SHOTS FIRED - ONE TROUBLED DEPUTY - TWO DEAD TEENS Discrimination, Financial Conflicts Of Interest & Negligent Retention Of A Sheriff Deputy
Updated March 4, 2021
"It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out, it's the pebble in your shoe." - Muhammad Ali
This article will highlight how police discrimination, financial conflicts of interest, and what we consider to be the negligent retention of a deputy - lead to the death of two teenagers.
We present this article with the intended elegance of a fluttering butterfly - but to many, it will surely sting like a bee.
Let The Painful Truth Be Told
Author, Khaled Hosseini once opined that it was "better to be hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie".
Current national events have indicated - that many prefer to be comforted by political lies - rather than suffering the sting of knowing, or even hearing the truth.
Nationwide - politicians, to include a local sheriff - have taken full advantage of the public's willingness to accept political lies, over facts and the truth.
It's time to start demanding the truth, and to stop settling for their comfortable lies. Lives depend on it.
Defining Police Discrimination The Judge Dredd Affect
Before proceeding forward - we must first define the term "discrimination" as it will be used within this article. Further, we must also lay the ground work, addressing how police discrimination, and racial hatred, have corrupted many, if not most, of this country's law enforcement agencies (thus - the first sting of the bee).
The term, police discrimination - when appropriate, will incorporate it's usual connections to several biases - such as - racism, sexual preference, religious and political associations, etc.
However, also inclusive to it's complete definition - is a more silent form of discrimination - that is alive and well within most law enforcement agencies. This writer refers to this particular variant of discrimination as the "Judge Dredd Affect".
Many police agencies, and their practitioners - have developed a near majority mindset - that like the fictional comic book, and Hollywood character of Judge Dredd - they too see themselves as "street judges" - and they "are the law". (see below video clip from the movie "Judge Dredd")
While they may still drive around in patrol cars that read "To Protect and Serve", in reality, these "street judges" expect to be Protected and Serviced(stung yet again).
Judge Dredd - "I am the law !"
Sadly, many prosecutors and criminal court judges are more than willing to "protect and service" these rogue "street judges" - to include, in our OPINION - the subject deputy of this article - Deputy Jafet Santiago-Miranda. (more on this later within this article)
Again, like the fictional Judge Dredd - these police practitioners equate most of the general public as their enemy - having developed an "us against them" mentality (another bee sting).
The political, and social movements - of organizations like Black Lives Matter (BLM), and calls to "defund the police" - are seen by these "street judges", as direct threats to them - both personally and financially.
The current, and ever expanding partsian divide between Americans - only serves as an amplifier to these rogue officers' actions against the citizenry. Many of these officers, including police supervisors - honestly believe, that their rogue policing actions are some how saving America - but in truth, they have become the actual traitors to America's founding priniciples (the sting of the bee).
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Tossed into the wind - is the several decade's old argument - offered by countless police administrators - that there are just a few bad apples within their policing agency.
The truth is - that the inmates (bad apples) have taken over the asylum - and are now running it. While the "bad apples" did fail in their attempt to take over and HOLD the U.S. Capitol - they have for decades succesfully controlled, or heavily influenced, the majority of our country's policing agencies.
Something, actor Clint Eastwood's character "Dirty Harry" concluded in the early 1970s.... since then - things have only gone downhill.
The Thin Blue Line's Emerging Status As A Hate Symbol
The hate group, the Ku Klux Klan have well known reverances for both burning crosses and white bed sheets. Currently, there exists a growing movement within policing agencies, offering up the "thin blue line" as their reverenced identifier. The Internet, and flea markets, are just crawling, and targeting all sorts of "thin blue line" merchandise to police practitioners (see examples - below pics).
Extremist groups known as the "Oath Keepers" and the "Proud Boys" are also known to espouse this "thin blue line" merchandise with their own symbolic branding and swag. Both groups, with particular attention given to the "Oath Keepers", are known for their membership significantly coming from current and former law enforcement officers (damn bees - must be a hive near by).
