Com) previous articles, we have expressed the OPINION that our local State Attorney's Office, in full cooperation with Sheriff Chitwood, certain judges, and the public defender's office operates a "two tiered" justice system within Volusia County. (more on this shortly - The Colton Phillips AND Nicole Jackson Maldonado prosecutions)

Election Interference?
Local GOP - In Hip Deep

This publication forwards our belief, that the continuation of this "two tiered" justice system is more important to some executive members of the Volusia Republication Party - than are their oaths to their political constituents to endorse qualified Republican candidates. Some may define this failure - as a perverted form of election interference.

This publication NOW expands our OPINION - that the local Republican Party fully supports this "two tiered" justice system, realizing that Sheriff Chitwood is an integral component to this spurious system of justice - so much so, that Chitwood's past and present positions regarding Trump must be ignored.

Assistant State Attorney John Reid
Professional Pee Pee Slapped

Assistant State Attorney (ASA) John Reid has a history of attempting to circumvent long established American jurisprudence principles for personal gain.

In 2022, Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano disqualified the local State Attorney's Office from prosecuting a criminal defendant because of an apparent conflict of interest involving ASA John Reid.

As supported within a September 2022 Daytona Beach News-Journal article, ASA Reid got his professional pee pee judicially slapped, when it was alleged, that he was attempting to use the power of the prosecutor's office to resolve his spouse's civil suit with a criminal defendant.

Frankly, this publication is of the OPINION that given ASA Reid's involvement within the local "two tiered" justice system (more on this shortly), and the circumventing of his responsibilities to promote Republican candidates - that he needs more, than just his professional pee pee slapped - he needs to be professionally and politically castrated.
ASA Reid is also currently a gubernatorial appointed commissioner on the Seventh Circuit's Judicial Nominating Commission - which vets and nominates judicial candidates to the governor for his consideration for judicial appointments to the bench.

This publication is of the OPINION that Mr. Reid wields too much authority within his three positions of power - executive member of local Republican party, assistant state attorney, and as a commissioner on the local Judicial Nominating Commission.

Obviously, Reid's three positions of power will have ethical intersections - and given Judge Zambrano's ruling, it is clear that Reid lacks either the desire, or the ability, to ethically separate those conflicting intersections.

We submit for your consideration, our OPINION - that Reid failed to honor his oath to fellow Volusia republicans, by failing to endorse the republican candidate for sheriff, and by providing a financial campaign contribution to the independent, and anti-Trump candidate.

All The Justice That Political Influence & Money Can Provide

An example of this local "two tiered" justice system in full operational mode, can be gleaned from the political contributions of the Phillips family, AND the rather light criminal prosecutions of family member Colton Phillips. (see below linked media articles - for arrest particulars)

Tim Phillips, the father of Colton, and the owner of P&S Paving - have made sizable donations to Sheriff Chitwood's 2024 campaign (Click here - Read Pages 4 & 6).

Debbie Phillips (see below pic for reference), an elected State Committee Woman for the Republican Party, and the sister-in-law to Tim Phillips also provided Sheriff Chitwood with her financial support (Click here - Read Page 3).
The Criminal Prosecutions
Of Colton Phillips

In recent years, Colton has had some "run-ins" with the law (see below media articles for particulars)- whereas Sheriff Chitwood, the local State Attorney's Office, and members of the local judiciary were all very accommodating to the Phillips family.

Some have argued (again see below media articles) - including this publication, that Colton Phillips was a recipient of that special second tiered justice system that protects the affluent and politically connected members of our society.
Media Articles Regarding Colton Phillips
Click Below Web Links To Review Articles
And Liberty & Justice For All.......Correct?

This publication argues, that the Phillips family is probably very grateful to both Sheriff Chitwood, and to the other justice system "sell outs" (state attorney, judge), regarding Colton's rather easy ride through their "affluent tiered" justice system.

If Colton Phillips was the son of a middle class plumber - he would be rotting away in prison today (Our OPINION).
In fairness to Sheriff Chitwood, while the State Attorney R.J. Larizza and Circuit Judge Dennis Craig were hammering out a probation plea deal with Phillips' defense attorney - Chitwood was asking for a prison sentence via an email from his chief deputy. (see right of page ==>>)

In the end, Judge Craig sentenced Phillips to fifteen years of probation, and sealed his entire court file from public access.

