Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey Law Enforcement's Clown & Carnival Barker |
It's really just this simple.... the police will lie - and when they do - they must be challenged and corrected. Law Enforcement's Clown & Carnival Barker Recently, Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey posted a statement to the BCSO's official Facebook account. This statement was shortly thereafter posted to SpaceCoastDaily.Com under the caption "Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey Stands Up for Law Enforcement in the United States" (Ivey's entire statement can be viewed within this article - see right of this page - directly below our video presentation --> ) We (VolusiaExposed.Com) felt an obligation to challenge, and correct some of the fallacies within Ivey's comments. In order to have a full appreciation of this article - we would suggest that our readers first review Ivey's statement - and also our five (5) minute video presentation. And - "NO" we are not attempting to inspire a "riot" within this video. Rather, we are inquirying whether State and local officials themselves, desire to spark a riot - especially given recent events, including the passage of the so called "anti-riot law". Get Stuck On Stupid In our "OPINION" this new law has a rather long list of adjectives that can be used to describe it. Vague, retaliatory, weaponized, and unconstitutional are just a few examples. We agree with Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood - this new anti-riot" law will face a Supreme Court review. During a recent press conference (see minutes 25:45) - Governor DeSantis praised Sheriff Ivey's involvement in crafting the sixty-one (61) page bill that with DeSantis' signature transitioned into law. Within Ivey's Facebook comments he voiced - that it is time to "stop caving to political correctness". Apparently, Sheriff Ivey, Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature would prefer to cave into "political INcorrectness - by developing a law that many from both political parties see as "unconstitutional". Ivey must not be a knowledgable student of American history. Thoughout the last two hundred and forty (240) years - there is surely one way to stir up Americans - and that is to violate, or attempt to restrict, their constitutional rights. Different Names Tinpot Despots the likes of Ivey and DeSantis are nothing new to Americana. In the 1960s - both Birmingham, Alabama Police Chief "Bull" Conner and Alabama Governor George Wallace shared what then equated to Sheriff Ivey's position about "caving into politcal correctness" - as both Wallace and Conner battled the ever approaching, and unstoppable march of the U.S. Civil Rights movement. Both Conner and Wallace were eventually tossed into the dust bin of American history. As America continues it's tumble into the 21st century - and as Brevard County focuses on colonizing Mars - we anticipate that both Ivey and DeSantis will merely be just two skid marks on Florida's underpants. Favor The Protestors During the 1955-56 Montgomery, Alabama bus strike (Rosa Parks) - Blacks under the instructions of Rev. Martin L. King, Jr (MLK). boycotted the city's segregated buses. Soon, the city was hemorrhaging money - because the blacks were not riding the buses. City businesses were also suffering from the boycott. City leaders developed "special laws" (lets call them anti-bus boycott laws) in an attempt to break the boycott. MLK and many others turned themselves into the police for violating these new laws - totally filling up the Montgomery jail - which created a national media event. Well - with the "enforcement" of those new laws - the bus boycott gained the national attention it needed to move forward. Again, that was in the 1950s - prior to the Internet - and the twenty-four hour news cycle of the 21st century Due to the national media attention - the financial strain to the city - and federal court involvement - Montgomery city leaders finally decided it was best to become "politically correct" - and they desegregated the buses. The U.S. Federal Authorities Since Sheriff Ivey was heavily involved in the creation of these new "anti-riot" laws - it is very likely that Brevard County will become "ground zero" for the testing of the constitutionality of these "laws". Thus, thanks to Gov. DeSantis' new law - as was in Montgomery, AL - there is likely to be some federal court involvement within Viera, Florida. Let's not forget - that Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump has also requested a federal investigation into the Brevard Sheriff's Office regarding some recent deaths of black men - under the heels or guns of BCSO deputies. Coupling the two together (new FL. law & questionable deaths) - and adding to that heap - the overall importance of Brevard to national security (NASA, Port, etc.)- yeah - Veira should probably prepare for an "MIB" invasion. All tinpot despots, and all other "scum of the universe" may soon have a reckoning coming their way. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Given The Below Pictures Republican Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey May Have Some "Closet" Liberal Leanings? ![]() ![]() (BTW - Girl ! - we just love the dress - but honey, that's just too much make-up ...and sugar, buy yourself a nice set of PEARLS !) |