Has the "thin blue line", and other symbolic branding - become the twenty-first (21st) century's equivalent of the Klan's white bed sheets?
There is a point to be made here - in that these extremist groups were first to attach themselves to the "thin blue line" branding - and now - policing agencies are officially recognizing this moniker. Is this a case of monkey see - monkey do (there's that bee again)?
Well, that is enough background information to chew on - let's move forward - and explore how police bullets killed two Cocoa, Florida teenagers......
Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey's Reverence For The Thin Blue Line
Gunshots In Cocoa
On November 13, 2020 at about 10:30 A.M. several gun shots rang out in Cocoa, Florida. Those gun shots came from Brevard County Sheriff Deputy Jafet Santiago-Miranda's service weapon. Deputy Santiago-Miranda shot into a vehicle occupied by three local young men - teenagers actually - and merely children, to their family and friends .
Video Of Shooting
Dead were Sincere Pierce (18) and Angelo Crooms (16). Their alleged crime - suspected car theft, and attempting to distance themselves from the two deputies that were pointing firearms at them.
The third teen suffered no physical injuries, and was released after being interrogated by the police.
Soon thereafter, the media was reporting on "street judge" Sheriff Wayne Ivey's determination statement that Deputy Santiago-Miranda was "forced" to fired his service weapon (see above video), in self-defense, in order to avoid being ran over.
The problem with "street judge" Ivey's "off the hip" shooting determination - is that it was NOT based on any completed investigation into the shooting. In fact, as of the publication of this article, the state attorney is still reviewing the legality of this shooting.
There should be little doubt that Ivey's pre-investigation statements have already biased any shooting investigation? Investigators already know - that per "street judge" Ivey's voiced OPINION - that the deputy was justified in shooting the two teenagers. So, whom, if anyone, especially within law enforcement, will be brave enough, should the evidence supports differently, tell the "street judge" he was wrong?
Was The Shooting In Self-Defense?
From our review of the video (see above video) - the vehicle, was traveling at a very slow speed, and had it's wheels turned away from Deputy Santiago-Miranda. Further, Deputy Santiago-Miranda is observed shooting through the vehicle's side windows, at point blank range, as the car slowly proceeded by him - and as he approached the car, apparently for a better firing angle. Hardly, obvious acts of self-defense - rather, in our OPINION - more the acts of a coward, or an assassin.
And here is the kicker - the car was NOT stolen. (watch for those low flying bees!)
Troubled Deputy
Media reporting now reveals that Deputy Santiago-Miranda has a significant past disciplinary history involving anger control issues, some with attachments to firearms.
This BCSO internal report, along with supportive documentation - highlights an April 2020 incident, whereas, it was alleged that Deputy Santiago-Miranda engaged in an domestic violence (DV) incident with his spouse (also a law enforcement officer). The DV incident was apparently over a romantic relationship the deputy's spouse was having with another law enforcement officer within her own agency (in short - lookin for love in all the wrong places ..... sing it Johnny Lee !!!).
Lookin' For Love In All The Wrong Places ~ Johnny Lee (1980)
Included within these DV allegations - were the physical abuse of his spouse - threats of violence (including with fire arms)
against his spouse and her romantic interest. The BCSO also came to the apparent conclusion that Deputy Santiago-Miranda had phoned in a false report to the Titusville police department (see page 33 & 41 of 47 - internal affairs report) Lastly, the BCSO investigation documented an admission by Deputy Santiago-Miranda - that he had illegally recorded one of his spouse's telephone converations (see page 28 of 47 - internal affairs report).
Truth Within The Details
In 2015, the BCSO arrested Brevard Internet Reporter, Dana Delaney Loyd on their fabricated criminal charge that she made a false call to the Florida Abuse Hotline. Loyd had authored several articles targeting several acts of corruption within the BCSO - including outing a pedophile sheriff deputy.
VolusiaExposed.Com published over forty (40) articles in which, we exposed, what we believe was an illegal, and politically motivated criminal prosecution against Loyd, solely to silence her journalistic criticism of the BCSO.
