Did the Jacksonville Sheriff Office cover-up the events that lead to the death of William Merrifield?

Is this in-custody connected death, just another example of why Florida jails can NOT be allowed to self inspect each other?

Should Florida return to the FAC 33-8 system of jail inspections / investigations, putting an end to the current dysfunctional FMJS system?

February 23, 2012
"No man suffers injustice without learning, vaguely but surely, what justice is."- Isaac Rosenfeld

VolusiaExposed invites our readers to review the events / evidence that are attached to the 2009 death of Mr. William Merrifield.

Mr. Merrifield died shortly after being booked into the Jacksonville jail. His family (along with VolusiaExposed) has concerns that his death was the result of the jail's failure to provide proper and timely medical treatment to Mr. Merrifield.

We believe that no one can explain the events of Mr. Merrifield's treatment (or lack therefore), better than his daughter, Kerrie Merrifield. Therefore, we suggest that our readers view Kerrie's below YouTube video, and review the documents she has supplied to VolusiaExposed.Com.

Merrifield Documents 1 of 3

Merrifield Documents 2 of 3

Merrifield Documents 3 of 3

Merrifield Lawsuit

The family can be contacted via email at : Kerrietheshopper@gmail.com Action News Jacksonville's Video report on the Mr. Merrifield's death

VolusiaExposed.Com has, in the past, expressed concerns that the current (since 1996) jail inspection and investigative process (Florida Model Jail Standards - FMJS) is seriously flawed and basically ineffective. We believe that, in order to avoid and prevent such needless deaths, as was Mr. Merrifield's death, Florida MUST revert back to the independent jail inspection system, as was defined in Florida Administrative Code 33-8 (FAC 33-8).

We invite you to review the below linked web page, which defines our particular concerns, regarding Florida's current ineffective jail inspection process.
FAC 33-8 inspection process vs. the current Florida Model Jail Standards (FMJS) inspection process.

Below are some other examples of in-custody deaths, that were most likely preventable, if Florida had an effectual jail inspection / investigative process.

Nick Christie - Lee County

Tracy Veira - Volusia County

Heidi Wooley - Volusia County