The Daytona Beach News-Journal hired an attorney - who filed a motion with the Court to successfully return Phillips' court file back to public access. (see right of page ==>>)

The apparent inappropriate sealing of court files seems to be an on-going concern within our local court. (more on this - shortly, regarding the Nicole Jackson-Maldonado prosecution)

Obviously, given the Phillips family's political contributions to Sheriff Chitwood's 2024 re-election campaign, the Phillips family and Chitwood reached some level of understanding regarding the disposition of Colton Phillips' criminal prosecution.

Not too long after receiving his sweet probation plea deal - Colton Phillips violated the terms of his probation - the Court once again gave Phillips a light sentence regarding the probation violation.

Daytona Beach News-Journal
November 15, 2021
After 'deal of a lifetime,' Colton Phillips gets 180 days in jail for violating probation

There is a rumor floating around law enforcement circles - that Colton did not complete his probation violation's six month jail sentence. The "rumor" alleges that he was released to house arrest, to his parents' Flagler County ranch. This publication could not substantiate this rumor as fact.

However, VolusiaExposed.Com was able - via text messages between Volusia Corrections Director Mark Flowers and Mr. Tim Phillips - that there were on-going and developing plans for Mr. Phillip's paving company to hire and train jail inmates within a work release type program. According to the text correspondence between Director Flowers and his staff - Assistant County Attorney Chris Ryan put an end to those plans.

Listen, this publication does not have a problem with Colton getting a "easy ride" through the justice system - we have a problem with the "how and why" regarding the "easy ride" (wealth & politics).

Kids, also known as young adults - will make stupid mistakes - and the justice system should provide first time offenders with an initial "easy ride". BUT, that "easy ride" should be open to everyone - regardless of their wealth and political status. This is America - where we profess the belief of "liberty and justice for all".

However, it appears to us (VolusiaExposed.Com) that some - like ASA John Reid, and Sheriff Mike Chitwood may support an un-American belief that justice should be dealt out based on wealth and political influence. (more on this - regarding the criminal prosecution of a fourteen (14) year old girl)

After-all - by failing to support GOP sheriff candidate James Powers, ASA Reid appears to be experiencing difficulties in honoring his oath as an executive member of Volusia Republican Party, so, should there be any surprise, that Reid has also apparently failed to honor long established American jurisprudence principles?

Local GOP's Refusal To Endorse Republican Candidate For Sheriff

While election records clearly support that that members of the Phillips family are more than willing to leverage their wealth in support of Sheriff Chitwood's re-election - we (VolusiaExposed.Com) offer our OPINION that the Phillips are also wielding their political capital within the local Republican Party to the express benefit of Sheriff Chitwood's campaign.

It has become very apparent to this publication that the local GOP party - under the heavy influences of the local State Attorney's Office, and senior members of the Phillips family - would much rather support the politically independent, liberal leaning Sheriff Mike Chitwood, that has voiced heavy criticisms, and refuses to endorse their own party's presidential candidate - than to support Mr. James Powers, the conservative republican candidate - who offers full throated support for Presidential Candidate Donald Trump.

Did Governor DeSantis Endorses Sheriff Mike Chitwood?

While the local branch of the Republican Party may only desire to endorse Sheriff Chitwood with individual political contributions from GOP party executive members - apparently, per Chitwood's social media posts - he has received the open political endorsement of Governor Ron DeSantis. (see right of page ==>>)

Governor DeSantis has been know to "flip flop" on his public OPINIONS regarding the veracity and ethical demeanor of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump.

However, we somewhat doubt that DeSantis would officially politically endorse an "independent" candidate, especially Chitwood, given his past history of "bad mouthing" Donald Trump.

In addition, Chitwood has a past history of challenging the DeSantis administration - see example with in the below linked media article.

July 9, 2020
Sheriff Wins Battle With DeSantis Administration Over Corona Virus Data

While DeSantis has in the past - politically endorsed republican sheriff candidates (see below media article), we can find no media, or official release, that DeSantis has endorsed Chitwood's "independent" re-election bid. Given, Chitwood's well-known propensity to "play loose with the truth" - this publication questions whether he has officially received DeSantis' endorsement.

We suspect that Chitwood is most probably embellishing upon a gubernatorial verbal "hookie dookie" he may have received during the recent Florida Sheriffs’ Association Summer Conference which DeSantis attended.

