Edgewater 4th Grader Recants Allegation That Another Student Pointed A Police Officer's Gun At Her CONFLICT OF INTEREST? : Edgewater PD Sends An Involved Police Officer To Interview Complainant Student |
May 29, 2019 |
Anonymous & Confidential Source Earlier this week - VolusiaExposed.Com received an anonymous tip that a 4th grade female student at Edgewater Elementary had alleged that a 4th grade male student pointed a gun at her while on campus. In what appears to be a source document from school officials (see right of page) - the incident transpired during an May 23, 2019 "field (career) day" at Edgewater Elementary - whereas officers from the Edgewater police department (EWPD) were allowing students to examine their patrol cars. According to the allegation - the male child / student somehow gained access to a firearm within one of the patrol cars, and proceeded to point the firearm at the female child / student. According to the attached report, the female child was able to convince the male child to place the gun down. Later that same day, and upon the female student arriving home, she reported the alleged gun incident to her mother. The mother promptly reported it to the school principal - who in turn contacted Edgewater's Interim Police Chief Joe Mahoney. EWPD's Investigative Techniques IN OUR OPINION : Sgt. Pollard Should NOT Have Been Assigned To The Gun Incident Investigation As stated within the investigative report, three (3) EWPD officers participated in the "career day" events. These officers were identified as Sgt. Pollard, Sgt. Binz and Officer Curcio. The EWPD report provides confirmation that all three (3) of these officers were responsible for the security of the patrol cars' firearms. As detailed within the attached EWPD report, upon Police Chief Joe Mahoney being advised of the allegation by Edgewater Elementary School Principal Rebecca Porter - Mahoney allowed Sgt. Pollard to investigate this matter, including interviewing the subject female child. This publication is of the OPINION that due to Sgt. Pollard's connection to the "career day" event - and due to her (Pollard) responsibilities of insuring that the weapons were secured within the patrol cars - that Pollard's assignment to investigate this matter was an ethical conflict of interest - pure and simple. It is of significance - that within the EWPD report, it states that once the female child's parents advised her that "Sgt. Pollard" was on her way to their house to interview her regarding the allegation - that the child's demeanor changed - and she recanted the allegation. In our OPINION, it is extremely difficult for the average adult to file a true complaint against a law enforcement officer - and then not to have that very same adult recant the complaint allegation - upon discovering that the subject officer has been placed in charge of investigating the complaint. Given the same set of circumstances - should we really expect that a 10 (ten) year old child would negotiate this apparent act of intimidation any better than an adult? |
Anonymous & Confidential Source Information Click Below To Open As A PDF Document ![]() ---------- VolusiaExposed.Com's Public Record Request Click Below To Open As A PDF Document ![]() ---------- Edgewater PD's Police Incident Report Click Below To Open As A PDF Document ![]() In Order To Protect The Identities Of The Juvenile Students - VolusiaExposed.Com Further Redacted The Identities & Home Addresses Of The Parents We (VolusiaExposed) Also Incorporated Some Hand Written Commentary Within The Above Report ---------- |
Therefore, this publication must question whether an inappropriate law enforcement agenda existed, which influenced the assignment of Sgt. Pollard to the gun incident investigation?
And Sometimes - Police Back Up Hand Guns - Can Be Found Underneath Patrol Cars' Laptops It was of investigative importance to this publication - that EWPD concluded their "investigation" on the very day - in fact, within hours of the alleged gun incident - with a finding that the female child had made a false report. However, in a document that appears connected to the administration of the elementary school - the school's report memorializes that initially the "officers did not report this (alleged gun incident) to administration" - nor does the school report indicate that the incident was a "false report". Why would the school have expected the officers to report anything to the administration - afterall how could the officers be expected to report something that allegedly never transpired? The above examples are not the only law enforcement "loose ends" that stick out - one loose end that cries for the attention of any competent law enforcement investigator is - why wasn't the male child interviewed by Sgt. Pollard? The EWPD report supports that the male child was NOT interviewed by Sgt. Pollard. Now imagine if the male child had been interviewed - and he had admitted to pointing the firearm at the other child. Wouldn't that admisson of guilt have placed the three (3) EWPD officers in their very own vat of hot water? Yes, the female child would still have lied - the only question would have been was she lying about her allegation, or was she lying about recanting the allegation? Another Lt. Columbo moment occurred when the EWPD report only denies that the male child did not gain access to "any of the officer's rifles". The report doesn't even discuss handguns - why not? The report documents that the female child stated that the male child "picked up a firearm from underneath the computer" from within the patrol car. Question: Is it even possible to hide or store a rifle underneath the patrol car's computer / laptop? Given the above - this publication suspects that the male child found a hand gun (not a rifle) underneath the patrol car's computer and proceeded to point it at the female child. A hand gun the officers had forgotten about - but that became highly prized eye candy for a ten (10) year old school boy. Sadly, we further suspect that the handgun was loaded - and the female child is very lucky to be alive. Given the serious nature of this allegation, coupled with several incidents of school gun violence across the nation over the past two decades, this publication felt that in order to insure the public safety, we had an obligation to immediately share this media tip with other more mainstream media outlets. We did so. Lastly, we invite you - our reader, to review our letter, and public record request to the EWPD. Stand by to stand by ..... there is surely more to come of this.... We look forward to your comments on this situation. Drop us a line to let us know what you think. ![]() EMAIL US ![]() "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth". ~ Oscar Wilde |