VolusiaExposed.Com further forwards our OPINION, that Circuit Court Judge Robin "Railroad" Lemonidis committed several acts of judicial misconduct (click here to read particulars) - to wit - Lemonidis refusal to allow a DCF investigator to testify during trial that he never determined Loyd's call to be a "false" call - and Lemonidis' involvement, in knowingly having a false probation violation filed against Mrs. Loyd (DCF is the determining agency regarding false abuse reports & the depositions of probation officers support Lemonidis' involvement in the false VOP report).
In as far as Deputy Santiago-Miranda's apparent false report to the Titusville PD, or him illegally recording his spouse's telephone conversation - well..... crickets... there were never criminal charges filed against him.....well, imagine that....."and with liberty and justice for all"......just NOT in Brevard !!.
In addition to not filing criminal charges against Deputy Santiago-Miranda, the BCSO further "protected and serviced" the deputy - by not reporting his internally sustained moral character violations to Florida state officials (FDLE / CJSTC) - (break out the smoke gun and disperse these damn bees!!).
Suspected misconduct by Florida attorneys - are reviewed by the Florida Bar.
When a law enforcement officer is suspected of misconduct - his / her agency is mandated by both Florida Statutes (F.S.943.1395), as well as Florida Administrative Code 11B-27.003 - to investigate the alleged misconduct. Further, should the misconduct rise to the level of a sustained "police officer moral character violation" - as defined within Florida Administrative Code 11B-27.0011 - then the law enforcement agency is further mandated by law - to advise the Florida Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC) (a sub-branch of Florida Department of Law Enforcement) of any sustained moral character violations - so that they can review the officer for possible revocation of his / her law enforcement certification.
These sustained moral character violations are mandated to be reported to FDLE / CJSTC - by the employing law enforcement agency filing a CJSTC 78 form (click here to review)*.
Pursuant to Section 943.1395(5), F.S., an employing agency must conduct an internal investigation when having cause to suspect that an officer it employs or employed at the time of the alleged violation, or employed on a Temporary Employment Authorization is not in compliance with Section 943.13(4) or (7), F.S. or Rule 11B-27.0011, F.A.C. If the investigation is sustained, the employing agency must forward a report to the Commission as specified by Rule 11B-27.003
The CJSTC 78 form is to be filed within forty-five (45) days of the moral character violations being sustained.
Our sister publication BradyCops.Org - made a public records request to the BCSO requesting a copy of the CJSTC-78 form that should have been filed regarding the sustained moral character violations. The BCSO replied - indicating that no such record existed. Further a review of Deputy Santiago-Miranda's BCSO personnel file - regarding records filed to FDLE / CJSTC - also failed to indicated the filing on any CJSTC-78 forms on this deputy.
With due diligent in mind - we made a second source contact - directly to FDLE - with FDLE providing us with a copy of Deputy Santiago-Miranda's Global Profile Sheet - which also confirmed that no CJSTC-78 forms were on file.
This publication is of the OPINION - that IF the BCSO had advised FDLE / CJSTC of Deputy Santiago-Miranda's past history of violence - we suspect that the CJSTC would have suspended or revoked the deputy's police certification. IF we are correct, then it is unlikely that Deputy Santiago-Miranda would have been serving as a BCSO deputy on the day of the shooting.
These facts, and our OPINION are worth repeating - neither the BCSO, or the local state attorney opted to file any criminal charges against Deputy Santiago-Miranda regarding the domestic violence incident. The BCSO failed to report to CJSTC Deputy Santiago-Miranda's sustained moral character violations. Therefore its very apparent to us, that Deputy Santiago-Miranda was well "protected and serviced" by both the state attorney's and sheriff's office ..... the cost of this "protection", and honoring their commitments to the "thin blue line".... were simply the lives of two Cocoa teenagers.
Appreciating Being Black In America
Many have insisted, to include "street judge" Sheriff Ivey, that if the young men would have merely obeyed Deputy Santiago-Miranda's instructions - they would be alive today. However, Sincere and Angelo had one problem - a problem that if you don't personally have - is extremely difficult to appreciate .... their problem - they were black men (teenagers).
