Does the 7th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission have an ethical problem similar and related to the Daytona State College accreditation situation?
Updated May 16 2011
"Justice is open to everyone in the same way as the Ritz Hotel."- Judge Sturgess
Recently, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, one of the agencies that awards college accreditation, questioned the outside influences of local business man Mori Hosseini on the day to day operations of Daytona State College.
Has this college accreditation body given the Volusia County citizens a wake up call about other political bodies that might be experiencing unfair influences?
Was Mr. Hossieni's assistance sought by a Seventh Circuit Judicial Nominating Commissioner in securing the Florida Governor's nomination of a particular judicial candidate?
We ask you to review the below documents and web links and make your own conclusions.
Did JNC Commissioner Jolley send an email requesting the assistance of Mori Hosseini in the appointment of a particular judicial candidate? (see below link to Jolley's email). Click here -JNC Commissioner Jolley's email.
Due to the above concerns regarding JNC Commissioner Jolley's email a group of citizens filed a complaint to the Judicial Nominating Commission. (please see the below supportive documents regarding this complaint).
After reading the above, if you are left with any doubts that political cronyism is alive and well within Volusia County, might we suggest reading an email that judicial candidate Nancye Jones wrote on October 27, 2010. Did Nancye Jones state that she was going to use the influences of an ex-Florida Supreme Court Justice to persuade the governor's appointment?
Apparently political favor begets political favor -- otherwise known as "Quid Pro Quo" -- maybe that explains how an Eastside judge got assigned to a Westside traffic infraction case involving the son of a high ranking member of the Volusia County Sheriff Department?
Lastly, we invite you to read our webpage regarding Assistant County Attorney Nancye Jones' attempts to become a Seventh Circuit Court Judge -- is this in the best interest of the citizens of Volusia County?