Local Republican Party Supports
Anti-Trump Sheriff Candidate.
Volusia Sheriff Sergeant Arrested, But NOT Prosecuted.

Yes, Nicole, There Is A Two-Tiered
Justice System Within Volusia County.

August 20, 2024
"There's a two-tier justice system. And anyone who denies it is either naive or in denial. This is what the reality of America is. If you have certain privileges, if you're from a certain socioeconomic status, you have a certain skin color, the odds are in your favor." - Ana Kasparian



For years, and within numerous articles, this publication has alleged, that the Volusia County Courts operate within a "two-tiered" system of justice.

In support of our "two-tiered" justice system theory, we present for your review the following circumstances:

1. The arrest and NON-prosecution of Volusia Sheriff Sergeant Cody Cochran.

2. The judicial railroading of a fourteen (14) year-old girl (Nicole Jackson-Maldonado), by members of the two-tiered justice system (sheriff, state attorney, public defender, judge).

3. Local Republican partisan politics would rather support this two-tiered justice system - than to support the Republican candidate running for sheriff, OR their U.S. Presidential candidate.

The Neapolitan Ice Cream Approach

We acknowledge, that for many, this article will be a little disjointed, because of it's coverage of several topics. We ask that you imagine this article to be like a bowl of Neapolitan ice cream - we shall be jumping back and forth between chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. However, the "ice cream" (information) that we shall be providing, regarding the level of corruption on-going within our justice system - shall be very enlightening. Now, grab your ice cream spoon and read on.

Domestic Violence With The Ranks Of Law Enforcement

Earlier this month (August 2024) - this publication received word that Volusia Sheriff Sergeant Cody Cochran (Volusia County, Fl.) had been arrested, by his own agency, for domestic violence (DV) against his spouse.

We (VolusiaExposed.Com) encourage our readers to review the attached arrest report (see right of page), and listen to the sergeant's daughter's call to 911, in which she describes a physical confrontation between her father and mother.

911 Audio (Sgt. Cody Cochran)

NOTICE, the difference between the 911 recording, and the official arrest report's narration, which tends to support only a verbal confrontation.

According to the below linked & related media article, Sgt. Cochran had already been suspended pending the outcome of two other pending internal affairs (IA) investigations that are unrelated to his DV arrest. (VolusiaExposed.Com intends on providing our readers with these pending IA investigations when they become available as public records)

Daytona Beach News-Journal
August 1, 2024
Volusia Sheriff's Office sergeant, already suspended, arrested on domestic battery charge

Within media & social media posts - Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood stated that - "The criminal case will be handled through the courts just like any other, but he will no longer work for the Volusia Sheriff's Office,....... Domestic violence should not be accepted in our society, and it won't be tolerated in our organization, ..... While I'm glad the victim in this case wasn't injured, there's no excuse for domestic violence — especially not for a law enforcement officer sworn to uphold the law."

State Attorney Abandons
The Prosecution Of
Sgt. Cochran

While Sheriff Chitwood states that Cochran's "criminal case will be handled through the courts just like any other" - the sheriff is embellishing just a little. The sheriff probably meant to say - that Cochran's DV case will be handled by the courts just like any other law enforcement officer charged with DV, especially within an election year.

Within a week of his arrest - the local State Attorney's Office did NOT disappoint - like most DV cases against area law enforcement officers - the case was quickly "NO INFO-ed" (DROPPED). (see right of page ==>>)

Civilian Comparison
The Two Tiered Justice System

Recently, and just prior to Sgt. Cochran's arrest, local police auditor, Mark Dickinson was arrested on a very similar DV charge (click here to read arrest report) Dickinson's case has been accepted for prosecution by the State Attorney's Office.

Click The Below Document
To Read Sergeant Cochran's Complete Arrest Report

Click The Below Document
To Read State Attorney's NO INFO Advisement

Dickinson operates the police auditor YouTube site - James Madison Audits (JMA). His YouTube page has over 372 thousand subscribers.

We (VolusiaExposed.Com) encourage our readers to review the JMA YouTube channel. Dickinson's videos have documented several incidents of police misconduct, including him being threatened with police retaliation, and him helping a 75-year old woman to resolve a traffic ticket involving police misconduct.

Threatened By The Police

JMA Assisting A 75-Year Woman

This publication further encourages our readers to continue to watch the on-going criminal prosecution of Mr. Dickinson - while comparing it to, the non-prosecution of Volusia Sheriff Sgt. Cody Cochran. You tell us - is there a "two tiered" system of justice within the Seventh Judicial Circuit?

Still Having Doubts
Regarding The Existence Of A Two Tiered Justice System?

In preparation for this article, we reached out to Assistant State Attorney Spencer Hathaway via the below email, hoping that he could provide some clarity on why Deputy Cochran's case was not being prosecuted, while Mr. Dickinson's case is being prosecuted.

Our rationale to reaching out to ASA Hathaway was two fold - first, it's our understanding that Hathaway is in charge of the misdemeanor division* of the State Attorney's Office, and secondly, he once was their "public information officer" - and we found him to be pretty much an "up-standing" public servant.

* domestic violence is generally a misdemeanor offense

As of the publication of this article - ASA Hathaway has not responded to our questions or concerns.

