The People's Court A Rare Event Is Scheduled To Transpire This August 26, 2014 The Voters Will Decide Who Is Best Qualified To Be A Circuit Court Judge |
July 14, 2014 |
If you are a regular reader of VolusiaExposed, you probably are very well aware that we have been attending and reporting on the recommendations of our local Seventh Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission. VolusiaExposed does have many criticisms of the JNC process. We believe that the JNC process short circuits the voters' right to select their own judges. While we will agree that there needs to be some sort of process to replace a judicial opening pending an election cycle, it's our opinion that the JNC process has been manipulated by some in the legal profession to hand pick our (the public, the voters, us - the citizens) judges for us. In fact we hold the belief that many in the legal profession, to include judges, lawyers, and yes, even our governor, believe that judicial selections are far too important to entrust to citizen voters. Such arrogance is similar to that allegedly voiced by then U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, over the 1970 election of Chilean President Salvador Allende Allende was a socialist, that maintained good relations with known communists, in the particular, Cuba's Fidel Castro. |
Active (July 9, 2014) Malpractice Lawsuit On Judicial Candidate Karen Foxman Scroll Down To Read The Complaint And Foxman's Answer ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Seventh Judicial Circuit It's Like Becoming A Made Man In The Mafia VolusiaExposed holds the opinion that the "powers that be" in the Seventh Judicial Circuit, like Kissinger, think that the selection of judges is much too important of an issue for the voters to decide. The last three recently appointed judges (Upchurch, Hood, Orfinger) for Volusia County were selected with ZERO input by the voters. See attached media articles -------> Sandy Upchurch was appointed to the bench due to the fact that no one else ran against her. David Hood, just recently secured a gubernatorial appointment to the bench via the JNC process, thus giving Michael Orfinger an electionless victory, since Hood was the only other candidate running against him in Orfinger's judicial race. ![]() And finally, Circuit Court Judge Margaret Hudson just secured a default re-election due to no one running against her. The halls of the courthouses are just filled with whispers and rumors that once the county "power brokers" pick their judicial candidates - no one better run against their selections. Assistant State Attorney Karen Foxman and Steven Sands appear to be bucking the power brokers. Well at least one of them is, the other is the presumed pick of the brokers. Documents Speak Loudly VolusiaExposed believes that if you really want to know what is transpiring within the local legal system, one must listen to the rumors, but confirm with the documents. In political elections, financial documents are always important, in particular, the financial contributions records. It's always interesting to see who is funding a politician's run for office. And with that thought in mind - we, VolusiaExposed, present to our readers, the contribution rosters for both Candidate Foxman and Sands. Karen Foxman's campaign contributors Steven Sands' campaign contributors Another point of interest is the on going legal malpractice lawsuit against Foxman. The lawsuit was filed in 2011 and still has not been resolved. We can only imagine the conflicts of interest that will transpire should a sitting judge have an active legal malpractice lawsuit in the very jurisdiction he / she presides. But then again, in the Volusia County court system, conflicts of interest appear to be the accepted norm. |