July 12, 2024
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Endorses Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers

Full Disclosures

While, to our knowledge, the Volusia GOP has NOT OFFICIALLY endorsed either candidate (Chitwood or Powers) - executive members of the Volusia GOP Party have indicated their support of Chitwood - via their political contributions to his campaign.

Further, the editorial staff of this publication does NOT endorse the candidacy of GOP Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump.

We (VolusiaExposed.Com) can NOT endorse Sheriff Chitwood's re-election due to a false narrative he forwarded against a fourteen (14) year-old girl. (more on this shortly).

Further, the recent sex scandals that have surfaced out of the Volusia Sheriff Office has caused us some serious concerns regarding the viability of VSO's leadership (see below linked media articles & video reports).

Therefore, by default - this publication encourages the candidacy and campaign of Mr. James Powers.

August 10, 2023
A Sex Scandal Within The Volusia Sheriff's Office

Volusia County Drug Court Deputy
Trades Sex For Law Enforcement Favors
July 9, 2024

Volusia County Deputy Kidnaps Woman
Threatens Her With Arrest If She
Fails To Provide Sexual Favors

James Powers : Candidate For Volusia Sheriff

According To Election Clerk's Website - James Powers Is A Declared "Republican" Running Against Independent Sheriff Mike Chitwood
Not only is Mr. Powers a registered republican - according to his campaign website (click here, or see right of page =>) - he appears to support many of the republican key platform issues - strict immigration policy, supporting U.S. Constitutional principles such as free speech, right to bear arms, and his concerns over the current sheriff's alleged abuses of "red flag laws", a second amendment issue.

May 17, 2022
Volusia County sheriff comments
on ‘red flag’ laws in Florida

We suggest that you take the time to review Mr. Powers' campaign web page (FearlessRepublican.Com), and determine for yourself - if Powers is a better fit for sheriff, than is the current holder of that office.

Sheriff Chitwood's Email
Worshiping At The Altar Of Trump

Like many others in January 2021 - that challenged Chitwood's negative and critical comments regarding then President Trump - Mr. Powers also had an similar email exchange with Chitwood (see lower right of this page =>).

Sheriff Chitwood advised Powers, that Trump is a "a fraud - a scam artist, and that he needed to resign".

Most importantly - Chitwood stated within these posts (social media & email) that "he really did not care if he wins another election".

Chitwood further made it clearly known, that he was not seeking the support (votes) of people that "worship at the altar of Trump" (see TOP right of this page =>).

James Powers:
Past Arrests & Lack Of
Police Experience

Apparently, Sheriff Chitwood has been touting Powers' past minor arrest history, along with his lack of experience in being a law enforcement officer.

A review of Powers arrest history, shows no felony convictions - so given that his right to run for office, and to vote has not be rescinded, he is a viable candidate for sheriff, especially within a political party that is running a Presidential candidate that has several felony convictions.

In truth, regarding Powers' arrests - similar brushes with the law can be easily found within the ranks of the VSO, State Attorney's Office, and our local judiciary.

February 10, 2022
"Work Hard" and "Never Give Up" - advice from area's first two black women circuit court judges

Prior to his 2016 election win - President Trump had zero experience in politics - and to many, that was his strength. Similarly, given Chitwood's failures - Powers' lack of law enforcement experience may be exactly what the VSO needs - the draining of the swamp.

The Criminal Prosecution Of Nicole Jackson-Maldonado
The Judicial Railroading Of A Middle School Child

In the summer of 2021 - fourteen (14) year-old middle schooler Nicole Jackson-Maldonado did not have a wealthy and politically influential family to fend off Sheriff Chitwood's false allegations against her - AND to insure that she received her full Constitutional due process.

According to a June 1, 2021 Volusia Sheriff's Office arrest report - Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was criminally charged, along with her twelve (12) year-old co-defendant, for the attempted first degree murder of deputies, armed burglary, and criminal mischief.

Without ANY DOUBT - Ms. Jackson-Maldonado, and her co-defendant would not have qualified as members of any church's choir. Evidence strongly supports, that they did break into a house - found unsecured weapons, and apparently fired up to six rounds at responding deputies (two shot gun rounds - four .22 hand gun rounds).
HOWEVER - this publication floats our OPINION (supported by evidence - read on) that Sheriff Chitwood presented a false narrative against the children - alleging that his deputies took numerous rounds of military style AK-47 rifle fire from the children (2 clips or approximately 60 rounds - see media video ==> right of page).