In addition to the Deputy Cochran and Mr. Dickinson situations - our email to Hathaway addressed other issues (think Neopolitan ice cream) - that further support the existence of a two tiered justice system.

Politics Over Justice, Lady Justice Being Bent Over
Why was a fourteen year-old school girl (Nicole Jackson-Maldonado) prosecuted for the alleged attempted murders of deputies, and sentenced to twenty years in prison, while a 75 year-old retired Marine Master-Sergeant who also shot at deputies, was only charged with the aggravated assault of the deputies? (see below linked related article for particulars)

December 22, 2023
In The Defense Of A Child

Why did Sheriff Chitwood lie on this child - by knowingly, and consistently, falsely stating, that military rounds had been fired at his deputies? (see below linked related article for particulars)

February 22, 2023
Dark Justice Within
The Seventh Judicial Circuit

Why did the trial judge order an out of the public's view hearing, involving this child exercising her right to request different attorneys? (see above linked article)

Why did the judge seal the court transcripts (click here to read Court order) attached to this "lock-down" - out of the public preview hearing? (see above linked article)

Was this child - trafficked while in custody. Did the Volusia Sheriff's Office fail to properly investigate this? (see BELOW linked article)

December 22, 2022
The Debacle Surrounding The Criminal Prosecution Of A Fifteen Year Old Teenager
Was the trafficking of this child, while in custody, AND the sheriff's office failures to properly investigate, coupled with the sheriff's lies, the real driving forces behind this child being judicially railroaded?

Are politics more important, than a child's right to due process, or her freedom?

Are political ambitions of a sheriff, a public defender, or a judge more important than justice? - read the attached email - and the links incorporated within that email, AND those within this article - and decide for yourself.

Child Seeks To Appeal Her Conviction, Has Secured Appellate Attorney

Recently, with the assistance of some "court watcher" friends, this now seventeen (17) year-old child has secured an appellate attorney who has requested that the Court permit him (click here to read Court motion) to review the transcripts of the locked down court hearing, in order to determine whether the child's Constitutional due process rights were violated.

Her appellate attorney surely will want to determine whether assigning a former Volusia sheriff deputy as her defense attorney, in a case whereas she was charged with attempting to murder Volusia sheriff deputies - equated to providing her with ineffective / bias counsel.

So far her "court watcher" friends have paid out over $1200 in their on-going attempt to secure the locked down hearing's transcripts. The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees everyone a fair and public trial - especially, if you are a middle school girl that the local sheriff, and his minions are railroading.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Neither her friends, or Ms. Jackson-Maldonado professes her complete innocence. Rather, the argument is - the sheriff lied about the military gun fire, and the State Attorney overly prosecuted her based on that lie. In short, Nicole's life doesn't need to be wiped out over a lie, that a politician (sheriff) refuses to acknowledge.

Donations to assist in Ms. Jackson-Maldonado's appeal can be made to:
Advocating For Others, Inc.
P.O. Box 512 Lake Helen, Fl 32744
OR at any Vystar Credit Union

We invite our readers to review the above email, AS WELL AS, the below listed related article regarding these particular Constitutional concerns. You must read both in their entirety, to gain a FULL appreciation how partisan politics have created a "two tiered" justice system within East Central Florida.

July 30, 2024
Volusia GOP Fails To Endorse Republican Candidate James Powers For Sheriff


Volusia Republican Party Executives, And Governor Ron DeSantis
Supports / Endorses Anti-Trump - Sheriff Mike Chitwood For Re-election

As published within our earlier above listed article, at least one senior member of the Volusia Republican Party's Executive Committee has provided anti-Trump, and politically independent Sheriff Mike Chitwood with financial support for his campaign. All while, the local GOP refuses to endorse Volusia Sheriff candidate, James Powers - the only republican candidate running for sheriff (click here to go Powers' campaign site).

According to Sheriff Mike Chitwood's Facebook page (see screenshots - right of page ==>), as well as cited within our earlier article - Chitwood has received the political endorsements of Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, and Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis - all members of the Grand Old Party (GOP).

Someone Should Advise
Donald J. Trump
Is Trump Being Treated "Unfairly"?

Trump deserves to be advised early on - that if he loses in November (2024) - he did not lose because the Democrats cheated - he lost because senior members of his own political party "RINOed" him out - so that they could support the "two-tiered" criminal justice system that Trump vilifies - AND to support the re-election of a "woke" anti-Trump sheriff. (see below social media screenshot - click it, to read more)

Screenshot From Chitwood's Social Media
Shortly After January 6, 2021

In a rationale political world - because of his MAGA political endorsements, Volusia Democrats should be thinking twice about voting for Chitwood. And on the flip-side, because of Chitwood's past negative statements against Trump, and with his current refusal to endorsement Trump (click here to read media article), Trump supporters should probably be casting their votes for James Powers, the only Republican candidate for Volusia County Sheriff.

But that's politics - and politics, especially American politics are rarely rationale.

This publication could careless about the political reasons to vote for, or against Sheriff Chitwood. His lying on, and railroading a fourteen year-old child was our moment of clarity.

Stand by to stand by .... there is surely more to come of all this.......

I Can See Clearly Now ~ Johnny Nash

We look forward to your comments on this situation.
Drop us a line to let us know what you think.