Governor DeSantis Appoints Sheriff Ivey's Top Legal Counsel To The Bench Political Patronage Trumps Professional Abilities |
December 5, 2024 |
As Gomer Pyle would have said - "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise" - yesterday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appointed Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey's top legal counsel, Laura Moody - as the 18th Judicial Circuit's newest Circuit Court judge. (see governor's press release ==>>) |
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While PFC Pyle would have been "surprised", this publication certainly was not caught by surprise. In fact, two months ago - we predicted that Moody would secure this political appointment (see below text).
NOW, for our next prediction - from now on, anytime the Brevard County Sheriff Office (BCSO) finds themselves between a "rock and a hard place" - Circuit Court Judge Laura Moody will be Sheriff Ivy's "go to girl" in securing the judicial rulings that he will need to avoid being crushed by the "rock" (AKA ~ "the truth") Within her judicial application (click here - read question 34 from application) - judicial applicant Moody was asked "if there are certain types of cases, groups of entities, or extended relationships or associations which would limit the cases for which you could sit as the presiding judge. Please list all types or classifications of cases or litigants for which you, as a general proposition, believe it would be difficult for you to sit as the presiding judge. Indicate the reason for each situation as to why you believe you might be in conflict. If you have prior judicial experience, describe the types of cases from which you have recused yourself". - Moody replied "NONE". We got a "nickel, that will get you a dime" - that Moody will recuse herself from cases and defendants that she has previously prosecuted - but she will see no conflicts of interest in being the trial judge on any future BCSO prosecutions. For any criminal defendant that is arrested by the BCSO - and your case is assigned to Judge Moody - we highly recommend that you immediately request her judicial recusal (after-all, not only did she work for the sheriff, but she is also a former prosecutor). If she refuses to recuse herself - then demand that she place her hand over her heart, and recite the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance. one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Come next election cycle (2026) - Moody will have to run a re-election campaign - should any other candidate have the intestinal fortitude to run against her. Given the politics of Brevard County - Sheriff Ivey will probably again encourage members of the local legal community not to mount an election campaign against "his girl". (see below media articles) TampaBay.Com August 10, 2022 Florida sheriff accused of pressuring candidates to drop races, endorse his picks Hopefully, someone within the local legal community will run against Judge Moody - and again send a clear message to Sheriff Ivey to "pound sand" - that it's the local electorate, and not him, that selects Brevard's judges. (see below media articles) November 8, 2022 FloridaToday.Com Despite Sheriff Wayne Ivey's Opposition Musselman topples Torpy in race for County Court Judge Group 4 Such is how "justice" is dispensed within Brevard County, Florida. Good luck Brevard County - you are certainly going to need it ! |
On September 11, 2024 - VolusiaExposed.Com attended, and video recorded, the vetting / interview process of Florida's 18th Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC). The 18th JNC interviewed thirteen (13) qualified candidates in order to fill the judicial vacancy caused by the retirement of Circuit Judge Nancy Maloney. VolusiaExposed wishes to extend our thanks to all of the 18th JNC members , they were all very professional and approachable. The JNC narrowed the list of judicial applicants to six (6) qualified judicial nominees. These nominees' were forwarded to Governor DeSantis for his final selection and appointment. (see right of web page) ---> As per Florida's Constitution, the appointee must run for re-election during the next election cycle, should he / she receive a challenger for the judicial seat. |
Based on what was heard, and what was discussed during the interview process, all of the nominees are qualified to serve as Brevard / Seminole newest circuit court judge. We invite our readers to review the video interviews of the nominees, as well as the nominees' redacted applications (see below videos).
Given the politics of Brevard County, neither the JNC , or Governor DeSantis, will be choosing this newest Circuit Court judge. In reality, this back door political selection has already been made by the "King maker" of Brevard County - the one and only - Sheriff Wayne "Lying" Ivey. Sheriff Ivey - a known liar (more on this shortly) - has a rather long history of "interfering" / "influencing" local politics - including judicial decisions, appointments, and elections. (see below linked article - as a supportive example) August 3,2022 FloridaToday.Com Judge candidate says Ivey offered to help secure appointment if she dropped out of race Given that Judicial Nominee Laura Moody is Sheriff Ivey's current Chief Legal Counsel, Moody is likely to secure this gubernatorial appointment. Then again, Ivey and DeSantis may go for a "twofer" - by appointing County Judge Aaron Peacock to the Circuit Court bench - and then appointing Moody to Peacock's open County Court seat. Either way - politics says, this appointment will go to either Moody or Peacock. In our OPINION - all four - Moody, Peacock, Ivey and DeSantis have the ethics that God gave to rattlesnakes. (we apologize, in advance, to all rattlesnakes - see the below related article). When Florida sheriffs can legally lie - "however false, malicious, or badly motivated the words may be," - what does that say about the over-all credibility of our local justice system? August 29, 2024 FloridaToday.Com Judge throws out 'Wheel of Fugitive' defamation case against Wayne Ivey |
Fowler's Redacted Application |
Peacock's Redacted Application |
Peters' Redacted Application |
Rivera's Redacted Application |
Moody's Redacted Application |
Templeton's Redacted Application |
FULL DISCLOSURE: The above applications were self-redacted by the nominees. Some of these files are very large and will take additional time to download.
The staff at VolusiaExposed.Com wishes the nominees the best of luck in the selection process. We will notify our readers of "Lying" Ivey's, - oh, um, we mean Governor DeSantis' choice, when that information becomes available. If you are so inclined, email Governor DeSantis' staff with your suggestions and input regarding the nominees. |