The sheriff investigator's own report verifies (see lines 79-80 - second to the last page of the report) that the children never fired the AK-47 rifle.

We (VolusiaExposed.Com) suspect that Sheriff Chitwood presented this false narrative for two reasons - first, to justify, and to provide cover, for the over sixty (60) rounds of gun fire the deputies fired at Ms. Jackson-Maldonado - blowing out her back (see picture - right of page), and nearly killing her.

At the time of Sheriff Chitwood releasing his false narrative - it was unknown whether Ms. Jackson-Maldonado would survive her wounds.

Secondly, the false narrative of children directing military rifle fire at deputies - gave the embellished incident the world-wide media legs that Sheriff "Media" Mike Chitwood so craves.

Providing The Sheriff With Legal Shade

The "cover-up" basically consisted of "railroading" the child through the adult criminal justice system - by repeatedly denying her effective legal counsel - then convincing her to waive

Judge Orders Secret Hearing

Sheriff Mike Chitwood Presents A False Narrative About AK-47 Gunfire

A picture of the 14 year-old's back - showing it blown out by military style rounds fired at her by Volusia County sheriff deputies.
her right to a jury trial during a private, non-public hearing (see above video) - AND then sentencing her to a lengthy prison sentence, while sealing the records - thus insuring her silence.

Daytona Beach News-Journal
January 5, 2023
Teenage Girl Accused Of Shooting At Deputies: - "I Want To Go To Trial".

Please allow us to be clear - this publication forwards our opinion that this 14 year-old girl was NOT sentenced to adult prison because of her alleged crimes - but rather she was sent to prison to cover-up "the cabal's failures, and their crimes against her.

We question - as within, the below listed related article, whether Ms. Jackson-Maldonado was trafficked while in custody.

December 22, 2022
One Child's Fight For Freedom & Justice

When a 74 year-old retired Marine Corps Master Sergeant shoots at Volusia deputies - it's only criminally prosecuted as "aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer" - but when a 14 year-old middle school girl does the same thing - it's attempted first degree murder of a law enforcement officer. (see below linked article)

December 22, 2023
IN THE DEFENSE OF A CHILD The Disparate Prosecutions Of A Man, A Woman, And A Child

For our readers' edification, we have linked the below articles that provide a "deeper dive" into our concerns against this law enforcement cabal.

Post Conviction
Appeal Pending?

Recently, some concerned citizens were able to help secure Ms. Jackson-Maldonado an attorney - in order to review whether she had effective / competent counsel during her prosecution.

According to the available notice and motion to the right of this page ==> (click to review), the attorney wishes to review the transcripts from the non-public hearing - so that he can determine whether Jackson-Maldonado received fair due process of law during said hearing.
Judge Grants Limited Access To Court Transcript

Last Friday, July 26, 2024 - Judge Blackburn granted Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's current attorney access to the transcript from the January 27, 2023 non-public hearing ==>>.

The court transcript was ONLY made available to the attorney - and NOT to the general public. However, since the Court's sealing of the transcript was allegedly done to protect Ms. Jackson-Maldonado right to a "fair trial" - we would imagine that upon completion of Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's appellate time limitations - the public's right to review those transcripts would supersede Jackson-Maldonado's then exhausted due process rights.

After the completion of the attorney's efforts, should this publication deem that the Jackson-Maldonado matters still commands the public's attention - we shall approach the Court, and file for journalistic access to the transcript. Similar to how the Daytona Beach News-Journal gained access to the sealed Colton Phillips' court records.

Advocating For Others
And Closing Comments

One of the concerned citizens that have been advocating for Ms. Jackson-Maldonado has started a non-profit corporation that is accepting donations to assist in the cost of obtaining these court transcripts, and the filing of an ineffective trial counsel appeal (Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.850 appeal).

Donations can be made to:
Advocating For Others, Inc.
P.O. Box 512 Lake Helen, Fl 32744
OR at any Vystar Credit Union

In fairness to the individuals that were identified within this article - prior to the publication of this article, we sent an advance rough draft copy of this article to all the individuals we could locate email addresses for. Within this email, we provided them the opportunity to advise us of any clarifications and corrections regarding our article.

Prior to the publication of this article - no commentary, clarifications, or corrections were received.

Stand by to stand by - there is surely more to come of this........................

We look forward to your comments on this situation.
Drop us a line to let us know what you think.