Daytona Beach Police Lieutenant Issued
Written Reprimand Over Sexually Suggestive Text Message

"How About Drinks And Great Sex? Lol." ~ DBPD Lt. James Brodick
(see page 36 of the below attached investigative packet)

March 20, 2018
"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." - Mahatma Gandhi

Daytona Beach PD recently completed a nine (9) month internal investigation regarding sexual harassment allegations lodged against Lt. James Brodick.

Upon our (VolusiaExposed.Com) review of the attached forty-one (41) page investigative packet, AND after speaking with DBPD Police Sgt. Kelsey Harris - it would appear that the official finding by DBPD is that Lt. Brodick did NOT engage in sexual harassment - but merely made one inappropriate sexually suggestive statement - "How About Drinks And Great Sex? Lol" (see page 36 of the 41 page report).

It is noted that on page thirty-eight (38) of the investigative report that the recipient of the sexually suggestive text described it as "inappropriate and unwelcomed".

Click On Below Image
To Download A COMPLETE PDF Copy Of The Investigative Report
(large file - allow time for downloading)

Sexual Harassment - Is It A Moral Character Violation?

Here is our (VolusiaExposed.Com) question - Does an unwelcomed sexually suggestive text to a subordinate - by definition - equate to sexual harassment? We think it does - regardless if the recipient was offended or not. Why - because we suspect that other DBPD officers will read this investigative report and BE OFFENDED by Lt. Brodick's inappropriate sexually suggestive comment (text). These other officers will be left wondering if they too must be un-offended - if and when - Lt. Brodick sends them a text message. That's our opinion on the subject - please review the investigative report and form your own opinion.

While the attached CJSTC 78 form (see page 1 of the report) indicates that DBPD only sustained a violation of DBPD policies - VolusiaExposed.Com questions whether Lt. Brodick's conduct was an actual violation of Florida's moral character standards for law enforcement officers (Florida Administrative Code 11B-27.0011 - particular attention to page 2)? Afterall - per our understanding of the DBPD investigative report - it concludes that an inappropriate - unwelcomed - and sexual in nature text was sent by Lt. Brodick to a subordinate (Read FAC 11B-27.0011's - definition of Sexual Harassment).

Law enforcement moral character violations are reviewed and processed by Florida's Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC). Officers routinely have their law enforcement certifications suspended or revoked by the CJSTC for violations of moral character standards. Fortunately for Lt. Brodick - since his department did not check the box on his CJSTC 78 form sustaining a moral character violation (FAC 11B-27.0011) - no CJSTC case will be opened on him. The CJSTC does not get involved in mere agency policy violations.

Authorized Redactions To Public Record?

Our readers will note - that DBPD heavily redacted the investigative report. We (VolusiaExposed.Com) are of the opinion (suspicion) that many of these redactions are not legal redactions as per Florida Statutes Chapter 119 - nor did DBPD claim any statutory exemptions - as is required, (F.S. 119) when they apply redactions to a public record. (Our OPINION - not necessarily a statement of legal fact)

Per email records - VolusiaExposed.Com paid nearly fifty dollars for the redacted record - with approximately forty dollars of that cost being attached to the redaction of the report.

Since DBPD did not in our OPINION legally redact (applying statutory exemptions) this public record - we are left wondering if DBPD properly processed and investigated the allegations lodged against Lt. Brodick?

UPDATE: On March 20, 2018 - the DBPD provided us with an amended copy of the internal affairs report. This amended report appears to have resolved our above concerns regarding redactions.

Lt. Brodick's BradyCop Status

This incident is not Lt. Brodick's first misconduct rodeo - in 2016 VolusiaExposed.Com gave him a square on our BradyCops Page. Per a DBPD IA report - Lt. Brodick was involved in a non-probable cause arrest centering on a civil disagreement between himself and his automobile mechanic.

Our Final Thoughts / Opinion

Hopefully DBPD is using much better investigative skills in their attempt to identify the Daytona Serial Killer - than they used during this nine (9) month Brodick investigation.

Stand by to stand by - there is surely more to come of this......

We look forward to your comments on this situation.
Drop us a line to let us know what you think.