Did Gary Davidson, the VCSO Public Information Officer do a Flip Flop on whether he will Debate, Challenge or Respond to VolusiaExposed's concerns regarding the VCSO?

Mr. Davidson - tear down this wall of silence and deal with the real questions.

May 28, 2011
"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall"- U.S. President, Ronald Reagan

Recently VolusiaExposed.Com attempted to contact VCSO Public Information Officer, Gary Davidson on whether the death investigation on Volusia County Jail Inmate Heidi Wooley was complete. VolusiaExposed.Com has made a public records request for the investigative documents surrounding Ms. Wooley's March 2011 in-custody death.

On May 16 and May 23 2011, VolusiaExposed.Com sent two short emails to Mr. Davidson requesting whether the Wooley investigation was complete.

Click here to review the May 16th and May 23, 2011 (morning) emails to Mr. Davidson

For some unknown reason, Mr. Davidson failed to respond to these emails. On May 23, 2011 VolusiaExposed.Com sent another email to Mr. Davidson in which we express our concerns that he had not responded to our earlier emails. We also requested again the status of the Wooley investigation.

Click here to read VolusiaExposed's May 23, 2011 afternoon email to Mr. Davidson

On May 24, 2011 VolusiaExposed.Com received the below email response from Mr. Davidson. VolusiaExposed.Com hold the opinion that Mr. Davidson Debated, Challenged and Responded to some of the information and questions posted by VolusiaExposed.Com. In a May 26, 2011 email, Mr. Davidson states that he will not address many of our concerns because he will no debate, challenge or respond to VolusiaExposed.Com. We leave it to you, our readers, to review Mr. Davidson's email and make your own conclusion whether Mr. Davidson was responding to information posted on VolusiaExposed.Com.

Click here to review Mr. Davidson's May 24, 2011 email

VolusiaExposed.Com sent the following May 26, 2011 response to Mr. Davidson requesting him to challenge, debate and respond to our concerns on several matters within the Volusia County Sheriff Department.

VolusiaExposed.Com's May 26, 2011 email to Mr. Davidson.

Mr Davidson immediately responded with the below email. Although, Mr. Davidson has advised VolusiaExposed.Com that he will NOT challenge, debate or respond to the opinions as expressed on VolusiaExposed.Com - he has in the past done so, and we suspect that he will in the future. However, Mr. Davidson appears to desire to cherrypick what he will challenge, debate or respond to.

Mr. Davidson's May 26, 2011 email response

Mr. Davidson, if you wish to challenge VolusiaExposed.Com, please challenge us on things that matter, not whether we offended you over an email, or posted that the VCSO has removed an URl (that in fact VCSO had removed, but moved to another URL). Respond to us on the discrepancies in the jail deaths, respond to us on the discrepancies / concerns in the Osowski incident, respond to us in regards to discrepancies in the Willard investigation.

Mr. Davidson, if you wish have Volusia County IT investigate what happen to those emails (May 16 and May 23) - if memory serve, it not the first time County IT has lost information - if you wish we can provide documentation on this regarding an incident that transpired years ago. (Wyckoff incident). We rather you spend you time researching - What happened to Tracy Veira? - What happened to Muriel Comeau? - What happened to Heidi Wooley? - and other matters as listed in the below web link.

Click here to review possible problems within the VCSO

The VCSO finishes their search for our lost May 16 and May 23 emails -- VCSO found them in their spam filter.

Click here -- VCSO report regarding our missing emails