Since Sheriff Ivey can re-visit the 1980s within his Facebook post - surrounding a comment made by U.S. President Ronald Reagan - surely VolusiaExposed.Com can take Brevard residents on a short tour of Colonial America - examining what some of our founding fathers DID (see our video presentation). Anyone that grew up in 1950s-1970s America - will remember the television series "Dragnet". LAPD Sgt. Joe Friday (played by actor Jack Webb) and his partner Officer Bill Gannon (played by actor Harry Morgan) both expounded on the virtues of honest law enforcement. Ivey may wish to take to heart - Sgt. Friday's commonly used phrase - "just the facts ma'am". Why - because Ivey's Facebook diatribe allege that former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin somehow "single-handedly tarnished the badge of many thousands of honorable law enforcement officers across our great nation!". The facts are - that three other Minneapolis police officers (Kueng, Lane & Thao) have been criminally charged as being Chauvin's co-defendants in the murder of George Floyd. Comments Directed To Sheriff Ivey No - Sheriff Ivey - George Floyd's murder was not "single-handed", nor, a rare event - as you well know. The spirits of Gregory Edwards, Clarence Howard, Sincere Pierce, and AJ Crooms still wander within the night breezes of Brevard County - seeking the justice your agency denied them. Your insistence that Floyd's murder was a "single-handed" event - only lends a hand - in the forwarding of that old and false police narrative - that there are "only a few bad apples" within law enforcement. You sir, in our "OPINION" - are the purveyor of the sourest bunch of apple cider piss water currently available within American law enforcement. Bravo - on your ability to inebriate most of Brevard County with your cider of lies and alleged patriotism. For the few - but growing number of people - that have not been seduced by your cider - we know your true motivations and intentions. With that knowledge, and armed with only the truth, and the night breezes of Brevard - we intend to detox Central Florida of your toxic brew. RELEASE THE KRAKEN (Start The U.S. Department of Justice Investigation Into The BCSO)!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38AYeNGjqg0 Sheriff Ivey, you have been known to dress "like a lady" (see pictures and narrative - upper right of page) in your alleged support of women's issues. Therefore, and somewhat sarcastically, we make the following public statement to you - "Just the facts ma'am - just the freaking facts". THE GANG BANGING OF LADY JUSTICE Two Proverbial Rapists - With Their Knees On The Neck Of Their Victim First - the BCSO's self-investigation of Edward's in-custody death defies logic. For transparency reasons - shouldn't the Florida Department of Law Enforcement have been the lead investigating agency regarding an in-custody death involving several BCSO deputies? We believe that was Ivey giving Lady Justice a slight push backwards. VOLUSIAEXPOSED.COM DECEMBER 10, 2020 Suggest Reading All Linked And Incorporated Articles - As Listed Within This Linked Article Second - Ivey then - back handed Lady Justice directly across her face - when he refused to publicly release the jail surveillance video attached to Edwards' death investigation. Kudos to local newspaper - FloridaToday.Com- for filing a lawsuit against the BCSO - eventually forcing Ivey to release the jail surveillance video. Third - Ivey was not yet done with his abuse of Lady Justice - he grabbed her by the back of her hair - bent her over - and violently raped her - when in June 2020 Mrs. Edwards' 18 month old son accidently drowned (per medical examiner) in the family pool. Ivey penetrated Lady Justice - when he again refused to recuse the BCSO from the child's death investigation - even through the BCSO was actively involved in a lawsuit with the Edwards family - over the in-custody death of Mr. Edwards. Local State Attorney Phil Archer became Ivey's tag team gang bang partner - when in March of this year (2021) - Archer filed "aggravated manslaughter of a child" charges against Kathleen Edwards - regarding her son's accidental drowning. The two rapists took Lady Justice's bra and panties as trophies . Ivey publicly posted his trophy, as an attachment - to his agency's sixty-four page death "investigation" on the official BCSO website. We invite you to read this "investigation" in our "OPINION its more about Ivey's hurt feelings regarding Edwards' 2018 in-custody death, AND the FloridaToday.Com's lawsuit for the jail surveillance video - than it is about the Edwards child's drowning. The drowning investigation was heavily redacted (information removed) by the BCSO. However, Mrs. Edwards' medications - and their usage as mental health treatments was NOT redacted from the report. We allege that Ivey purposely failed to redact that information - in order to poison the local population - and any jury pool against Mrs. Edwards (pure and simple retaliation - it really is just that simple...). We suspect that Ivey and Archer are attempting to drive Mrs. Edwards into a self harming event - hoping by doing so - it may bring to an end - any civil litigation against the BCSO regarding Mr. Edwards' in-custody death. In short, Ivey - like former Officer Chauvin - has placed his proverbial knee squarely on to Mrs. Edwards proverbial neck - telling her to relax - as he slowly increases the pressure against her neck. We suspect that Archer - Ivey's gang bang partner in the rape of Lady Justice - will most probably - over the next few week - assist Ivey by increasing the pressure against Mrs. Edwards' neck. Should Mrs. Edwards refuse to accept a plea bargain - Archer will increase the criminal charge - probably to first degree murder (Our OPINION). We reached out to Lady Justice - she is pregnant. Apparently, either Ivey or Archer is the father of the child. Lady Justice advised us she intends to name the baby - "Riot". We attempted to convince Lady Justice to name the child "Peace" - but she replied - without justice - there can be no peace. We waved good bye to Lady Justice as she boarded a plane named "American Pie" - she was flying off to New York City to visit her cousin - Lady Liberty. Before she left - we asked Lady Justice for some happy news - but she just smiled, turned away - and boarded the plane. P.S. - got a recent email from Lady Justice - she is doing better - she sent us the below media link about a corrupt North Carolina criminal prosecutor being removed from office - by average everyday women - who took the time to file the necessary paperwork with the court. ![]() Hope not only floats - but we believe it lives within the citizens of Brevard County, Florida. Take care, and stay frosty ! American Pie - by Don McLean |