Why would FDLE be willing to investigate a Santa Rosa County jail suicide, but unwilling to investigate our concerns of falsified reports / law enforcement case manipulation involving deathS at the Volusia County Jail?
Updated July 16, 2010
“Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power.”- Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman
Why will the Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigate an apparent Santa Rosa County jail suicide, but will NOT investigate our concerns surrounding the Inmate Nelson or Inmate Veira deaths at the Volusia County Jail?
Is it because FDLE already knows that the Santa Rosa County Jail death is in fact a simple jail suicide - therefore there are no embarrassing facts to uncover?
We have uncovered several documents in the Volusia County Jail deaths that tend to support that there were false reports filed by correctional officers. Further, these documents call into question whether the law enforcement investigation into these deaths were influenced by government officials to avoid any attachment of civil liability to Volusia County.
We have ask the Governor's officer to instruct FDLE to investigate the Volusia County deaths, but so far to no avail. Please see our most recent email to Mr. Atkinson, the Governor's legal advisor.
We invite all of our readers to encourage Governor Crist to instruct FDLE to investigate the events surrounding the Volusia County Jail deaths. Please email Mr. Atkinson and let him know what you think.
So far, it appear appropriate for FDLE to investigate the events surrounding an inmate collapsing on a recreation yard and another inmate's apparent suicide. Why is it not appropriate for FDLE to investigate the Volusia County Jail deaths?