It may be easy for some, to seek comfort within their belief, that regardless of skin color, Sincere and Angelo would be alive today, if they would have cooperated with Deputy Santiago-Miranda's instructions to stop the car. Then again, anyone with a television, or a social media account, probably has seen the nearly nine (9) minute video of George Floyd's in-custody death (murder, in the opinion of many), while in handcuffs, and under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. In the OPINION of many - Floyd "cooperated" himself right into his grave.
Many, if not most African-Americans - are keenly aware of a very important fact - cooperation with the police doesn't necessarily assure a safe contact with the police.
Systemic Racism Within Law Enforcement
Floyd's in-custody murder awoke not only this nation, but the entire world, to a new appreciation regarding the high level of violence and racism that exist within America's policing agencies.
The stinging facts are - that many American law enforcement agencies suffer from systemic racism. Problem is - that much like an alcoholic, that can't appreciate his / her own alcoholism - most policing agencies under-appreciate, or simply choose to ignore, the level of racism that exists within their ranks.
Then there are the law enforcement agencies, where racism has embedded itself within the command ranks. Within these agencies, there is usually an attempt to hide these racist views within the dark shadows of partisan politics. Partisan politics, like racism, has no legitimate purpose within honest law enforcement. Elected, or politically appointed law enforcement officials, once elected or appointed - should avoid participation in partisan political matters, in order to establish the predicate that all citizens - regardless of political affiliation can expect equal treatment under the law.
Those elected or politically appointed law enforcement officials that continue to expouse their partisan affiliations beyond an election cycle, usually do so, in furtherance of their shadow agendas.
U.S. President John Adams once said - “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
FDLE Resident Agent In Charge Jason Kriegsman (Brevard & Volusia counties) has a similar financial conflict of interest, as did FDLE Special Agent Supervisor, Daniel Warren in his investigation into the 2018 in custody death of combat medic Gregory Edwards within the Brevard County jail. They both operated private, and for profit police training businesses.
Based on an unrelated 2018 FDLE investigation out of Volusia County, FDLE Agent Kriegsman is the listed FDLE Resident Agent In Charge (RAC) for both Brevard and Volusia counties. Therefore, RAC Kriegsman would supervise any FDLE investigations coming out of those two counties.
Here is the rub. According to Valor Law Enforcement Group's website, operated by Agent Kriegsman - the BCSO is a Valor client. In short, Valor provides law enforcement training to BCSO deputies. While this publication is unaware of what particular training Valor has provided to the BCSO - imagine for a moment that it may involve discretionary shooting training. Therefore, could any training Deputy Santiago-Miranda recieved from Valor have entanglements to the Cocoa shooting investigation?
As published within the Valor Law Enforcement Group's Website
Could (does) the financial connections between Valor and the BCSO call into question the veracity of any investigation that is supervised by RAC Kriegsman? We submit that it does.
Within a January 6, 2012 OPEN LETTER to FDLE's public information officer, Gretl Plessinger - this publication submitted our concerns - questioning whether FDLE may have a conflict of interest, or at the very least, the appearance of a conflict of interest - that may bring into question the over-all veracity of FDLE.
To Plessinger's credit - she did provide a quick response to our OPEN LETTER - confirming RAC Kriegsman's involvement with Valor (see below right)
In the end - our guess is - that unlike U.S. President John Adams, FDLE will ignore any facts or evidence that assigns blame to the BCSO - because doing such will place long established financial contracts at risk, and throw a conservative GOP sheriff under the bus for probable negligent retention - and for what - just to give the family members of two black kids the justice and peace that they deserve....... and liberty and justice for all.... with the exception of Brevard County, Florida.....
Stand by to stand by... there is surely more to come of this..... you better bee-lieve it !
Good afternoon Volusia Exposed,
Special Agent Supervisor Jason Kriegsman does have a law enforcement training business and offers training to law enforcement officers throughout Central Florida. Gretl
We look forward to your comments on this situation. Drop us a line to let us know what you think. EMAIL US