CJSTC denies that they have the authority to investigate allegations of corruption within law enforcement and correctional agencies.

VolusiaExposed.Com holds the position that Florida Statutes does give the CJSTC the authority to investigate agency corruption.

We invite you to decide for yourself

April 11, 2012
"Beware the fury of a patient man"- Poet, John Dryden

R. Stacy Lehman, a Training and Research Manager and Professional Compliance officer with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, recently sent VolusiaExposed.Com the below email. Within this email, Mr. Lehman states that the CJSTC does NOT investigate complaints of corruption against law enforcement and / or correctional agencies.

Mr. Lehman's email to VolusiaExposed.Com

We invite you to review F.S. 943.1395(6) - a copy of it has been provided over to the right of your computer screen. Notice, how the statute gives the commission (Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission - CJSTC) the authority to investigate "verifiable complaints". Now ask yourself, why would Mr. Lehman advise us in his above listed email that, the "CJSTC does not conduct investigations"?

Does this mean that FDLE, the State's leading law enforcement agency, is not following Florida Statutes?

How's your faith in the FDLE and the CJSTC?

This is the agency that we trust to keep corruption out of our law enforcement and correctional agencies.

This is the agency that is heavily involved in resolving the Trayvon Martin situation.

Do you really think, they are living up to their reputation, or our (citizens) expectations?

The commission shall revoke the certification of any officer who is not in compliance with the provisions of s. 943.13(4) or who intentionally executes a false affidavit established in s. 943.13(8), s. 943.133(2), or s. 943.139(2). (a) The commission shall cause to be investigated any ground for revocation from the employing agency pursuant to 943.139 or from the Governor, and the commission may investigate verifiable complaints. Any investigation initiated by the commission pursuant to this section must be completed within 6 months after receipt of the completed report of the disciplinary or internal affairs investigation from the employing agency or Governor's office. A verifiable complaint shall be completed within 1 year after receipt of the complaint. An investigation shall be considered completed upon a finding by a probable cause panel of the commission. These time periods shall be tolled during the appeal of a termination or other disciplinary action through the administrative or judicial process or during the period of any criminal prosecution of the officer.

Click here to review complete copy of F.S. 943.1395

If you had interest in the above article, we invite you to review the below articles.

FDLE / CJSTC's practices over rule Florida Statutes and Administrative Codes

The Trayvon Martin investigation and the FDLE - failure from the start, failure to the end.