Drugs And The Badge

Volusia County Sheriff Deputy Walks Off The Job Over Drug Test

February 9, 2015
"ALCOHOL - the cause and solution to all of life's problems" - Homer Simpson

Deputy Ralph Cerulli Quits Over His Refusal To Take Second Drug Test

A recently completed Volusia County Sheriff Department investigation supports that Deputy Ralph Cerulli refused to comply with a lawful order to submit to a second drug test.

According to the attached VCSO report, Deputy Cerulli's first drug test came back positive. Apparently in order to rule out a false positive the doctor wanted to run a second test to either confirm or rule out the initial findings.

Johnny Paycheck
Take This Job And Shove It

VolusiaExposed.Com has secured and attached the Cerulli internal investigative report for your (our readers) review.

For us here at VolusiaExposed - the incident is what it is - in short, a deputy refused to comply with a lawful order of his supervisors.

He also apparently abandoned his post.

VCSO IA-14-026
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If you found this article to be thought provoking, we (VolusiaExposed.Com) invite you to review, the below linked, Special Investigative Report, exposing law enforcement corruption with the State of Florida.


by Matthew Doig and Anthony Cormier
Tarnished badge, flawed system
Police unions / political clout
Predator in uniform?
What the personnel files reveal
Problems and solutions
Flagrant abuses invite little scrutiny
Problem officers still find work
How serious offenses go unreported
Sworn to protect....their pensions
Governor investigates CJSTC
Additional concerns surrounding the
Volusia County Sheriff's Department

VCSO deputy supplies underage females with alcohol.

VCSO deputy sexually approaches female prisoner?

Sex and the Badge
Extra-martial affairs within the VCSO?

VCSO deputy engaging in sexual relationship, while on duty?

VCSO deputy attempts romantic relationship with felony suspect?

VCSO deputy sexually assaults handcuffed woman.

VCSO deputy reprimanded for domestic violence arrest

VCSO Frangiamore-Carper murder-suicide incident

We look forward to your comments on this situation.
Drop us a line to let us know what you think.