Has the State Attorney visited our website?
Will our concerns be investigated?

June 3, 2010
“Justice is like a train that is nearly always late”- Poet,Yevgeny Yevtushenko

A check of our rather extensive internet traffic has revealed that either someone at the Florida Supreme Court or the Seventh Judicial Circuit visited our website on May 24, 2010. We hope this is an indication that the local State Attorney has decided to investigation our concerns, as recently detailed on our website and in our April 12, 2010 letter to the State Attorney.

Also as an update - Records tend to support that on June 1, 2010 -- VolusiaExposed.Com was visited by the Volusia County Sheriff Department.
Hi guys - how about getting off those computers and investigating those two inmate deaths (2006 Nelson) (2009 Veira). After all, in 1993, Assistant State Attorney Smith stated that the community has a right to have such matters aired.

However, regardless, it is now memorialized in both by our letter and now their visit to our web site that the local State Attorney is keenly aware of our concerns. (And now the VCSO is also keenly aware) We hope that they act accordingly and protect the lives and futures of the citizens they are sworn to protect. We here at VolusiaExposed.Com will keep our readers posted.

It is extremely important that we thank our readers for their assistance in attempting to have these matters properly investigated. Please continue to contact your local officials and demand that the matters detailed on VolusiaExposed.Com be PROPERLY investigated. The contact information /links are available on our main page. Please also consider using your voice to request that the newly formed Grand Jury on Public Corruption be assigned to review our concerns. This link is also available on our main page.

Apparently, the boys in green (VCSO) visited our website again today (June 3, 2010) - from their web traffic they appear to be interested in the Beach Patrol Sex Scandal -- HEY VCSO, take a gander at the Volusia jail inmate deaths !